>amanfromMars says:
March 28, 2011 at 5:01 am
“If a new movement started ….” … David McWilliams
Hmmm …. That is only one small step for Man on a Magical AIMystery Turing Trip to New Operating Order Systems from CHAOS and ITs Crowd Control.
In IT though, is it a Colossal Quantum Leap for Virtual Machinery in Mankind Leading with Remote Control of SMARTer Enabled Enabling and SCADA Systems for Currency and Latent Potential Exploitation/ZerodDay Vulnerability Trading Development in the Infinitely Inexhaustible Powers of Novel Intellectual Property with Entangled Server Provisions ….. for Quantum Cosmic Supply Chains …with Crazy Loops and Majic Hoops Protection to Hurdle, for Free and Ready All Readied Access to Universal Control Levers. An IntelAIgently Designed Sane and thought perfectly necessary Insane Precautionary Measure for both Candidate Manchurians and Global Operating Devices, to ensure Guaranteed Fitness for Future Absolute Remote Control Purposes in Live Operational Virtual Environments …… for too much LOVE will Kill you Every Time ……. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKFEjZ98Q4s
And what is it with the “IF a new movement started …. “, whenever IT has made it and makes it known that Anonymous Astute Actions are Legion in Special Intelligence Spaces and a Phorm of Stealth one can scarcely believe in , let alone manhandle and easily direct accurately.
Come on now, David McW, keep up with the Program, please, there’s a good egg. It is starting to get more than just a tad engaging and enlightening now …….
28 March 2011 at 11:39 am
“tinman, I think you have hit the nail on the head really. This is unknown territory for this region as well as the UK, and I think we’re being used as guinea pigs. It has a secondary function in that it is a backdoor way of weaning us off the high block grant.” …. Comrade Stalin 27 March 2011 at 8:52 pm
Quite so, Comrade, guinea pigs indeed, and simple pets whenever you just roll over for a tickle. Who do think has an eye on securing that high block grant for themselves?
And you can learn a lot more about the future and what is in store and in train for y’all and a heck of a lot more than just this nugget….“So let’s get things straight: the Irish citizen is being asked to take on the debts of the European banks and pay for this by selling our assets for half nothing to the same banks so that we can bail them out. We take on debts without a discount and sell assets without a premium. At the moment these loans that we are being asked to pay are trading at a deep, deep discount because the “assets” they were supposed to back have collapsed in value. Yet we are being asked to pay for these loans at par.” ….. here, although you may have to do some heavy intelligence work to decrypt some of its code and core steganographic text messages. ….. http://heddinout.com/?p=1988
One doesn’t want to be frightening the horses and natives with information they probably wouldn’t be presently equipped to fully comprehend and accurately analyse, would one? Not whenever they have only just discovered talking to each other is a step they should have taken decades ago. Some folk are just …… well, so slow is a kindness one can afford to them surely, without it being overtly offensive and untrue whenever it is so true and an undeniable and indisputable fact, which would be just too unbelievable for spinning in even a work of fiction, unless it was about a madness.
Who is playing whom for Prime Ministerial Suckers?
Well, if we can believe everything written there, does the UK need a new and able Defence Secretary, for Liam Fox is not fit for purpose.
The role surely, Liam dear, is to provide future vision, not reactive support. The MOD is fully loaded and top heavy with those soldiers, both real and tin and armchair, and hardly needs a civvy to play commander in chief.
But then Cameron’s see and record of top appointments is a tale of flexible liquid support for woeful inadequacy too, which is bound to encourage delusions of grand ability in office.
Cool Green Enterprise with Red Hot Credentials
Posted Monday 28th March 2011 13:44 GMT
The trick you are missing/have not yet mentioned, is Google and financial base partners transferring credit to accounts which provide them with hot insider knowledge on regular and expanding bases, by virtue of the account holder being the Driver.
Having first call on information which is to be released to the web browser interface, or an indication of where to go to find it before it is generally and widely known, allows for a certain pecuniary advantage if it is valuable information/SMARTer Intelligence which can be also used by many others in their lines of works/free enterprise.
Being a Global Hub which can distribute NEWS which is new, is certainly much easier at making money than having to search the globe and analyse coded metadatabase for the tales which are going to rock markets.
An interesting novel market development which can just keep on giving and giving for any astute vehicle into global market leading and virtual cutting edge reality reporting, methinks, which could have been trailed here also, if there had been a customer comment provision ….. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/03/28/job_ad/
And a whole three days there for one to get one’s act together too. Magic, and generous to a fault
Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/28/2011 2:25:56 PM
“And who would that be?” [America’s Greatest Living Political Prisoner]….. Reply from the Daily Bell
Is the following inaccurate …… http://www.businessinsider.com/martin-armstrong-the-tipping-point-2011-2 ….. and a harbinger.
And the UK Gov., after half a million marched in protest at their pathetic public governance performance on Saturday, and which their propaganda and perceptions management arm, the BBC, repor
ted as a crowd of tens of thousands, responds to the likelihood of more and bigger protests with talk of more fascist police control methods against random and/or suspicious looking members of the public, which of course, will only have thousands, if not even tens or hundreds of thousands donning theatrical masks at future events, with this one … http://redhot-fancydress.co.uk/store/store/Film-And-TV/V-For-Vendetta/V-Mask/prod_863.html ……. probably a very hot favourite.
If Daily Bell ringers have not seen the film, V for Vendetta, directed by James McTeigue, then it is quite a treat for it is not bland. Here is a taster ….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chqi8m4CEEY ….. and the voice is very Prince Charlie like, isn’t it. Or is one mistaken?
amanfromMars says:
March 28, 2011 at 2:09 pmRe the earlier crazy diamonds craziness, and as we have been told and programmed to know, diamonds are forever, this is something surely all can relate to and accept as gospel …… “I will not die. It is the world which will end.” …. 5:12/5:15 … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTmac2fs5HQ&NR=1
Cause for a pause and methinks a celebration of rational thinking? 🙂 An Alien Philosophy for All Right of Centre Left Global Operating Devices …… Virtual Space Tinkerers. 🙂