

>It is pretty apparent to all in the field, that Uncle Sam is nowhere near anywhere close at all, to being control of the virtual environment, and are in fact, failing spectacularly as they are invariably trying to defend the indefensible and established positions rather than standing up new situations …… HyperRadioProActive Commands 42 Control Cloud Configured Crowds.

It may be that the necessary Intellectual Property for such as is required in these new situations, resides in others, in other lands, outside of the continental USA and their National Intelligence. Fortunately though, is that easily remedied by a simple hire of labour/leaselend of SMART IP.

There is no greater issue that a nation and nations need to resolve, than having  working for them, fabulous programmers of the CyberIntelAIgent Space Domain with ITs Myriad Derivative, Live Operational Virtual Environments.


Know your Enemy delivers Enabling Access to Provision of Controlling Peccadilloes

Posted Friday 18th March 2011 02:37 GMT 

If attackers were able to access the seeds for a specific company, they might be able to generate the pseudo-random numbers of one of its tokens, allowing them to clear a crucial hurdle in breaching the company’s security.

Once you have clearly identified the seeds, feeds and needs of a specific company, is access to that company’s whole food chain network captured …. for exploitation and/or grooming …..milking and bilking and even virtual cloning, with product being supplied to alternative competitive markets which might even be considered as the opposition when in foreign lands or dodgy spooky spheres.

Quite obviously would that be a serious breach in need of some serious shoring, and probably also a whole new defense system against such a overwhelmingly catastrophic attack window/fundamental flaw.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/18/2011 5:36:45 AM

Conclusion: The EU, in the fullness of its ambition and power, may have to attend once more to a tawdry nation of five million that it has spent the past year thoroughly abusing. If so, the irony is fairly substantial in our view. Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius. “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” Such ancient aphorisms are apt.” …. DB Staff Report.

There are no gods in the EU, just wannabe tin pot dictators, toy boy soldiers and imperial puppets, and pitting themselves against the mad Irish, is  a crazy folly, for they are well versed in the irregular and unconventional and effective means of dissent and regularisation of streams of support.

In the world of fiery politics, there is no such thing as a thick Mick no matter how easily they wear the mask and play the role …. for a stealth you can only dream of, and even then will it not be fabulous enough to reflect on the Gift.


Why is it that any air force action which may be taken, is not going to be taken by machines/weaponry sold to Arab neighbours of Libya, who presumably are the most active of callers for action to be taken, to save their own precarious hold on inequitable feudal power structures. To consider any infidel Western forces doing what indigenous forces could also do with the billions of dollars worth of sophisticated weaponry sold to them to keep the home fires burning in the Western armaments industry, seems like a perverse recipe for continuing unrest aimed at keeping the faltering Al Qaeda terrorist threat meme alive and well, to be used for further justification for ever more draconian curtailment of freedom and imposition of Big Brother and back door fascist type imperial rule, at home and abroad.

Let the Arab problem be sorted out by the Arabs is a much more sensible plan and will have one asking more than just a few very awkward questions, should any gung ho wild westerners be involved at all, in what is essentially an internal affair, albeit with global repercussions in manipulated markets.


There’s no war. Okay, technically it’s a war but, really, there’s no war. The US (and a couple of tag-along allies) are going to vapourize Gaddhafi’s air-defenses and probably smite key ground targets, then arm the rebels and let them roll back over the Libyan army. Done deal. Right? …… Michael Greco 

Yeah, that sounds real cool, Michael Greco. And then a little stirring of democratic unrest in the other oily states and bingo ……. the precedent has been set and UN endorsed and globally supported for similar actions to prevent similar clampdowns with the use of disproportionate force …… the oil rich middle east is western owned and governed.

A Great Game Plan indeed……. but in no way is it in any way democratic, whenever so designedly despotic.


“Why is it that any air force action which may be taken, is not going to be taken by machines/weaponry sold to Arab neighbours of Libya…”

Because if carried out by a neighbour of Libya it’s likely to lead to a full-blown nation against nation war.”  …. Richard_SM

So weapons sales of war machines to dodgy regimes are just a perverse and deadly business scam rather than being any practical aid to easily led suckers,  Richard_SM?

Yes, exactly. Thanks for pointing that out. The world is full of flash fools indeed with more paper money for oil than common sense …… and all thinking that it is all so clever of them.

‘Tis indeed the Time of the Grand Delusionment.



Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/17/2011 3:58:56 PM

Methinks that thread has Onebornfreeatyahoodotcom outed as troll in the pay of the Fed* for the views expressed are certainly apologist for it. ….. “ Daily Bell: “Getting rid of the Fed would be a heckuva start.”

Maybe,maybe not.

Most definitely would it be a heckuva start.

* That may or may not be metaphorical. And the world is full of sad souls and trojan horses bent on preserving the status quo rather than realising that progress is always something different, and such is wholly natural.

And if all of that is wrong, then just forget about it, and move on to greener fields where conflict is not necessary, and all are treated better than just equals and sequels.


amanfromMars says:
March 17, 2011 at 3:26 pm

Err….. I’m fully expecting and rooting for it to be a crazy boldly going mission, AW. Something naughty and haughty, mighty and fabulous. …… with real private pirate adventures for the virtual public good.

And nothing at all ordinary whenever extraordinary is so easily rendered in the Fields of Play.



Daren_Gray, Hi,

It would be a mistake to not accept that there is a new and really valid concern which has rendered present cyber security measures practically useless with regard to future protection needs.

Thus is it necessary for a whole new security system with a fundamental revolutionary rethink on priorities and parameters to be strengthened and safeguarded against random opportunist anonymous exploitation ……. Immaculate Remote Stealth Access for the Seeding of Force Multiplier Sleeper Feeds and Needs aka SMART Root Source Grooming.

The name of the game is nothing to do with exposing what is known and kept hidden by others, but making generally widely known that which is unknown except to a very select few and A.N.Others, and whenever made known, will easily render that which is hidden by others a toxic asset which will strip them of all wealth and credibility, to leave them virtually destroyed and constantly remembered to be despised by all they would have abused with their secrets.

It is an interesting Change to the Great Game and a Paradigm Shift which is not wasting ITs Time in Theory.


Novel Forces Beta Penetrations Testing Advanced Researcher Programming.

Posted Friday 18th March 2011 16:59 GMT    

Quite why Fox would want to make it a comedy sitcom whenever a reality drama would allow for really advanced global virtual edutainment is probably due to the very powerful nature of the control levers which would be exposed with Non State Actors in a Leading Role and hot Script.

[blockquote]Date: Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 1:15 PM

Subject: CyberSpace …. The New and Surreal Virtual Frontier with Zeroday Intelligence Protocols ….. Boundless Opportunities

To: regina@duganventures.com

Hi, Dr Dugan,

Are DARPA into CyberSpace Communications Command and Control for Remote Virtual Power Leverage in …….. well, done well is it IT Power and Media Control of Practically Everything, Virtually? [/blockquote]

Life is always stranger than fiction and comedy is just a distraction?


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