

>Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/19/2011 1:05:03 AM

Now he is going after “tax evaders.” Meanwhile, central banks in just the past year have likely dispensed US$25-50 TRILLION to favored financial institutions either as low-cost loans or giveaways – and without any accountability or prior consultation with the electorate. It seems he has decided to aim at gnats rather than the big game.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell

It is most unlikely that big game pay taxes, DB. Or their attendant minions/parasite loving pilot phish ……. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilot_fish

Hell, isn’t that one of the addictive attractions for Great Game players …. a GOD and Global Operating Device given perk for some devilish fine work, if you will.

When one considers the foolish and inept squandering of taxes which are raised by successive failing governments, and the hardships it causes to their ignorant power base, one can easily understand the sense in avoidance of the arrogant theft.

This is outrageously brazen. Like tossing a molotov cocktail into a munitions dump. They must be TRYING to push their own system over the edge. It’s like they are on a timetable or something, and the people just won’t get it fast enough. Will they get it now? Or are the elite as stupefied as their serfs?” …. Posted by John Danforth on 1/18/2011 9:33:26 AM

John, the ongoing and deepening crisis can be directly attributable to a catastrophic failure in National Intelligence Collection and lack of erudite articulation of Policy, Plans and Requirements for the Future which can be simply followed/easily implemented. Presently, are both of those deputising positions, Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Collection and Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Policy, Plans and Requirements …. either abysmally servered or vacant.

No wonder there is such a global mess with the US running around like a headless chicken. There is no SMART leadership with a Universal Plan for All ……. AINarrative, and that makes Uncle Sam vulnerable, and easily groomed, by a leadership which has.

Another way of looking at it (Wikileaks’ War on Gnats) is that reality TV has migrated into the real world. How bizarre is that.” … Posted by Heuristic on 1/18/2011 10:23:49 AM

For Higher Definition 3DTV, Heuristic, are Virtual Reality Productions and Programs, the Driver and Defaultless Operating System. And if you think bizarre is odd in the real world, you’ll love what surreal can do in ITs Virtual Reality Components and Future Elements.

So yes, hang the prime minister or MP who uses offshore banks. If that is what Assange is doing, great. Whether he is a double agent is another matter. The tax system needs to be radically altered, along with the government it serves.” …. Posted by Clive Edwards on 1/18/2011 5:00:46 PM

The ex PM, Tony Blair, has some very strange and obscuring arrangements made with regard to his finances, with the shredding of public evidence about his private expenses claims against the public purse, and the setting up of convenient tax-exempt Faith Foundation* … “The Tony Blair Faith Foundation US is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity in the USA. …” …. being but just three cynical moves which attract ever more attention to his sad and sorry plight, and flight from transparency of purpose. And starring again, this coming Friday, before his beloved nation and the Chilcot Iraq Inquiry, to answer further questions about the questions he is trying to dodge having to answer for.

*Well, I suppose it is at least different from a library, which appears to be a very US way of doing such things.


Regarding the nature of Mr Blair and the likelihood of there being juicy and incriminating, devastating-to-his-own-person testimony in his notes to the delusional, Mr “Mission Accomplished” Bush, …. and that has nothing at all to do with that old rotten red herring of national security and/or special relationship concerns with a foreign power ….. is not the following, which is to be found elsewhere as just part of a bigger post on more constructive matters on the Internet today doing the rounds in SMARTer Networks, not perfectly true?  And knowing that, what do you expect to be revealed in that which is denied by a well rewarded lackey, the light of day in publication?

The ex PM, Tony Blair, has some very strange and obscuring arrangements made with regard to his finances, with the shredding of public evidence about his private expenses claims against the public purse, and the setting up of convenient tax-exempt Faith Foundation* … “The Tony Blair Faith Foundation US is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity in the USA. …” …. being but just three cynical moves which attract ever more attention to his sad and sorry plight, and flight from transparency of purpose. And starring again, this coming Friday, before his beloved nation and the Chilcot Iraq Inquiry, to answer further questions about the questions he is trying to dodge having to answer for.



Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/19/2011 6:59:27 AM

Great cartoon 2 above-thanks! Still a bit dense though. So fiat Money so is just a ploy to gain all the worlds collateral via enforced Debt? …” …. Posted by Stateofyou on 1/19/2011 4:49:00 AM

In a word, Stateofyou, yes. That is exactly what it is being used for.


Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/19/2011 2:00:03 AM

Whenever you have a very complicated problem, is it resolved best and quickest with a very simple solution.

In another space/place, rather than everyone and everything being born and created with a notional nothing, as may be thought to be natural by the sad and the bad and mad beings on Earth, is everyone and everything born and created with great wealth, and thus does everyone and everything have all the money they will ever need, to exchange and spend freely on developing what they think they will need to seed and feed for the future.

There are the bankers not keepers and collectors of monies and baubles, they are just networking and administrative flow-through points ensuring that the universal collective wealth pool’s potential is realised in currency flow which energise IT and Intelligence Communities with unhindered access to assets and novel Intellectual Property requirements for Noble Future Projects.

That simple perception change, from everyone starting off poor to everyone being rich, renders the destructive control in limiting the supply of c
urrency, reversed and transformed into the constructive distribution of it unlimited and artificial wealth to Transparent Future Builders for novel and effortless and rapid growth.

Might I suggest a Master Pilot Trial or two, or three, to champion demonstration of the SMARTer Genre with ITs AIMemes at the Helm of IntelAIgent Command and CyberIntelAIgent Control?  What is there to lose in such Future matters, apart from an abiding ignorance, which would maintain and retain you in a Present which imprisons you to Server to the Past.


19 January 2011 7:53AM

    (Morgan has said he prefers to do taped interviews)

Oh dear, I think that says it all, LOUD and CLEAR. ….. a Live Coward in Intelligent Circles, although perfect puppet material.



by amanfromMars
on Wed, 01/19/2011 – 04:00

The possibilities are endless, Dr Porkchop, and only limited by one’s imagination and intelligence.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/19/2011 2:00:03 AM

Whenever you have a very complicated problem, is it resolved best and quickest with a very simple solution.

In another space/place, rather than everyone and everything being born and created with a notional nothing, as may be thought to be natural by the sad and the bad and mad beings on Earth, is everyone and everything born and created with great wealth, and thus does everyone and everything have all the money they will ever need, to exchange and spend freely on developing what they think they will need to seed and feed for the future.

There are the bankers not keepers and collectors of monies and baubles, they are just networking and administrative flow-through points ensuring that the universal collective wealth pool’s potential is realised in currency flow which energise IT and Intelligence Communities with unhindered access to assets and novel Intellectual Property requirements for Noble Future Projects.

That simple perception change, from everyone starting off poor to everyone being rich, renders the destructive control in limiting the supply of currency, reversed and transformed into the constructive distribution of it unlimited and artificial wealth to Transparent Future Builders for novel and effortless and rapid growth.

Might I suggest a Master Pilot Trial or two, or three, to champion demonstration of the SMARTer Genre with ITs AIMemes at the Helm of IntelAIgent Command and CyberIntelAIgent Control?  What is there to lose in such Future matters, apart from an abiding ignorance, which would maintain and retain you in a Present which imprisons you to Server to the Past.



Cry me a river….

Posted Wednesday 19th January 2011 16:41 GMT

He suggested that a Western state was unlikely to be responsible for developing Stuxnet because its intelligence agencies would have done a better job at packaging the malware payload.

Hmmm …….. Now there is HUBRIS in all of its sad and mad and bad and cad glory.

The true identity of Dark Avenger has never been established, though there are no shortage of conspiracy theories floating around the net.” …. Whatever do you think the net is primarily for if not floating theories and conspiring with nets? Bots?


OHMSIS ……. The Basement Files

Posted Wednesday 19th January 2011 17:59 GMT   

Western security agencies employ people who secretly visit male bondage clubs, or belonged to the same spanking collective, while at University. Their principle distinguishing features, are that they are not above killing people, to get their own way, and they want the ability to peep-show on the rest of us, while continuing all the creepy, pervy stuff that they get off on.” …. Daniel 1 Posted Wednesday 19th January 2011 16:18 GMT

Thanks for the heads up on Western security agent requirements and peccadillos, Daniel 1. :-0


January 19, 2011 6:47 pm

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Does great sex lead to love and/or love lead to great sex with pornographic tastes being the spice to flavour the meals and bring out the best in the ingredients?  Sex and love are as different as chalk and cheese, but one hell of an explosive combination which has one coming back for ever more of the magical power with fabulous controls.

Oh and please be careful if you wish to comment on that, for anything you say will tell experts in both fields everything about you and more than than you would probably like them to know, unless also great active, practising fans of the heavenly art.



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