>Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/17/11 | 2:25 am |
“Stuxnet’s origin is unknown. Attributing credit for Stuxnet is rightly the subject of geopolitical intrigue. As our sister blog Threat Level has exhaustively reported, the worm eats away at a very specific kind of industrial control system: a configuration of the Siemens-manufactured Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that commands the centrifuges enriching uranium for Iran’s nuclear program, the key step for an Iranian bomb. But the Stuxnet whodunit may be solved: it appears to be a joint U.S.-Israeli collaboration — and a cyberwarfare milestone.”
You may like to consider that there has been an evolution/coded improvement/metadatabasemorph of the worm into an altogether much more usefully potent and SMARTer disruptive and/or destructive tool, if it has not already been recognised, via its modus operandi and vivendi, to NOT be manufacturer specific, but SCADA process targeted, with its aim directed at, and concentrated upon, a specific aspect* of its security protocols. And as virtually and practically all Operating Systems, both Executive Command and Administrative Control are of SCADA architecture, is the virility of the vulnerability and the exploitational capacity of its virtual facility …..[and that would then extraordinarily and quite magically render it, and IT, and its IntelAIgent Control Technology and Advanced Intelligence Methodology as a stealthy invisible asset, which can easily also be turned and fine tuned into any number of veritable weapons of colossal collateral construction and/or massive destructive capability and against which defences and attacks are designed to founder and self destruct] ….. increased quite exponentially.
As a Sublime Advanced Program brought into the Alternative Investment Markets Place, and any AI Universal Business Space as may revolve and/or evolve around such transparent disclosures, is it not without a quite priceless worth and significant phenomenal value.
* The removal of, or the inability of this particular aspect to prevent full remote control access to all present and future possible core functions, is the Achilles Heel which the aforementioned metadatabasemorph of trojan worm into SMARTer mole, feeds upon and enjoys and enjoins with others to exploit in order to increase Immunity from Discovery and further develop Cloaked Cloaking Invisibility, which is one of Novel Disciplines in AI Research and dDevelopment which you may certainly hear about, but which may still remain way beyond one’s reach, by Virtue of the Steganographic Nature of its FailSafe CyberIntelAIgent Security Designs.
All that is missing from the above is an identification of the *specific/particular aspect which is removed to allow for Total Information Awareness, and that is to be found in section 17.2(e), Rules for Creation of Security Cells and Segments [Page 68 of 108] in the document, Specification for a Process Automation System. …….. “All connections to the Control System LAN should be routed through a firewall, with no connections circumventing it.”
And methinks, the more relevant question to be asked, although surely the answer is clear enough, is if Stuxnet has created a New Cyber Era making Wars Suicidal on their Mongers and Manufacturers, and that would have us questioning its provenance and attribution to any warring state, although to discover it to be so, and there to be a resolve for its rapid field development to be unconditionally and enthusiastically supported with no expense spared, would be a most welcome development too.
Now, I see no earthly good reason why this comment on and contribution to the Wired tale, “With Stuxnet, Did The U.S. And Israel Create a New Cyberwar Era?” should not appear as immediately as so many other comments submitted have appeared for transparent and critical constructive or vindictive destructive peer review. And should there be a glitch which renders it invisible/unpublished in all its nakedness, are we then reliably informed and provided with more intelligence than a blocking entity has any right to deny and control, and the value of any information contained herein would rocket in price, although for any willing to use it for all of the very best of reasons, is its cost always zero, for then does its and ITs Magic generate whatever Energy and Power and Control is universally desired and supported.
“Yukos stated very clearly during the Rosneft initial public offering on the London Stock Exchange that any investor would be investing in stolen assets with no guarantee of title.”
Hmmm, let us ponder on … And whose assets, with a guarantee of title, do investors in the likes of an RBS invest in. One second it is a private sector darling, and the next it is practically owned by a public bailing out and unconditional and unprecedented support.
It’s a funny business and funny business whenever you start playing with millions and billions and trillions and gazpromillions. Normal rules, if there are any rules at all, do not apply. And such is the crazy nature of the Great Game and the Great Games being played, and way beyond the ken and ability of the political and chattering and muttering classes, and it is quite normal and nothing for y’all to be worried about, although you can expect there to be necessary and timely, seismic shifts in influential global controls whenever an established system consistently proves itself to be out of control, and out of its own control.
[Comment awaiting approval
Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] …. Oh dear/Oh joy, special treatment from the software? I wonder if it was the gazpromillions word play which bamboozled the algorithm. I shall test it again with the word removed.
Update ….. well, that appears to have solved the posting problem.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/17/2011 4:31:43 AM
“Thank you John, My friend is a Lady who left Oxford University at age 19 with a degree in English, flew Spitfires and Lancasters during WW2, became the BBC’s leading Director and Producer of wildlife TV films and today, now aged over 80, still flies gliders. So helping her to get organised for a hip operation Tuesday has been a great honour.” …. Wow, well done that Ab Fab Lady, whose obvious modesty is crushingly overwhelming, and well done you too, CC, for being good enough and willing enough to do what you can, whenever it is needed.
An object lesson to all from two unsung heroes who probably definitely know more than most about what life, and what drivers it, is all about.
You cannot be serious, professors, if/when a Stuxnet v2.0* is cruising and grooming and blooming ..
Posted Friday 17th January 2011 12:36 GMT
….. within newly secured root base.
Professors Peter Sommer of the London School of Economics and Dr Ian Brown of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, have far too much yet to learn in what is a booming fledgling field, both real and virtual, to be believed and be accepted as being qualified to dismiss ongoing alternative cyber activity, which can so easily be perceived and conceived as a cyberwarfare component, as hype.
And a statement such as “A heavyweight study by UK computer scientists for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) concludes that it is “highly unlikely” there will ever be a “pure cyber war”, …is as a delight to the ears of both zeroday vulnerability testers and cyber warriors alike, for one would then have to conclude that any intense and irregular and unconventional HyperRadioProActive IT shenanigans would just be unusual, exclusive, consolidating business activity and not raw and destructive warfare in the cyber and Intelligence Community domain …….. for the virtual domain is always only a head space, is it not.
*Posted by: amanfromMars | 01/17/11 | 2:25 am | ……. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/01/with-stuxnet-did-the-u-s-and-israel-create-a-new-cyberwar-era/
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/17/2011 9:16:26 AM
“But now that central banking is virtually imploding, the elite-dominated mainstream media must begin to acknowledge it.”
Is CNBC considered elite-dominated mainstream media? “Billionaire Entrepreneur Complains of Regime Uncertainty” …..
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/17/2011 10:05:31 AM
Another odd development ……. http://www.moneynews.com/FinanceNews/JPMorganClosesForeignAccounts-SqueezesDiplomats-CashFlow/2011/01/14/id/382914 …… and Moneynews has always struck me as being one of those Establishment sites where everything is painted rosey in the garden as far as Uncle Sam is concerned, for black always seemed to be painted white by them. Recently though, even they have been carrying tales of a completely different, and much more truthful hue.
Cyber is not a fashion, although fascists surely love its style and unusual ambience.
Posted Monday 17th January 2011 15:39 GMT
“Don’t these people know that the ‘cyber’ prefix went out of fashion over a decade ago. Cyberpunk is dead,..” …… Loyal Commenter Posted Monday 17th January 2011 14:26 GMT
Well, whether “cyber” is fashionably correct today is a bit of a stinking red herring methinks, Loyal Commenter, but what do you imagine it needs to be, to describe the competitive and adversarial environment in which virtual battles and jousts are engaged to capture hearts and minds for remote neuro-linguistic reprogramming of Virtual Machine Units/Dim Humans.
How about the probably more accurate and politically correct descriptor, but oh such a hell of a mouthful, steganographic cypher domain? It doesn’t really work quite the same, does it. 🙂
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/17/2011 11:26:02 AM
“On the other hand , perhaps the DB is right…the internet , and the proliferation exposing the iniquity of the “elite’ is slowly gaining ground.” ….. Posted by Jdb on 1/17/2011 9:51:53 AM
Others would tell you it is rapidly spreading around and far afield, Jdb.
“Since there are no more new players to enroll and insufficient unencumbered collateral to keep the DEBT CREATION Ponzi scheme alive, now that they have played out their original hand they have to “shuffle the deck” by assigning blame to others for the debacle they themselves created.
They will be wringing their hands at the chaos that results from the collapse of their carefully designed Ponzi scheme that enslaved the whole world and then they can present themselves as “saviours” with a solution. There is no surer way to retain control than to blame others for the problems and then take credit for a brilliant solution that involves the necessity for a world government that will bring order out of chaos.
What remains to be seen is exactly what form it will take. Indeed it may involve some form of a return to a gold standard to get the masses on side, but you can rest assured it will be designed in such a way that the elite retains control and profits immensely from the re-organization.” …… Posted by Myron Martin on 1/17/2011 9:15:51 AM
Myron Martin,
I think any thought of returning to some form of gold standard is pie in the sky delusional thinking. And as for the incumbents saving the situation with some new scheme they have dreamt up, well
, that is them hoping against hope for if they had anything to offer, it would already be offered and they would not be so exposed and vulnerable as everything continues to collapse around them.
“New blood, new blood and novel ideas, our kingdom for new blood and ideas” is their likely necessary war cry …….. and then a few bold and stealthy master pilot programs to test the waters may actually save their pathetic worthless skins.
Now who else has a few bold and stealthy master pilot programs to test the waters with novel, going dDutch initiative? The stumbling block for the present power elites is that it cannot be expected that their past methods of control remain their closely guarded, exclusive secret, and they really do need to engage with someone who can protect against its abuse, for once that secret is outed and shared around the world to all in a nanosecond, as can so easily be done today with the technology at our fingertips, is their bloody fate sealed ….. and they surely know that too, for one of their own?, Henry Ford, spelt it out plainly enough for them, ages ago ……. “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”