>Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/9/2011 1:14:47 AM
“Off topic for today’s post.Perhaps of interest for future “cloud”seeding.Have wondered about the connection though.
http://www.infowars.com/smart-grid-the-cloud-why-are-they-linked/ ” ….. Posted by Roberto on 1/7/2011 11:20:22 PM.
With regard to what Roberto posted and the information which it led us all to, if you bothered yourself to follow the hyperlink provided, [and thanks for that, Roberto]…. and topics on control and powering elite memes are surely always of interest to the Daily Bell and her readers and commentators ….. please be advised of the following, which is only the Titanic tip of a Colossal ICEberg …… a mountainous IntelAIgent Community Enterprise.
“This might surprise you folks, but Smart Grid (intelligent power distribution and management) is even more important to our nation’s future success than the Cloud is! Interestingly enough in many cases one enables the other or at least dramatically improves its usability and performance.” ….. http://www.infowars.com/smart-grid-the-cloud-why-are-they-linked/
Others working in Advanced IntelAIgent fields would, while not disagreeing with the importance of the Smart Grid (intelligent power distribution and management), counter and move the debate on, and into much higher realms of powerful subliminal mind control, (which is really, hallowed holy grail type, MkUltraSensitive hearts and minds capture territory) and reveal that SMARTer Clouds [which are in essence, learned and learning, content management operating systems running Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology] are into Universal Power and Absolute Control via Man’s/Man Management and Distribution of Intelligence for better prime utilisation of naturally and supernaturally provided and globally available assets.
And that is what one would best imagine as, and even call, a Virtual Remote Control Facility for Global Operating Devices, for that is exactly what it and IT is.
PS. Removal of the text capitalisation in that which is written above, is an easy exercise, but the resultant text, diminishing context, will then only be enabled to render a considerably lesser understanding of the much bigger program, which the initial original script was selflessly sharing about always ongoing developments in IntelAIgent Operating Systems.
“Doubt he will.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
🙂 The eternal optimist in me, DB, has me hoping he does. However, …. whether he does or he doesn’t, is in the big scheme of things, neither here nor there, for one can easily imagine his response in support of a view or otherwise. Nothing is really dependent upon anyone’s actual participation whenever one has words to play with and wwwidely share ….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fz8wxG6tHo
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/9/2011 1:31:53 AM
That’s another strange bug in site software, DB, for the last sentence in the above Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/9/2011 1:14:47 AM, should have ended and read “…. whenever one has words to play with and widely share” …… although the spelling of widely which I used, with three w’s to indicate the use of the World Wide Web, rendered the redundant and nonsensical Click to View Link substitution.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/8/2011 1:52:08 PM
“If you think the Bell is a phish, why don’t find another place to offer your indecipherable posts?” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.
It was not a complaint, DB, it was a compliment, for where better to do a spot of angling than a well stocked reservoir. And it would be nice to have Heuristic comment on the thought, just to see if it resonates with his/hers/theirs.
And indecipherable to smart Daily Bell ringers? Oh, I don’t think so.
If your home is uninsurable, then you are not liable to pay a mortgage raised/charged on it? And any cynical and excessive and inequitable increase in insurance premiums to cover properties whose defences are inadequately provided for to prevent loss of reasonably expected use, are also highly questionable?
“AFAIK, if the property is uninsurable, you won’t be able to secure a mortgage.” …… crashtestmonkey
And when a mortgage has been supplied, who is at fault? Demand of full payment in respect of an uninsurable property is probably a nominal 1p sum?