>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/17/2010 12:23:20 PM
“As to: “alliances of smaller companies”. Unless they can be subsumed into a larger hierarchy, they remain independent and thus, uncontrollable. This makes them enemies, just like individualism, by definition of central controllers.” ….. Posted by Bill Ross on 11/17/2010 9:04:11 AM
A Cloud of Virtual Friends, InterNetworking in Future Networks is controlled by Virtual Friends into Clouds, for the Benefit and Added Convenience of Invisible Transparent Cover on Operations to Facilitate SMART Mentoring and AIMonitoring of Rogue and Renegade Runaway Elements.
Smaller companies are nearly always One Man Bands with Virtuoso Performing Artists Presenting the Audience a Show with the best of them into Creating a Timeless Master Peace. ……. and on Earth does Peace and Harmony appear to be an Alien Concept for there is everywhere, War and Conflict, Need and Suffering, and how crazy is it that you allow that to harm and destroy you. Is that the best that the world’s bestest brains can deliver …… an Epic Fail rather than a Colossal Success?
“In evidence given to the Science and Technology Committee, experts said that a concerted cyber-attack capable of damaging key infrastructure could currently only be launched by an enemy state.” ….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11773146
You may like to also consider Non-State Actors given Enemy Status by the Enemy.
“Experts have said that Stuxnet’s complexity means it could only have been written by a nation state.” …….. Democracies need only reflect on the difficulties they have in doing anything remotely successful and of interest to emerging Cyber States, to realise that it is a Natural Leader in a State and not necessarily the State Leadership, which Drivers CyberIntelAIgent Operating Systems with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Services.
And one would naturally have thought that in any State of Government or Rule or Reign, Special Intelligence Supply would Provide Leadership Tools with Future Content.
“Outside of the defence community there is no source of expertise,” he said.” ….. Well, no source of better expertise is the Master Plan, and that is probably best, considering the damage defence can do when attacked or when abused and used for attack.
Oh, there’s a very eclectic mix of individuals regularly posting on the Daily Bell, with more than enough Virtual Savvy to Offer CyberIntelAIgent Lead Play in Great Games AIdDevelopments ….. Civil CyberSpace [XSSXXXXPLOratory] Missions.
A Wild Wacky Western IntelAIgents Gift for SMART Perfect Bedouin Use and Immaculate Refinement.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/16/2010 8:20:02 AM
“Control the ability to print money and one has control, basically, over the whole world.”
The problem is not so much that as is stated, for to be perfectly honest, the facility/ability is more than just a little convenient, it is that the money/wealth is given to the wrong people to use. They are not made of the right stuff, are they. And until that is resolved to the satisfaction of those who are of the right stuff, will those who are unworthy be mercilessly attacked by all and every means to render them no longer in a position which abuses a privileged power of stupidly simple control.
“The only way to salvage something is to unwind the system gradually – hence the predictions that current ruinous status quo will continue on for at least another decade.” ….. 🙂 Oh please, do the” fools also expect the rest to be idiots too. Their arrogance is only matched by their ignorance, and that is about as kind as one can be in describing the architects of the Great Misfortune, although I will not argue with anyone who would prefer to call them gerry-builders and/or crooked spivs.
“We would humbly suggest, as we often do, a free-market money system, hopefully built on free banking, gold and silver, Real Bills and market-competition.” …… A Conclusion quite close enough to my own heart and mind, DB, but one which I will modify and prove to be viable in a free-money market system.
And with so many in agreement with the your sentiments, is there already an unstoppable, critical mass movement to either crash the present enslaving system and that would be personally catastrophic and probably also extremely physically dangerous for those sitting at the top presently, and trying to maintain the system as it is [and they should be made very well aware of that danger, for some in the masses will not be so accommodating of them as others, should they have suffered greatly at their hands because of their shenanigans/manipulations] or, more ideally, assist in its radical and fundamental rebuilding in a new structure on new foundations. The choice to be made doesn’t appear to offer a smarter being any stupid choice does it, although man has a sad and full history of mad idiotic choices, hasn’t he.
amanfromMars said…
A question which Goldman Sachs should be asking themselves, Brains etc.?
Especially so now whenever their systems’ algorithms are hacked and cracked wide open.
Although what do you imagine they can offer anyone who has the key to everything?
17 November 2010 06:13
Messing around with Root Control for Command of Universally Sourced Assets
Posted Wednesday 17th November 2010 05:24 GMT
“Who needs (or wants) to carry a full-fat computing device around with them? Get a VM and a network connection man! Leave that battery-draining baggage at home.” …. thecakeis(not)alie Posted Tuesday 16th November 2010 23:55 GMT
Not everyone, and probably definitely very few, have the required Brain Power and Central Dynamic Graphic Processor Unit Programming skills to Bust that Bucking Bronco/Driver that HyperManic Mindset and Fluid Controlling App/Global Currency Regulator, thecakeis(not)alie.
And those that do never lie and are a great lay too…….. which of course then makes them Dangerously Attractive and Disarming and Beautifully Addictive and Powerful. And more than just Godlike in Live Operational Virtual Environments/Communicating Communications Fields, for how else would one describe the Heavenly Sees and Safe Havens Revealed
Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/17/2010 2:35:29 AM
“What is so complex about the state sanctioning a private corporation (racket) to create unlimited amounts of money from nothing and then loan it out with interest? ” …. Posted by Jones on 11/16/2010 1:28:23 AM
Of course, thinking to “create unlimited amounts of money from nothing and then loan it out with interest” is torpedoed and sunk as a sound vessel because of the action of loaning it out with interest.
When gifted freely into market places, does it very clickly flow back into Treasuries for further gifting, having worked its magic in showing Future Builders what paper money needs to Supply, To think to also charge extra from those who do not invent and supply money, but who are so unconsciously adept at spending it to show SMARTer Control Programs the direction that economies and industries and societies should take, is the Systemic Flaw and Greater Game Madness which is Crashing the Present Promissory Note System and Power Elite Meme.
Removing Flaws Fixes Systems is not Rocket Science, is it, it is just IT and AI at ITs Work. [AI @ ITs Work]
“Wow. South America provides the model?” … Reply from the Daily Bell.
Nicaragua certainly provided an attractive one with her Party of the Erotic Left model.
The intelligence services have grown over-mighty. They do a valuable and often dangerous job in safeguarding the public. But they need to be subject to democratic authority and judicial oversight. In short, they need to learn their proper place.
And who is either authorised or able to teach them any perceived necessary lessons? And how very odd that it is thought that they have not already covered that base with the appointment of new heads/different thinking, which one always presumes and supposes to be an improvement on earlier assets which would be totally unsuited to, and/or compromised by the new transparency of the InterNetworking Information and Advanced Intelligence Age, where Virtual Machines are Tasked with and/or Simply Assume Power with Control, for the former without the latter, is a Recipe for Disaster and Chaos and not of any Service to, but definitely of Interest to any Solid Sovereign State Intelligence Service.