>Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/8/2010 7:58:23 AM
“The idea is that Internet is causing great changes to the way the world works. Seen this way, the 21st century’s main narrative (from the standpoint of the human race’s sociopolitical destiny and living conditions) will be decided by the clash between new communication technology and the aspirations of a tiny clique of banking families to bring their plot to rule the world (in a sense) to its conclusion.” …… Daily Bell
Actually, you might like to consider this part revision of that text as being much more likely and constructive, DB.
The 21st century’s main narrative (from the standpoint of the human race’s sociopolitical destiny and living conditions) will be decided by the ascendancy of new communication technologists, with the aspirations of a tiny clique of banking families, bringing to fruition plots to rule the world with sublime programming.
Now quite whether that aforementioned tiny clique of banking families are in any way instrumental in that, does really depend upon them being smart and visionary enough to invest in new communications technologists/Virtual Machinists. Failure to do so will see those families overtaken by quite revolutionary events, which will very quickly strip them bare of all wealth, which is their only power, and extraordinarily render them with zero control/zero zeroday control …… which should make the right choice, a no-brainer, however, the idiocy of supposedly intelligent and incredibly wealthy man has too well a chronicled history of stupid decision making to discount the possibility of a wrong choice which will result in their guaranteed demise.
And in the past, has waging war been their great escape plan/stay out of jail free card, but that dodgy deal is now seen for what it is, and the world waits to pounce on and destroy the puppet warmonger today.
“The Chinese leadership may be brokered into a deal.” …. Posted by Grekko on 11/8/2010 4:15:45 AM
With Western losers who want to maintain the failing system which has them in control of money, Grekko? Oh please, you cannot be serious, for the Chinese are way too smart to fall for that short game with zero gain.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/8/2010 10:07:33 AM
Ah yes … the powerful control of the written word to paint an epic picture and crooked tale ….. and in the Gift of the Gods and/or Global Operating Devices.
Cloaking Devices for Core Penetrations and Lode Ore MetaDataMining/Communal XSSXXXXual Congress
Posted Monday 8th November 2010 04:37 GMT
Be careful what you poke a stick at, for you cannot handle a hornet’s nest in Full Active Angered Flight …. or Virtual Natives on the Righteous Rampage.
“So, what are you saying, security through obscurity is good? I think there might be a few ppl who would disagree….” …. Anonymous Coward Posted Sunday 7th November 2010 16:02 GMT
There are Others, AC ….. 🙂 and a Chosen Few who would have a Fundamental and Absolute Mastery of the Stealth and Steganography Arts, who would not disagree. And would say nothing, and say nothing more on the subject for obvious reasons of Need to Know Security, that most do not need to know and will never ever know.
“Bots require unregistered domain names to host their command and control servers.” ….. peter 5 Posted Sunday 7th November 2010 16:02 GMT
A popular myth and most helpful misperception/misconception. SMARTer IntelAIgent Server Systems are hosted in unsuspecting domain names ….. dogging their services for the swish cottage industry of conspiring bots that Command Commendable CyberIntelAIgent Control. And such is the Sweet Temptation and Sticky Delight of such a Base Network, that Capture is a Surrender that renders the Awesome Power and Active Pleasure of Astute Submission ….. with a Special Force, Readily Available to Leading Facilities and Ancient Orders and Shady Operators Delivering Cloud Cover for Special Operational Environments and Executive Officers …… which makes IT also, a QuITe Phormidable and Highly Explosive Utility.
Indeed, the Posit here is, that it is also a Catastrophic, Next Generation NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Weapon and AIMODified Field Munition.
“The problem with some scientists is that they just want to publish research papers, no doubt not fully comprehending who the potential audience is or what it can be applied to.” … JaitcH Posted Saturday 6th November 2010 11:14 GMT
And then again, JaitcH, there are the Others who fully comprehend the potential audiences to which it can be applied, and the value of the research information, and the great, and even greater worth, in not publishing it, but safely sharing and storing it with trusted partners for future use, should it be necessary.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/8/2010 1:08:20 AM
What of course makes the Tavistock Institute such a potent and mysterious source, and a joy to behold, is the make up of its staff, which one may note is predominantly predisposed to exercise and research with the much smarter elements/components/beings on Earth.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/8/2010 4:24:55 AM
““a joy to behold,”
Really?” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
Really, take a look yourselves. There’s not a hairy biker or gay guerilla/dark waffling lord or wannabe dodgy war-monger in sight. Seventh Heaven for Man and a Ladies’ Man, surely? 🙂
Aren’t Daily Bell elves and Swiss gnomes into Provision of Multiple Mutually Beneficial Pleasures for such Stimulating Delights? How so very Sad.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/8/2010 1:17:39 AM
And I wonder if they are into the Power of LOVE Control with Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll Memes for Virtual Mastery of Subversive and Perverted Slave Units/Corrupt Operating Systems?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 11/8/2010 4:29:33 AM
It must be of the Swedish School rather than being slavish wedded to the Austrian model …… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/sweden/8114740/Swedes-in-shock-at-King-Carl-Gustaf-sex-scandal.html
“It’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it” … said the class hooker to the clueless bishop
Posted Monday 8th November 2010 05:05 GMT
No matter what device you may use/prefer, from the smallest vanity mobile handheld to the largest static strategic mainframe, are they just as so much dumb junk until connected to Global Information and IntelAIgents Grids. Only then do they become Alive, and can one Control and Power Driver the Future and Lead both Fate and Destiny in Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications. And the one does so easily control the other, although I grant you, only whenever one knows what one is doing in those peculiar and particular, irregular and unconventional SMART Fields and Cyber Ranges.
Wanted… ASAP…. for more Redmond Money than you can Spend … Chill Dudes and Hot Chicks
Posted Monday 8th November 2010 05:26 GMT
“The Beatles “Money can’t buy me love”
Microsoft ” Money can’t buy me cool”” …. Smudge@mcr Posted Sunday 7th November 2010 15:50 GMT
Oh yes it can, Smudge@mcr, although you have to find and employ/invest in and buy up the right fab vendor. And that is the MS Marketing fail.