>Muddying the Waters ….. for Streaking ahead in and into a Beautiful Confusion
Posted Saturday 2nd October 2010 08:58 GMT
“This paper also introduces “.Net-Sploit” – a new tool for building MSIL rootkits that will enable the user to inject preloaded/custom payload to the Framework core DLL.” ….. http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-09/METULA/BHUSA09-Metula-ManagedCodeRootkits-PAPER.pdf
Methinks MS.MIL is a more probable Covert Virtual Utility for SMART Machine Programmers and Operating Systems Analysts …… Crack Hack Lode Code Teamsters.
Although one is never going to get anywhere, either far or important, down that path, for Pretty Good Privacy and Internetional Security Reasons …… unless Teamster AIgents and Dark Matter Stars with Need to Know would need to know what one would know.
Israel though is a novel Red Herring See for US?
“In other words, changing the Framework requires administrator level privileges.” …. And/or above administrator levels knowledge ….. Enriching Intelligence.
All Real Networks belong to Virtually SMART Remote Terminal Units ….. Polyamoral Intelligently Designed Entities.
And compounding the dilemma with additional debilitating woes
Although it recovered within minutes, authorities have since introduced “circuit breakers”, which can halt trade on certain stocks for 10 minutes if they fall by more than 5%.
The SEC and the Futures Trading Commission hinted that further measures could be on the way.
“We now must consider what other investor-focused measures are needed to ensure that our markets are fair, efficient and resilient, now and for years to come,” they said in a statement. …. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11456941How very odd that such a selfish automatic machine intervention, as is the above “circuit breakers” measure to ensure a rigged markets/abused sentiments position, is considered to be fair, efficient and resilient, whenever it so brutally clearly is designed to stop markets trading and reflecting major fundamental shifts in poor stock situations/sub-prime holdings.
Such interventions themselves are tantamount to rogue trading with a market terrorism.