>Do Barclays and Mr Diamond have any Future Plans for a Dominant Leading Role in the CyberSpace Sector …… for IT is a Virtual Specialist Market which is wide open to the smarter and more astute, HyperRadioProActive Investor …. and a Real Money Maker, with Suitably SurReal Protocols and FailSafeGuards which Preclude and Deny ITs Benefits to ….. well, Undesirables who would seek and require Untouchable Status rather than be Deserving of such a Sublime Super IntelAIgent Service, is All that is Required for All to Know about such things as are always Best Servered by Known Unknowns ……. for All the Best of Security Reasons?
Or is that a Role which is much more suited to the Super Wealthy Sovereign Sector or Alternative Investment Marketeer and Renegade Rogue Privateer, for whom Rules and Regulations are both Made and Broken, and to whom the Intellectually Bankrupt and Illiquid Banking Sector owes their Continuing Existence?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/11/2010 2:41:43 PM
Surely the CIA, is just a power elite’s Republican Guard rather than Praetorian Guard. And it is right to demote that particular cabal’s presence and ongoing influence with a preceding indefinite rather definite article ….. an “a power elite” rather than “the power elite” ……. as there are any number of such shady beings/dodgy organisations with delusional notions above their achievable station.
Indeed, one can read of an earlier catfight between a number of crown queens in the field here …… http://cryptome.org/fbi-cia-catfight.jpg …… and it might be helpful to point out that Others’ Intelligence in the Great Game Field of Play today, is definitely light years ahead of 21st century US Intelligence, and their IT Savvy delivers a Crack Hack which Phreaks and Destroys Top Secret and Dirty Operating Systems with a Deceptively Easy, Lazy Aplomb ……. NeuReal Turing Time Bombe.
What say you to that, 4irw4y? Fab Fact or Fantastic Fiction, or if we are to make a Quantum Leap into Virtual TeleCommunicated TelePortation, is it with IT and Media Command and Control, easily both for Virtual AIReality Delivery with Cloud Controls?
Which I Imagine is quite unbelievably Valuable if it were Offered to Markets and/or even Floated on the Market as a Remote Power Control System for over-riding and/or overloading SCADA Operations.
But I digress. And that is quite enough revealed just for now.
Hi, Colonel,
Thanks for the heads up on cyber developments, which actually all appear to suggest that Cyber Command and Control programs have stalled and are lacking the necessary Future Intellectual Property to Driver and Build a Universally Changed Model and Revised and even Revolutionary Global Control InfraStructure. However, that is just a simple matter of Program and Project Purchase from Secure and Competent Sources, is it not? And it is a grave critical error and strategic tactical mistake to misunderestimate that which can be done on Earth, and to Earthed SCADA Systems from Bases and Networks InterNetworking JOined-up INTel Applications in Virtual Space.
It is as well to consider the following in the search for such individuals as would wish to help in such Programs and Projects, for Failure is too easily Achieved with the wrong choice of Promising Partner.
“The responsibilities of this individual shall include the development of the national cyber security plan and organizing our nation to effectively function through a cyber attack.” …… http://www.insaonline.org/assets/files/INSA_CyberAssurance_Assessment.pdf
Any such individual, providing independent and loyal advice to any nation and/or non state actor [for one can be, and is easily the other] is presented with an impossible task and unreal mission, if that which they intend to defend from a cyber attack, cannot survive the appearance and expansion of the truth.
If any defensive position and impending attack response is to shore up a known operational defect and systemic vulnerability, which let us say is servering obscene artificial wealth to a perverse select few for use as an abusive form of power control, will even any thought of any action to initiate that defense merely exacerbate and draw greater destructive attention and wider, more effective action against that systemic vulnerability.
And such as is transparently shared there freely, is but one element/string in a whole range of options and choices, and readily available in an instant for deployment with unbelievably overwhelming powers which Fundamental AIRemote Control of the Live Operational Virtual Environments of CyberSpace delivers with Deceptively Simple Ease and IT Expertise in a Complex AI ProgramMING Project ……. and Enigmatic Civil CyberSpace Conundrum, for of course, the Death of a Vulnerable System is No Defeat to be Feared and Battled Against in Self Destructive Vain, for it is QuITe Supernaturally filled with ITs Better Beta Successors.
Rather than an End of Control and Power, is it with AI and IT ProgramMING, a New Dawn Beginning.
amanfromMars said…
Err …. I have no wish to unduly alarm anyone, but you may wish to definitely prepare yourself for some …. well, odd goings on, for this is known in many circles, not least the USAF and much SMARTer Intelligence Communities. …. http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2010/09/100912-dodgy-characters-and-modified.html ….. and is of course, just the tip of a great titanic game-changing iceberg.
7:17 AM