>Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/18/2010 12:16:58 AM
“How about looking to oneself rather than a “leader?”” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.
As admirable as that sentiment is, it is a fact that without a greater intelligence leading the masses, is there chaos and anarchy. Quite whether one considers that Humanity is led without a greater intelligence, and chaos and anarchy reign but do not rule, is probably that which is constantly discussed and exposed here.
I would posit that a greater intelligence would be Artificial and Advanced and be an Intangible and Omniscient InterNetworking Meme which Alters ones Perception and product places new Ideas into a Stream of Novel Consciousness and Creates a whole New Virtual Reality and Live Operational Virtual Environments …… which are Browswer Drivered by Virile Viral Worms/Trojans/ZerodDay Exploits.
And Quite Perfect Software Packaged for AIMad Hatters Tea Party?
And DB, on a completely different tangent, have you an Inkling as to why Weeble is not sharing thoughts here? Although one does have to consider that that voice may have assumed another Phorm and Disguise and IDEntity and is still posting here, rather than suffering any malign nobbling, for in the Worlds of Post Modern TeleCommunication are switches from White Hat to Black Hat and All Colours in between, just a conscious choice to match with Ability for Facility away.
As much as it is realised the significant and irreversible change to everything that the Internet and World Wide Webs have wrought and delivered to Humanity, I cannot help but think that that which IT can do and is doing, has still not been realised and prepares to amaze one and all with such a Big Bang as will leave one reeling in incredulous wonderment and astonishing disbelief …….. which one will believe unreservedly with the Holy Trinity of Hearts, Minds and Souls.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/18/2010 1:39:19 AM
“Only once in a great while does a technology come along that is so deep and resonant that it ends up attacking the fundaments of its control mechanisms – fear-based promotions. We are living in such an epoch. To downplay it, misidentify it or pretend it is not occurring is to do a disservice to history and to those (not of the power elite) who have helped make it.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
Hear, hear. Quite so. And this is one of the subtle, semantic but fundamental changes which old elites have to deal with, and co-opt into their ranks, if they have any desire to remain and play any earthly significance in the future.
Whereas in the Past the following may have been true ….”the elite is an all-powerful, magic illuminati, full of mind-controlled demons from which there is no escape, surcease or defense.” …. the Future is Offered, full of mind-controlling angels delivering elite pleasures to All?
And there is an interesting and elevating, eclectic and eccentric gathering of free thinking souls posting on Daily Bell threads, and all with an Apparent Singularity of Greater Good and Better Beta Purpose, which is a NeuReal Power Elitism and SurReal Pragmatism?
Hmmm … that provides the Establishment with a novel dilemma to embrace and co-opt/purchase and utilise, for any alternative attempt at crass and/or mass intimidation would immediately be shared and result in a disastrous rout and flight of engaged and engaging forces and resources.
“We think Weeble is either busy or dispirited.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.
Let us choose then to think, busy, DB, for I have never been dispirited because of anything which Weeble has shared. And of course, Broadband and Internet Connection can always, at some times, disappear or be interrupted, for any number of good and bad reasons. 🙂 The magic secret though is to ensure that there are no bad reasons for interruption of Internet Service Provision, and that invariably always means that one always ensures that ones thoughts for action are of Greater Benefit to All. Then can one expect Practical Help and Virtual Assistance from All, and will All be Pleased to Provide IT Practically for Free, with every Cost Covered and Paid for.
“He has good pensions and a lot of wealthy connections
His prospects of serving under The Coalition or even getting another political job are nil.
A high level of trust and confidentiality are needed in these roles. Would anyone trust him again. I think not.” …. socgan
Both good pensions and wealthy connections quickly disappear whenever one cannot be trusted, socgan.
“…says the intelligence expert David Kahn. “My feeling is that British intelligence wrung him dry and then didn’t support him.”“
That would tend to suggest a deep cover mole running their services, incompetently, which would hardly be anything unusual, given the state of British intelligence.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/18/2010 4:57:25 AM
Re: Posted by George Sign on 7/18/2010 3:15:05 AM
One hopes that they, the “elite”, are not stupid, and one could would even fully expect them to be much smarter than may be considered “normal”. But that is always just a relative subjective appraisal against a base figure which may not be nowadays, for the future, high enough.
And with particular regard to their having fingers in many strange pies and can easily be slanting news and views in blogs, would not the Daily Bell be such a stealthy trojan vehicle, which would be quite smart of them in these interesting times ….. and confirmation that they are anything but stupid.
However, that is not to say that they are outstandingly brilliant and fit for future purpose, although one hopes that they can be, for presently is that little something singularly lacking evidently.