

>amanfromMars says:
30 May 2010 at 7:04 am

They injected huge amounts of borrowed money – public funds – to stabilise the economy after the shock of the Lehman failure.” …… Now just hold on a cotton-pickin’ moment there, bubba. They injected/credited huge amounts of invented out of nothing money – Quantitative Easy funds – which they then say are public funds and national debt to be repaid, to perpetuate the myth that they are in control as they manipulate and play with peoples’ lives and economies ……. and keep themselves in clover and deep in Lush Slush Funding.

Let me conclude. What we are currently experiencing is a crisis of public finances in advanced economies.” …… Err, you might like to consider that what you are facing, Signore Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, is a crisis of greater public knowledge and the outing of the systemic and callous and shameless exploitation of the population and planetary resources by officious elites just like the ECB who rely on their continued ignorance and thoughtless compliance for their survival.

ECB : There are no alternatives” …… Oh please, you cannot be serious. There are always countless alternatives which are never explored by the feeble minded Signore.


Honourable Member wrote:

If that tired old rhetoric, which a more forthright, street opinion might classify and tender as Sub Prime BS, is the very best that you have to offer, Irwin, might I suggest a well earned Florida retirement, where you can bask in the sunlight and reflect on past glory stories, which have no earthly relevance today, other than to remind the future of earlier compounding follies to be avoided at any and all cost.

May 30, 2010 8:46 AM BST


Is A Campbell, a Rupert Murdoch puppet/flunky/organ grinder monkey ….. who just loves to think that the world revolves around their airs and graces/heirs and disgraceful information spaces?


amanfromMars  said…

    “Every time he felt like bailing, he reminded himself that spectators pay good money for this kind of entertainment.

    Yeah, that’s the same everywhere, but slapstick comedy whenever high brow drama or even classic masterpiece is expected, is so disappointing for patrons and is bound to have novel investment entrepreneurs looking elsewhere for Greater Great Game action, which is a shame whenever it could be so easily, so much better for all principal players, whether highly principled or not.

    Is Monaco more a murky goldfish bowl rather than shark pool/topical phish tank?

    Of course, whenever Intelligence is so bad in any Jurisdiction, do Intelligence Servers nearly always play a leading game of their own, and even for themselves too?

    And shared as a question because, when done well and properly, would no one ever know or even suspect?

    May 30, 2010 10:09 AM


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