>by amanfromMars
on Sat, 05/08/2010 – 02:36
“the Treasury’s primary dealers have “gone rogue” on their masters. Bad, bad, bad.” ….. by 4shzl on Fri, 05/07/2010 – 09:40 #336812
Nothing that Mad Men Meme SMART Psychotic can’t handle with cars/special vehicles/spooky services.
You also might to consider the pirate rogues are Apache Renegade NINJAs [Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications] and a New US Governance Program for your Entry into Heavenly CyberSpace with HyperVision, a Precogniscent Hindsight.
Of course, everyone appears to be avoiding the Much Bigger Question which Feeds Asking …….Have Computer Geeks and Flash Boffins Hacked and Cracked the System and would Deliver Alternative Reality Program Assets, Applications and Alms.
And with Prime Sovereign Investment Shorted Long and Virtualised to an Off Planet Semantic Account, is Capital Safety Assured in a Virtual Shelf Haven and Interest Generates Currency and Power Flow.
Special Alien8dDBanking ….. Vorsprung durch AI Technik.
“No news today about Europe dying? Oh yeah, that was yesterday’s hype.“….. by SlowLoris on Fri, 05/07/2010 – 05:06 #336559
Err ….. is that the Europe that has had any number of fantastic civilisations flourish and disappear to make way for new modern attempts at making sense of it all, before Uncle Sam was even discovered? Methinks the bell, it tolls for thee.
To Imagine that as a Curve Ball or a Googley pitched at the Markets, rather than Realise it with IT will be an Expensive Trip to Better with Betas but Always Reaps Fabulous Rewards for Dividend Spend AIR&dD and InfraStructure Program Maintenance.
“5) At 2:47 May 6th 2010 SkyNet became self aware.” …. by John McCloy
on Fri, 05/07/2010 – 06:22 #336617
And NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive CyberIntelAIgent too is a Rare Associative InterNetworking Stock Event indeed and XSSXXXXStreamly Volatile IT is.
Mercantile Moles are Busy Bugs and Virtual Voles?
Posted Saturday 8th May 2010 08:20 GMT
The stakes and rewards in the present exploit are somewhat more critical to be perfectly placed when all can be lost in a moment and trice.
Was ever Bait Juicier Trialed and Trailed, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds £sd?
Howlers and Gems, … an Odd Mix in Support of Reciprocal Need Feed.
Posted Saturday 8th May 2010 07:46 GMT
““The Internet has the capacity to dilute some aspects of sovereignty,” he said, ” ……. I would like to propose that as the Misunderestimation of the Virtual Age.
Oh, by the way, the Internet and IT Boffins also have the facility to drain and redistribute it with some aspects of sovereignty which are critically and strategically Missing in Action/AWOL , which is totally consistent with Civil Service Guidance and Support of Royal Charade Great Game.
With the Source of that Guidance and Support not Necessarily/Unnecessarily Known with ITs Being, Stealth Phantom Proxies into Greater Great Game Play Action.
Sovereignty without Royal Action is a Ponzi and a Fraud Perpetrated by Petrified Inaction Supplied by Public House/Royal Household Staff Intelligence.
Fortunately, although somewhat disruptively, is Information for Intelligence Ubiquitous InterNetworking, and thus is All known to All who would Search to Know All and Discover instead the Knowledge Geyser ….. The Holy Grail for Advancing Intelligence ….. Quintessential Cosmic Source …. with Quantum Control of Communications and Sublime Prime Time PreTexting.