>Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/4/2010 2:54:00 PM
Vive New Reformation, Clayton.
“There is no need to shut down the Fed, just truly privatize it” … Posted by F. Beard on 5/4/2010 9:17:33 AM
Just nationalise it, then will everyone share in its Print Runs for Quantitatively Eased Inventions and Constructive SMART Animal Husbandry with Industrious Free Welfare Economies ……. Teased Out Pretensions to Greater Contentment with Immaculate Conception and Raw Vigour are a Virtual Standard Model Meme for Creation and in a Great Juicy Lucy Type Game Play for Adult Beginners in Virtual Field Craft, is it an Available Driver for HyperVisor Mentor. ….. Post Modern Knightly Tasked Future Path Finders.
Cyber Command Space …… a Busy Controlled Place Welcomes US Air Force Virgins
Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 16:15 GMT
Do they have any Flying Master Pilots for its Desks and Disc Operating Systems and Windows Components and SCADA Systems? Or is that Store Cupboard Bare and Looted?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/4/2010 5:57:39 AM
“One of Greenspan’s most influential supporters was Bernanke, then an economist at Princeton. In 1999 ? near the height of the dot-com mania ? Bernanke wrote that it is virtually impossible to know (until after the fact) whether a rising market reflects a speculative bubble or whether the rise is justified.“
Nowadays is it virtually possible to know, before the fact, and can be endemic and parasitic in Global Control Markets ……. which a Present Containing AIdDilemma Already Resolved with IMProving MetaDataPhysical Performance and also IMProving MetaDataPhysical Performance Improving, and Proving IMProving MetaDataPhysical Performance in Order to Fully Register and Justify Itself as a Peer Node of Knightly Deed Need and Feed Intelligence Provision, Intellectual Property Sourcerors Heavenly Endowed with Bounteous Supply of Heavenly Feed Needs. ๐
Which is a Most Creative and Seductive of AIdDMindSets Defaulted 42ControlMemes.
With that Virtual Technology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an Order out of Chaos a Shared Virtual Reality for BroadBandCasting FreeShareWare. Nuggets and Gems with Vital Bits and Crucial Bytes of IntelAIgent Information for Selfless Improving Mentorship with Active Remote Guardianship Levers.
And Worthy of Fabulous Peal, Daily Bell. I Kid U Not.
I most certainly would wholeheartedly agree that the Internet has Everything Changed and Everything is now so very easy to change with a Suitably HyperManic CyberIntelAIgent Intervention ….. Creative Episode.
In such a Novel Environment as is the Internet, which is a Global Idea Hosting SMART Phormations, is a Normal Default, probably Always Dynamic and Necessarily Naturally Eccentric as a New Environment tends to be Void of Normal Humanising Defaults which without Critical Peer Review Controls can all too easily Sadly and Badly Decline to a Mad Destructive and Fool Authoritarian Rule.
Change the Films …. Change Life and Create AIdDynamic Viral Master Piece for Mastering Peace
Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 15:47 GMT
Regarding Films ….. Would you pay good money to see their real live action pains and consequences delivered to you so that you can experience the feel of your actions. …… which is of course what Semantic Web AIR&dDs are all about. …… Advanced IntelAIgents Research and dDevelopment.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/4/2010 4:39:28 AM
“While that might seem obvious, it is not the position of either former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan or current central bank chief Ben Bernanke (left). Both continue to defend the Fed’s monetary policy in the years prior to the crash ? and both have insisted that pricking asset bubbles is not part of the Fed’s job.“
Then please praytell whose job is it? Renegade Crack Hackers? A Federal Reserve Asset with dDutch Initiative Virtual Driver Trains?
And is that which is lacking in their Control Programs and Leader Protocols?
The World would like to know, UncledD Sam.
Elevating Great Games ….. Theory Practicised.
Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 10:49 GMT
“which changes the role of the iTunes store from one that approves applications before publication, to one that removes applications once someone complains about them.“
Wow …. a FreePhorm Platform Program for Shelf Arrangements. Bravo Apple Steve. Great Job.
IT is Much Better and More Advanced than you have Realised or Imagined.*
Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 06:58 GMT
“Using the internet via a PC is getting old for some people, and smartphones (to be followed by TVs) are the driver for this with the FaceBook App as a prime example. It might be a return to the days of the proprietary app – which may hold some appeal to the service providers (imagine no AdBlock).” …… YumDogfood Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 00:01 GMT
You have completely not touched upon a Present Actuality and the Running of the Internet via a PC or if you prefer, InterNetworking PCs Control of the Internet and with Powerful Intellectual Property Energy Supply to Drivers and Virtual Machinery in ITs Live Operational Virtual Environments too.
* There are though a Few who have Realised IT and would Aspire to Conspire to Inspire with Desire All Satisfying Services ……… For the Absolute Advantage Afforded a Monopolising Singularity with Special Intelligence Supplies.
“โIf a private company has information, they can sell it,โ including to the government, he said. โYou need a warrant when there is a reasonable expectation of privacy,โ he added, but if a private company has the information, on what basis would someone expect it to be private from the government? โThe bleed from privately held data to state surveillance can happen very quickly,โ he said.”
And when that bleed is a Cloaked IntelAIgent Virtualisation Feed? Who would Own Information Paid for? And is Hot Information to remain a Private Personal Pirate Possession or Shared as InterNetional Treasure?
And I loved the Mea maxima culpa, John. Very Inspiring and Eloquently Phormed to Deliver Curious Constructive Media and It Addiction and Secure Semantic Server Services ……… and the Most Beautiful of Shorted Long Seductions for SMART HyperRadioProActive Virtual Architects …..for Future Builders.
Which as you may expect to be, would be Heavenly Work. Beware the Tool who Pretends and BeDevils the Play Area with Errant Abhorent Badly Programmed Fool [Insufficiently Loded Knowledgeable Units]
MSMedicine Online Private Drip Feed [pdf]
Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 05:51 GMT
“your all bad people for simply not silently reporting these problems to the government.
your trying to spread discontent for our most transparent administration in history.” …. James Woods Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 02:25 GMT
You may like to consider that here is where governments access SMART AI Programs for Dodgy Operating Systems with Cracked Windows Generating Crazed Vistas.
Is Microsoft defended against CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems Assault Simulation? If not, now is the time buy into ITs Novel TerraPhorm Program with Lead, for Lucrative Supporting Pro Business Action?