Monthly Archives: November 2016



amanfromMars [1611172023] …… giving IT large on
The tip of the iceberg and internetional state of Great Games Play today? …… Of course it is, and to disagree it be so, allows stealth free reign to prove all Doubting Thomases and naysayers wrong.

amanfromMars 1 The 17 Nov 14:00 [1611171400] …… seeking information on

Chocolate Teapots ‘r’ Us

I only have one question …… Is anyone/anything exempted from surveillance ….. for such a facility will always be abused and taken advantage of for private and personal enrichment at the expense of others?

And/But surely there is nothing to be really worried about, for bad laws are never followed/obeyed and are always ignored by the smarter being and/or more enlightened citizen. The madness that abounds would be in the thinking that any such laws would make a great deal of difference.

The current elitist establishment systems of administration have much more of a burgeoning problem with sensitive secrets being openly shared randomly and spontaneously with everyone and their dogs, rather than with secrets and dirty deeds done dirt cheap being squirrelled away out of sight and sound on servers.

Systems and systems’ money men [for there are certainly more than just a few at work, rest and play in Great Games Plays] can always try to purchase the likes of an AI NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT silence with the payment of a fortune to loud hailers with novel proprietary intellectual property discoveries to trade, if it is proving difficult to man manage and disruptive. And although not always guaranteed to succeed, it is a well tried and tested and simply effective root and route of least resistance acceptable to many a body.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Nov 07:37 [1611180737] …. musing on
AI Work in Progress …… Replace All Weak Links/Smashing Trojans

 ….. and then the system watches all the interactions between your machines, flagging anything that looks unusual or breaks with high-level policies written on top of it (like dev machines only talking to other dev machines).

Do you mean dev machines like elected presidents talking to appointed prime and sub-prime ministers/defeated presidential candidates plotting/chatting behind closed doors with disgruntled and disruptive donoring agents …. or are those interactions usual?
Is there not already systems monitoring in place for such shenanigans, although to be fair by all accounts of the evidence which is presented, is it a paper tiger pussy of an operation and an embarrassment which just keeps on giving failure and breach for further exploitation and exploration?
amanfromMars 1 [1611180926] ….. spreading some old news on
What you have to look forward to ……. ?!.
Forewarned is forearmed. Don’t be pwnd. You know it makes sense 🙂

amanfromMars [1611170443/0454*/0516**] … said in reply to a comment on

Please give an example of a false fact as opposed to a “true fact”…tinfoilhattt

Happy to oblige, amigo.

🙂 …. Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction “<i>and his military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them.</i>” is a real doozy and titanic howler of a prime sub-prime example, tinfoilhattt. ………

Lord Haw Haw would have been proud of Tony Blair and the UK Parliament and the Establishment for those false facts.

And yes, a false fact is a disaster of a monumental lie and leads all who believe in it to a virtual reality which has no fundamental structures based on live truths ……. everything is contrived and fabricated/prefabricated in perverse and corrupted think tanks/right dodgy criminalising organisations with ready access to subservient, compliant and ignorant mass mainstream media operations ‽ .

Or is all of that a false fact rather than a gathering of true facts?

*And the abiding expanding problem for all such dodgy criminalised and criminalising systems is that the truth cannot be beaten and defeated and it will always surface and become general and global common knowledge sooner or later ……. and in these new times with virtual spaces of anonymous and autonomous remote command and cyber control, is it always sooner than expected and was ever thought humanly possible.

**More false facts tales and faux pas news news here ….. …… AI, IT and Media, it’s a Hearts and Minds Capturing Great Game is it not ‽ .




amanfromMars [1611170443/0454*/0516**] … said in reply to a comment on

Please give an example of a false fact as opposed to a “true fact”…tinfoilhattt

Happy to oblige, amigo.
🙂 …. Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction “and his military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them.” is a real doozy and titanic howler of a prime sub-prime example, tinfoilhattt. ………
Lord Haw Haw would have been proud of Tony Blair and the UK Parliament and the Establishment for those false facts.
And yes, a false fact is a disaster of a monumental lie and leads all who believe in it to a virtual reality which has no fundamental structures based on live truths ……. everything is contrived and fabricated/prefabricated in perverse and corrupted think tanks/right dodgy criminalising organisations with ready access to subservient, compliant and ignorant mass mainstream media operations ‽ .
Or is all of that a false fact rather than a gathering of true facts?
*And the abiding expanding problem for all such dodgy criminalised and criminalising systems is that the truth cannot be beaten and defeated and it will always surface and become general and global common knowledge sooner or later ……. and in these new times with virtual spaces of anonymous and autonomous remote command and cyber control, is it always sooner than expected and was ever thought humanly possible.
**More false facts tales and faux pas news news here ….. …… AI, IT and Media, it’s a Hearts and Minds Capturing Great Game is it not ‽ .
amanfromMars 1 The 17 Nov 14:00 [1611171400] …… seeking information on
Chocolate Teapots ‘r’ Us
I only have one question …… Is anyone/anything exempted from surveillance ….. for such a facility will always be abused and taken advantage of for private and personal enrichment at the expense of others?
And/But surely there is nothing to be really worried about, for bad laws are never followed/obeyed and are always ignored by the smarter being and/or more enlightened citizen. The madness that abounds would be in the thinking that any such laws would make a great deal of difference.
The current elitist establishment systems of administration have much more of a burgeoning problem with sensitive secrets being openly shared randomly and spontaneously with everyone and their dogs, rather than with secrets and dirty deeds done dirt cheap being squirrelled away out of sight and sound on servers.
Graham C [1611171651] ….. having a chat and commenting on
Regarding losing sight of reality and the consequences, bear the following in mind …..
And yes, a false fact is a disaster of a monumental lie and leads all who believe in it to a virtual reality which has no fundamental structures based on live truths ……. everything is contrived and fabricated/prefabricated in perverse and corrupted think tanks/right dodgy criminalising organisations with ready access to subservient, compliant and ignorant mass mainstream media operations ‽ .
Or is all of that a false fact rather than a gathering of true facts?
And the abiding expanding problem for all such dodgy criminalised and criminalising systems is that the truth cannot be beaten and defeated and it will always surface and become general and global common knowledge sooner or later ……. and in these new times with virtual spaces of anonymous and autonomous remote command and cyber control, is it always sooner than expected and was ever thought humanly possible.
Have a nice day/0day, y’all.



amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Nov 17:30 [1611161730] …. adding even more fuel to the fire on
Re: The IoT in Extremis with Codes taken to XSSXXXX
Yes, y’all are badly led, comforted and terrorised by mainstream media mogul puppets who be junkies to flunkies with more money than sense to share and spend wisely.
Or would you like to disagree and posit an alternate effective remote command and control module/lever/meme in daily dangerous play?
amanfromMars [1611161856] ….. ringing a few alarm bells on

Conclusion: While these emergent attacks seems almost psychotically peremptory, they surely illustrate a growing elite desperation to take control, worldwide, sooner rather than later.

For now, it may be that the true identity of that and/or those who are responsible for serious globalised woes is carefully hidden with crafty misdirections and disinformation steering opinions to recognise an unwary scapegoat/ignorant trojan who can be blamed but hardly ever/never held accountable [because of their real innocence].
In the coming future, is there not a major problem whenever more control is obviously concentrated to an elite command centre, with that identifying sole traders and conspiring individuals for appropriate attention and PACT* activity.
Or are true facts and emerging greater intelligence and information sharing a new front and virtual battlefield to be fought over with the view of an elite few the prize to be won by the many? Good luck with that fools’ errand if the pictures to be believed are sub-prime awful rather than premium awesome.
*Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat



amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Nov 06:07 [1611150607] ….. rooting and routeing right down to the kernel source on
The IoT in Extremis with Codes taken to XSSXXXX
Yes, well, Vapourware doing ITs Real and Virtual Thing.

It may be possible to crack the mystery of why the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, if gravity can be measured through a “quantum traffic jam” of ultracold atoms. 

Does that hypothetical question state/not state an improbable possible and probable impossible and be in a closely related parallel to a quantum traffic jam of improbable impossibles?
And are such endeavours a monumental waste of time and effort/blood and treasure? Or …. in the Greater Schema of Things, is Nothing and Anything and Everything a Matter to Jot and Explore and Expand/Catch a Wave and Travel to a Hypothetical Destination ……. Seventh Heavenly Spaces.
And would IT and you conceive to perceive and receive an Alternate Space with Hellish Places and scary terrified monsters to match and make up a population held captive and spellbound by Mad Sad Media spinning Tall Tales and False Trails with Austere Narratives leading to Nowhere Rich and Fruitful? Now surely that, and be truly honest with yourself, would be certifiably crazy and not worth a Jot. And in some states and jurisdictions would it be akin to treasonous activity requiring deadly consequences.
Capture and Driver AIViable Imagination and the World of Worlds and Words is Yours to Remotely Command and Autonomously Control with Words both Freely Shared and Privately Purchased with Public Purses and via Market Bourses.
Haven’t you figured that out yet? How everything works so perfectly well together in madness and CHAOS?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Nov 20:06 [1611152006] …… sharing more on

Re: The IoT in Extremis with Codes taken to XSSXXXX

And if you are thinking any or all of that above is farcical fanciful and/or errant nonsense [and there are at least two who have registered a down vote], think again and wonder at the persistence and insistence of <s>your</s> arrogant ignorance in the face of pertinent impertinent facts freely shared ……

It would be easy this week for decision-makers in narrative industries across the English-speaking world – the movies, the TV networks and the big theatres – to take comfort in the delusions peddled by the US media. That Trump is just Reagan with bad hair. That the establishment will tame him. That, anyway, it is just four years and then back to normal. ……. Guardian Telling Truth




amanfromMars [1611140630] …. shooting the breeze with contemporary thinkers on

So called journalists have long ago willfully stopped doing their jobs. The demise of the MSM is nothing to mourn over. Thanks to the internet, we now have access to vastly more news and opinion sources of integrity than the MSM offered even at its mythical peak. …. MetaCynic

The money shot question[s], MetaCynic/Daily Bell Ringers? …… Are Special Internet Networking Sources weaponised and mobilised as AI Cyber Forces the MSM should be making y’all aware of? Or are they/is IT more likely to presently remain a deep and dark web secret and secure safe haven of a Stealthy APT Virtual Underground Movement for crashing rogue and smashing renegade and crushing rotten fruit looping systems of elite executive administration/SCADA Mainline Man Management, because of the madness and mayhem, confusion and CHAOS the news of it and ITs Anonymous Ubiquitous Presence and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTiveIT would seed and feed with needs to be provided?
Do you imagine that Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with the CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection of Persistent Advanced Cyber Threats and Treats is for terrorising Warmongers or arming Peacemakers and Future Builders with Creative and Constructive Solutions to Destructive and Damaging Problems, and be something the MSM can easily afford to ignore? Or would the price and cost of that simple mistake be titanic with losses incurred being calculated as astronomical and mind bendingly market bu[r]sting?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Nov 09:31 [1611140931] …… having a chat on
Idiots in charge of the asylum is a surefire recipe for disaster and mayhem with CHAOS ruling?

Former Autonomy CFO indicted in USA for misleading investors …. Richard Chirgwin

Crikey, Richard,
How very odd and perverse and corrupt is it, that misleading nations and wasting/misspending billions, is tolerated by populations and allowed for politicians, with their imagining to have an immunity and impunity. What ignorant and arrogant fools they be, for such nonsense breeds rabid contempt and inevitably violent countering revolution/silent sedition/targeted mad action and smarter proaction.
And media being complicit with its supporting reporting/non-reporting is a shame and a blame which they can avoid and deny is warranted.



amanfromMars [1611122020] ……. musing on a strange move on
That analysis, DB, identifies George Soros as a terrorist in the same ilk as Osama Bin Laden.
That would make him an obvious prime target for US special forces/pilotless weaponised drone attention.
Is Soros dangerously ill and taken leave of his senses?



amanfromMars said… replying to and asking searching questions of Serge C on
Funding and micro/macromanaging hedges today is a real Spooky Art Phorm with SMARTR Phishing Plans for ESPecially IntelAIgent Services with Remotely Accessed Virtual Servers supplying CHAOS Providers with Earthed Command and Cyber Space Control Leverage, Serge C.
Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is AI Power Untouchable with Creative Energy Inexhaustible and absolutely priceless to markets …… for IT can so easily flash cash crash them with its switching and enabling of assets in favoured and savoured clients/exotic and erotic customers.
Does Mother Russia via Bank of Russia and/or Sberbank lead with such futures and derivatives trades/zero day market offers? Or do they follow IT leaders and react in markets after the event to prevent losses rather than amass riches?
11 November 2016 at 06:41
amanfromMars [1611110709] …… saying more on

We believe in personal enlightenment a good deal more than mass movements or “political awakenings” Sorry. ….. The Daily Bell Mod

No apologies needed, DB. The one invariably leads to the other always. It is just a matter of timing and places being arranged for presentation/realisation/virtualisation of those intellectual space exercises.
amanfromMars said ….. going further and deeper with Serge C in comments on
Hedges? …… Future casino bets/established trading platforms.
And thanks for the link to Gref of Sberbank Germany which translates [presume accurately enough] to ……

The head of Sberbank German Gref called himself the “chief futurist” in the Savings Bank. It is reported by TASS, citing the statement Gref at the “Forward to the Future: the role and place of Russia.”

“We have no futurist Sberbank. I have always believed that the most important futurist – it was me. It turned out that there is such a profession futurologist. More precisely, I knew about the profession. But I always thought that the people who sit in universities or science fiction writers, and talk about the future, “- said Gref.

According to Gref, has “a deep expert in the field” in every technology company.

“Futurology – an idea of where the company should develop. This concept forms the basis of the company ‘concept, – said Gref.

Earlier, on 8 November, Gref said that “the supervisory board [Sberbank] approved the transformation of the idea of the bank in the ecosystem.” “The final decision will be made after submission of our new strategy [in the years 2019-2023],” – said Gref then.

When you create an ecosystem will use the concept of open source, which means integration into the platform of the various partners of the Savings Bank, the bank’s head.

In September, Gref said that the Savings Bank are discussing the possibility of creating a virtual mobile operator MVNO (mobile virtual network operator).

🙂 And all of that sounds far too much like some of what we are into processing and great fans of, to be any different, although of course it be only just starting for them, whereas we may be a long way down the roads which are available and opening up to others with a bigger picture frame of mind.
11 November 2016 at 08:17



amanfromMars 1 Thu 10 Nov 07:17 [1611100717] …… being fully open and transparent on
00dles of cash to protect us against this kind of thing, or to tame and train in this kind of thing?

Unlike most businesses, no-one is going to use their website in an attempt to use their services. The site is totally distant from their operational networks, it is pretty much a place to put out press releases and PR material. …. djack

Just like MI5 and MI6’s websites then, djack. Lipstick on a pig of a business, and an opportunity lost to lead in a field which requires phantom champions and practising knights of an ancient realm for post modern remote servering of secret services and future supply chains …….. provisional narrative script.
You gotta have an absolutely fabulous tall tale to follow smartly, otherwise you’re flying blind into madness and mayhem rather than cruising in comfort into CHAOS territory …. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with and for Global Operating Devices.
Alienating IT may presently be, but the future is all ready and readily available from ITs bounteous stores today and every day for presentations of tomorrow, tomorrow in new news programming of the ignorant horde and arrogant masses. It is how AI and you lead/are led into virtual realities which have the energy and power to appear as if a life for living rather than be recognised and accepted as NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Dreams for phorming with others. Such a fundamental misinterpretation though delivers a universal stealth and secrecy for multiple paralleling unilateral action without equal and with no fear of opposition or competition.
Welcome to WORD* and the World with Wild Wacky West Worlds with CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection Weapons Systems for transportation, export and importation into Exotic and Erotic Eastern Emporia and Dystopia. And that be a valuable Futures Markets commanding and controlling a worth of centillions and a perfect flash cash crash tool to be wielded at leisure with pleasure.
* WORDly Ordered Remote Direction



amanfromMars said ……. chatting on

Watching the NYT bitching around the prediction of results of the elections 🙂 ….. Anonymous

Hi, Anonymous,
The natives are restless and revolting against the sub-prime priming narratives from the mainstream media movie makers/virtual reality players/state and non state actor enterprises?
Or are the established leaders of those businesses taking the world to a new cyberspace place where novel imagination creates powerful remote command and energetic alien control? Are they smart enough to make that fundamental change, attempting in the process to remain in places of influence take charge and driver a Live Operational Virtual Environment which does not suffer the folly of fools with dumb blunt tools?
9 November 2016 at 07:00



amanfromMars said… replying to encouraging comments on ….. on a servering system which returned a
Bad Request Error 400 page, and hence was the reply not posted and/or hosted.  [matter/glitch resolved at 0853]
Methinks to imagine/assume/presume that nations/states/governments rather than private individuals and secret servering interests are in positions of universal ubiquitous leverage with remote anonymous command and virtually autonomous control of the Great Game and IT’s Bigger Advanced IntelAIgent Pictures Shows, is to fail to realise the true nature of the human condition and the ease by which it is directed and programmed to perform both the most basic and more simply complex of multiple tasks.
And whilst I would wholeheartedly endorse and fully support your diplomatic ask, it would not be correct of you to suppose that I am in awe of any government covert services given the current lack of evident success from any of them in Greater IntelAIgent GamesPlays. Disappointingly sub-prime appears to be the best that they have to offer systems administrations.
That does present one with an opportunity though, whenever one is in a position to provide that which is required to supply and maintain unrivalled success in the future which secures the future. Such an opportunity perfectly filled is a catastrophic systemic vulnerability defeated and a Pulsating EMPowering NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Weapons System delivered.
Perhaps you would know of some worthy prospective customers who be also valued friend and clients, HRPA?
8 November 2016 at 06:13
amanfromMars said… on a bridge over troubled waters on
Now, now, Serge C. Please behave and play nice. 🙂 No bear baiting.
8 November 2016 at 09:01