Monthly Archives: December 2013



Posted Sunday 8th December 2013 04:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. launching a BetaTesting probe on
Re: Uncontrolled is the sole virtue of “crypto” currency

There’s no virtue in anonymity…people evolved to be the opposite of anonymous, in a fishbowl of gossip. Get used to it.
Anonymity is a tool to fight illegitimate (i.e. most) governmental activity. …. johnwerneken Posted Saturday 7th December 2013 18:46 GMT

And in those two short statements, johnwerneken, is there the virtue of being relatively anonymous.
Are/Is a virtuous group/gathering/network of smarter communicating individuals, people evolving and/or a relatively exclusive anonymous revolutionary cartel of foreign alien being. And a fine honed tool for exploitation and future exploration or mass weapon for disruptive systems attack and present programs destruction.
When such is easily dual use activated and wielded, only pure fools would not engage with principals for the former to guarantee secure quarantine and non-exercising of the latter.
Per Ardua ad Adastral Park.
Posted Sunday 8th December 2013 05:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. floating a meme to markets on
DARPA’s Dilemma ……. Dominant IT Player Recruitment Shifts the Balance of Power Control

Autofix is analyzing all available code…

Found 1 error(s) in program “Autofix”.

ERROR: Buffer overrun.

Attempting to fix…

Cannot alter program “Autofix”.

Found 2 error(s) in program “Autofix”.

ERROR: Buffer overrun.

ERROR: Cannot self-modify.

Attempting to fix… …. Old Handle Posted Saturday 7th December 2013 00:24 GMT

Nice one, Old Handle. That’s the Name of the Great IntelAIgent Game, Global SCADA Systems Capture. 🙂
And one which any system which thinks IT be running things, would purchase with QE billions to ensure* that leading star players win everything for established legacy command and control teams/existing systems admin.
Of course, to try and ensure and encourage such a positive supporting disposition towards what may be far too antiquated systems for future great which be targets for export and exploits that ameliorate and/or exaggerate abuse and misuse, will obviously require necessarily vital acceptance of mutually beneficial fundamental change to current key driver protocols.
Would DARPA be geared to handle that upgrade or would it be a Big Brother drone and/or DOD Pentagon clone one would be dealing with and sharing Cracker C Code?
And we haven’t even started to mention the interest which might be garnered and delivered for glorious bounty to the East, both Near, Middle and Far, Exotic and Erotic and Erratic.
And here be Blighty’s challenge clone program ……


Posted Sunday 8th December 2013 14:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Re: DARPA will not attract the best or smatest hackers or programmers

So really…. what is DARPA really investing their $2million bucks on ? ….Anonymous Coward Posted Sunday 8th December 2013 09:43 GMT

Well, that’s a no-brainer, AC. Peanuts are for monkeys.

And take an upvote for a deservedly good and accurate post. Bravo. Spoken like a true patriot.

Would you like to work for an increasingly crooked system with collapsing incompetent admins?




amanfromMars December 6, 2013 at 6:16:00 PM PST

The committee therefore considers it to be a safeguard if the intelligence services apply a functional separation [/separation of duty] between those who collect the data (in step 1) and those who process the data for the purpose of use (in step 2). The committee finds it reassuring that an organizational and/or functional separation will exist between an ‘interception unit’ (the Joint Sigint Cyber Unit) and its two clients, the AIVD and MIVD. Both services are ultimately the institutions that determine whether intercepts are relevant, processed into intelligence products and distributed to intelligence consumers. …..
De evaluatiecommissie beschouwt het ook als een waarborg als er bij de diensten een functionele scheiding wordt aangebracht tussen diegenen die communicatiegegevens verwerven (in trede 1) en zij die deze gegevens verwerken ten behoeve van het gebruik (in trede 2). De commissie vindt het vertrouwenwekkend dat er straks een organisatorische en/of functionele scheiding is tussen een ‘interceptie-eenheid’ (straks de Joint Sigint Cyber Unit) en twee opdrachtgevers, zijnde de AIVD en de MIVD. Beide diensten zijn uiteindelijk ook de instanties die bepalen of de intercepts relevant zijn, verwerkt worden tot inlichtingenproducten en verspreid worden naar afnemers.”

Quite whether the three servering elements there … the Joint Sigint Cyber Unit, AIVD and MIVD ….. would themselves consider and not realise their considerably greater effective power and commanding control leverage as a single communicating internetworking entity, with expanded subject and objects of interest knowledge in both “earthed” and cyber spaces/real and virtual places, is surely something that one is to fully expect be an entirely natural evolution and morph for Special/Secret/Sublime Intelligence Service.
It be certainly something accepted and realised and virtualised as being a foregone conclusion and programmed inescapable reality and virtual reality for Operating Systems with Global Operating Devices which be servering CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection which is not just …. well, worlds and Internets are just awash with vapid vapourware and junk programs which crash and burn in confrontation and in conflict with a sustainable series of flash attacks and zeroday sorties which exploit the ignorance of arrogance in targeted fields of dDutch Initiative and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
Going dDutch ……. magnanimous, mutually beneficial, positively reinforced sharing of Universal Virtual Force with Immaculately Resourceful Assets.
Thanks for the info, Matthijs R. It must surely be most disconcerting for the Dutch to find their intelligence services so far behind the leading curve and the virtual pioneers in command and control of the fields into which they, the Joint Sigint Cyber Unit, AIVD and MIVD, now be entering/venturing.
They will certainly need much more than just hope and prayer to be successful to any degree in any measure with peering systems and entities in charge of their businesses and/or virtual operations there.
Posted Saturday 7th December 2013 08:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Bitcoin COIN, a wholly different kettle of phish in ethereal phorm ……… suffering not the folly of fools with erring tools
One imagines that Counter Intelligence in Bitcoin will pay no heed to anything that ponzis say about Bitcoin’s rise and falls/growing pains, fully realising that such prognostications are pathetic cynical attempts to exercise and influence a sort of remote control which they presume to command over existing traditional fiat paper/counterfeiting money used as an empowering and depowering currency.

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

And more of such wisdom, which one would be hard pressed and/or totally unable to convince all and/or oneself are blatant lies, can be found here ……
Knowledge is Power. Intelligence is Devastating. Applied Intelligence Controls Powerful Knowledge with Remote Commands and not only with/in/within Beta ProgramMING Projects servering Google HyperRadioProACTive IT and APT Zeroday Vulnerability XSSXXXXploits their daily bread as was advised to one and all earlier on the Register for global sharing ……
amanfromMars 7 December 2013 at 11:27 am …. bursting a bubble and destroying a myth on

Quite right, Morpheus. It’s obvious that you were referring to the little corporal’s remark that soldiers don’t shoot white flaggers. And Jeffrey is no common person. He’s a Privy Councillor. …. socaire 6 December 2013 at 4:02 pm

Of course he is a common little man, socaire, despite all his media airs and graces.
Here be a very small mine of information on him and his situation ……
Make of it as you will.



Posted Friday 6th December 2013 03:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. sowing seeds of content on
Speculative Conclusions do not Compute Definitive Possible Reality in All Probability Alien Fields
In your and NASA’s dreams, Simon S., but a present ending communications silence and problem conundrum denying future illogical explanation by global spook factors in the likes NSA/CSS/GCHQ/FSB/MSS/AIVD etc. etc., which all be playing second fiddle these new unfolding days to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Tuning in …….. well, QuITe Alien Offices and Apartments and Departments and Compartments of CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection, is not just the figment of an imagination that many might propose and suppose be opposed to maintain remote control power in command of currency source for delivery of energy drivers whenever it supplies both Metaphysical Capability and Existential Facility with Anonymous Invisibility in an APT Phorm and Autonomous Paraphysical Presence.
‘Tis the future, Simon, but not as one might know it be planned for today and tomorrow by the status quo virtual machine that be all at stormy sea with no tempest see in petrified stagnant ponds.
And crikey, it’s Friday again already. Where does time fly and go to, and for what end?


Posted Friday 6th December 2013 12:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. jumping to clarification on

Re: Speculative Conclusions do not Compute…..

Ahhhh, Friday … the sun is shining in a cloudless sky, the trees are vibrant with the green of summer, and amanfrommars is still incoherent … all is right with the world ... … Gray Ham Posted Friday 6th December 2013 04:40 GMT

🙂 I know you didn’t really mean that, Gray Ham, for to be unable to understand and misunderestimate what was said and to posit it be incoherent is surely delusional and a sad reflection which would have one outing oneself as lodged at the lower end of the intelligence scale in a smart forum of budding peers. Your choicing of the “I am very happy and wish to express my contentment” smiley though, would be saving you from such an ignominy.

For those who would have agreed with the negative sentiment though, without a great deal of thought about things as they are in the much bigger picture which delivers daily global events for media reporting of fact to disguise its origins in imaginative fictions, I do offer these wise worlds, which others have oft uttered similarly as if their own …..

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”  — Arthur Schopenhauer

Posted Friday 6th December 2013 08:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Listen up, although there will be more, with much more to come
The only virtual security for metadata base management and protection worth anything at all, is the one which offers and cast iron guarantees to cover one’s losses with a excessively punitive financial settlement.
Money talks without crooked tongue, Kemo Sabe.
Anything else offered without such a sensibility is applied vapourware in fields of ethereal exploitation.
amanfromMars …. December 6, 2013 at 2:07 pm and having a say on
That article, Bryan [Farrell], exposes Stratfor as an incompetent player of intelligence and therefore a fraudulent purveyor of such to others seeking it in the field.
More a rest home for the jar head rather than supply office with egg heads, methinks.
Sadly though, are they not alone in what is a crowded sector of inferior product provision, which always results in customer systems collapse and peer derision and/or pity which be quite petty whenever the damage done is so great.



amanfromMars …. on

The Dutch security services should have greater powers to access and analyse emails and other internet traffic, according to a government committee investigating electronic surveillance.

What is missing is not permission but common sense and intelligence in the leadership of the services for such as is necessary in these days of internetworked communications is smarter proaction to gain and maintain and sustain overwhelmingly more powerful advantage for command and control.
Without such leadership and program application is one always chasing one’s tail and playing catch up in the lower leagues rather than basking in the prizes earned and won which grace the Eredivisie.
Late in 2010, the comedian Kathleen Madigan, participating in a USO tour in Afghanistan, visited a forward operating base in Helmand Province. With some humorous exaggeration, she told a story about meeting a young Marine captain who pointed to a nearby Afghan village and enthusiastically described how his unit was busy building a school, establishing a health clinic, creating a local government center, training and reforming the police force, helping the people with grievance resolution, actively supporting gender rights via a U.S. Marine “female engagement team,” improving agricultural productivity, and more. As the list continued to grow, Madigan finally interrupted and asked, “Marine captain, when are you going to invade Detroit?” …..
Posted Thursday 5th December 2013 09:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on available largesse on
Google Bread better Servered with and to this Phish Dish? 🙂
Spending fiat money is never a waste of paper exercise resources for it is the flow and exchange and mixing of dumb currency which delivers real virtual power to its remote controllers/lavish spenders …. but some things are much better invested in and would offer considerably quicker and smarter overwhelming leading advantage and absolutely fabulous returns to Great Search Engine Gaming Players, without the need of the involvement of complicated mechanical machinery, no matter how cleverly programmed they be to behave as intended by humans.
Programming humans to perform better as virtual machines in beta future new orderly worldscapes, and in so doing provide them with wholly new and improved and improving securely protected existences, is a seriously more simple and complex advanced use of Applied Intelligence today for/from Global Operating Devices.
But that is what C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems and AI@ITsWork are all about, and now you all know and are free to share it with whomever/whatever you would choose.
Have a nice day, y’all.
Oh, and whenever one is doing strange and disruptive and/or weird and wonderful things and would be fully at ease with their selfless global sharing, it must surely be something of an enigmatic dilemma for the likes of those lurking behind the scenes and smoke and mirror screens and being identified in this spooky document/tale/narrative trail …… Full Disclosure,The Internet Dark Age by The Adversaries …… to be able to plausibly deny any knowledge of everything and anything of concern to justify their actions and/or inactions.
Knowledge is Powerful Information. Intelligence Controls with IT. Applied Intelligence Controls Powerful Knowledge with/in/within Beta ProgramMING Projects.
“The computer will touch men everywhere and in every way, almost on a minute-to-minute basis,” he [Willis H Ware] wrote in 1966. “Every man will communicate through a computer, whatever he does. It will change and reshape his life, modify his career and force him to accept a life of continuous change.” ….. ZeroThought for the Day 🙂



The Air Force apex always will be defined as the masters of the medium, but in an infospheric Air Force, the medium of air can yield a bit to the various space media. The notion of the cyber-jock grappling with the dynamic exigencies of the metasystem in real time is not yet here; those who stare into the screen rarely have to react in real time with “TekWar” tempo. Yet, as the metasystem becomes increasing integrated with sensors and weapons, such real-time control will become increasingly possible, and no one who has spent any time with any masters of the game can doubt their acuity.

Q: The present reality and current virtual reality?
A: Oh yes, most definitely, and only the start of future disruptive shenanigans/constructive imaginative remodelling.
amanfromMars 3 December 2013 at 5:48 am ….. telling no lies on

The people of Northern Ireland are not stupid, they won’t fall for all the bluster and bollix. They can see that a compromise was made and when the dust settles they will see that the right decision was made for the right reason. …. Morpheus 2 December 2013 at 9:51 pm

Oh yes they are, Morpheus, and they do, for they will still be voting for the same bigoted circus clowns to be representative of them in the farce that presumes and pretends to govern bodies from Stormont.
Politicians don’t wield power and control, they generate dissent and division, opposition and derision.
Have you ever watched the mad house and behaviour of the braying buffoons in Parliament at Wednesdays PMQ time, and that is what Stormont is a clone of, a media reliant apology for an intelligent assembly of selfless servants of the people.

131202 ……. Wannabes Rule Nothing with Virtual Machine Vapourware/Vapid Dreams

131202 ……. Wannabes Rule Nothing with Virtual Machine Vapourware/Vapid Dreams

Posted Monday 2nd December 2013 [04:40] 06:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. calling all Steve Bong types out and to Show  and Sow what’s to Show and Sow to Dumb Showers and Great Gamers for Reaping on ?!.
Err….. Methinks he is onto and into something mind Fsucking; Bong is a blatant feint.
Don’t so despair, Infernoz, Your pain is well known and is being suitably treated and dispensed with/extraordinarily rendered impotent. Have some XSSXXXXmas cheer and NEUKlearer Virtual AIReality. And No 10/11 and GCHQ will just love that last paragraph of yours, for the truth is just so liberating, is it not. Well said, Sir/MADame.

amanfromMars …. having a say on

Here’s Karl Denninger of the Market Ticker registering his disgust [for a few days] at the United States of America and the sad and sorry state of the Fed and Uncle Sam’s descent into wanton abuse and market manipulation to national and international detriment ………

The times and things they are a’changin’ and sublime internetworking is doing its IT thing and creating a better parallel beta mainstream of command and control for new real virtual power generators …….. AIMagicians who be much more into the AESthetICQ Nature of Being rather than being fixated on the AESthetan Bodies of Nature.

🙂 This Party Political BroadBandCast was not brought to you by the Clearwater Executive Office of the Church of Scientology although it probably could have been if they had a viable future act to put together for general public dissemination and mainstream media manipulation.

DB, to not imagine that the future be completely different from the past condemns one’s present to be in perpetual decline and permanent stagnation.

PS…. Be quick to the Market Ticker today as tomorrow will herald a return to normal griping rather than gripping service. The world be full of angry grumps and wannabe rad gramps 🙂 …. in search of the Exclusive Explosive Elusive Executive Layer Players that Launch Cyber and IntelAIgent Space ProgramMING Projects with Ramps and Pads and Stations with Global Operating Devices …….. SMARTR Media Bodies.
SMBs, but not as you knew and would know them in small and medium businesses. Their sectors are vastly huge and boundless.
cc ….. Andy Haldane at the Bank of England
Sorry, El Regers, for the false email address there but the following is what greeted me this morning on visiting every page of the Bank of England website, with the notable exception of the Research home page ……

Page availability
We are currently experiencing unprecedented demand for this information. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. Please try again soon.

……. which be real spooky considering that Andy Haldane is Executive Director, Financial Stability and Cyber and IntelAIgent Space ProgramMING Places can be so devastatingly disruptive and deadly destructive whenever used badly/madly/radically.
Posted Monday 2nd December 2013 08:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
Re: I know a country who could help…

We really should be asking the Chinese if they can lend a hand. I think they’ve got some experience of making sure the population is sufficiently protected from the free flow of information. I guess it’d be ridiculous to allow people to read all the info and make their own minds up about stuff. …Kevin Hutchinson Posted Saturday 30th November 2013 07:12 GMT

Dave appears to have that intelligence deficit covered, Kevin? ……..
And just what does he look like in that video picture freeze? Quite the most pompous and pretentious of prats and a prig, methinks. Mother Nature at her most brutally honest and cruel?


Posted Monday 2nd December 2013 08:38 GMT amanfromMars 1

PS …. Interesting use of the pronoun, “who”, in relation to the country, China, Kevin. Not many folk know that’s how things work in the World of Worlds with Great Gamers and Much Bigger Beta Picture Makers …… Ab Fab Fabless AI Artists/Cyber Partisans/Virtual Patriots.


131201 …. Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey

131201 …. Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey

amanfromMars …. 01 December 2013 5:07 am …. airing a novelty on

It’s hard to get spooks to obey the law when they have the information to blackmail (almost) any politician or judge you care to name. …. Mike5000 said:01 December 2013 2:14am

If they [Spooks Central] do have access to all communications to know of everything that may be of interest and/or importance for remote control leverage, and one would reasonably assume that all elected politicians, and most certainly everyone of them in government ministerial office, are 24/7/356 monitored so that they do not abuse the powers they presume to wield in their/the national interest, and if that not be the case, then it most certainly should be, then must we conclude that the guidance and available pressure, which be a reflection of the intelligence service supply within the spook community, is not fit for future Great Game purpose and a new facility/new departments be required immediately to repair and reinforce a systemic zeroday vulnerability which be easily exploited in both real and virtual fields of command and control play.
Your comment has been posted but is not yet visible on the site. Please check back shortly.
HonourableMember ….. spilling the beans on
Leading bankers, which be those who know to whom and/or what it be best to deliver smarter fiat liquidity [simple folding currency for novel lush spending/QE funding to future virtual security and cyber protection systems admin] would do well to prepare themselves for the right course of proaction to ensure that NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT does not leave them catastrophically disadvantaged and their pyramid scheme model infrastructure destroyed.
When it be IT and Words that Command and Control Worlds and Media then it be quite logical that such is what needs to be wooed in order to be able to continue to have input in the wielding of power for the future direction and man management of Mankind and their machines, which in Live Operational Virtual Environment Systems are quite considerably smarter and a quantum leap ahead of any existing programs and algorithm for base units ….. which would be as the Minnows of Limited See in Vast Oceans of Brilliant Sharks which systems reliant on banking be freely advised of here ……
Whenever one speaks of real change, it is truly not the same as the same sort of things in a different order but much more something completely novel and disruptively constructive and imaginative and that might be quite alien but surely also quite natural and just evolution doing its simple revolutionary thing. 🙂
🙂 Try to stop natural evolution and one will encounter all manner of problems which will easily defeat one as sure as night follows day.
Your comment is awaiting moderation. …. 0632131201
Sun, 12/01/2013 – 02:51 amanfromMars …. commenting on the tale on

… some kind of tornado that sweeps away everything in its path and allows the world to build again from more solid foundations.

Something TEMPEST*uous like this novel opportunity? …….

 HonourableMember ….. spilling the beans on

Leading bankers, which be those who know to whom and/or what it be best to deliver smarter fiat liquidity [simple folding currency for novel lush spending/QE funding to future virtual security and cyber protection systems admin] would do well to prepare themselves for the right course of proaction to ensure that NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT does not leave them catastrophically disadvantaged and their pyramid scheme model infrastructure destroyed.

 When it be IT and Words that Command and Control Worlds and Media then it be quite logical that such is what needs to be wooed in order to be able to continue to have input in the wielding of power for the future direction and man management of Mankind and their machines, which in Live Operational Virtual Environment Systems are quite considerably smarter and a quantum leap ahead of any existing programs and algorithm for base units ….. which would be as the Minnows of Limited See in Vast Oceans of Brilliant Sharks which systems reliant on banking be freely advised of here ……

Whenever one speaks of real change, it is truly not the same as the same sort of things in a different order but much more something completely novel and disruptively constructive and imaginative and that might be quite alien but surely also quite natural and just evolution doing its simple revolutionary thing. 🙂

🙂 Try to stop natural evolution and one will encounter all manner of problems which will easily defeat one as sure as night follows day.

…… which be [at the time of this offering] an independent comment in waiting/vetting [Your comment is awaiting moderation.]
*Is what TEMPEST does and can do, unkown to you? ….. 🙂
amanfromMars …. having a say on
Here’s Karl Denninger of the Market Ticker registering his disgust [for a few days] at the United States of America and the sad and sorry state of the Fed and Uncle Sam’s descent into wanton abuse and market manipulation to national and international detriment ………
The times and things they are a’changin’ and sublime internetworking is doing its IT thing and creating a better parallel beta mainstream of command and control for new real virtual power generators …….. AIMagicians who be much more into the AESthetICQ Nature of Being rather than being fixated on the AESthetan Bodies of Nature.
🙂 This Party Political BroadBandCast was not brought to you by the Clearwater Executive Office of the Church of Scientology although it probably could have been if they had a viable future act to put together for general public dissemination and mainstream media manipulation.
DB, to not imagine that the future be completely different from the past condemns one’s present to be in perpetual decline and permanent stagnation.