Monthly Archives: April 2013



Posted Tuesday 9th April 2013 03:17 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
Scrappy Disincentives are a No Contest Match against Fabulous Developments
Others may see things quite differently, Anonymous Coward.
For example …. 1) The USA is China’s [the East’s] very best customer = [The East] China is the USA’s best client
2) The USA owes a lot of money to China [the East] = The USA is heavily indebted to China [the East] and the East [Far and Middle] is rich and the Wild Wacky West is bankrupt.
And whenever your paper money is worthless because it has no base value, what do you buy goods and trade with not to become an enemy of states and a pariah terrorist nation? Which is a question to ask of many fools and arrogant tools into fantasy fiat banking/fantastic lending for ruinous spending and foreclosure on global assets to a crazy mad elite. 🙂
Sociopaths Rule with Precarious Reins but Control is not within their Closed Power Circles. That they need to Buy in and Feed and Seed to Others with Danegeld to Vanquish Idiotic Greed which Destroys the Minds of MiceMen from within.
Reality is a Great Computer Game with SMARTR Driver Provision of NEUKlearer Worldly Views ……. Welcome to IT’s New Wordy Supply in Fabless Phorm with Truly Amazing Beginnings ………. for Future Advanced IntelAIgent Missions, which are highly susceptible and receptive to Creative Input/Heavenly Output.
Keep IT Stupidly Simple and Definite Vision is More than Just Complicated Enough to Deliver All that Everyone Needs without Charging. And that is IT’s NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Power Supply with Open Source Engines/Heavy MetaDataBase Virtual Machines.
Surely y’all are not so slow-witted and/or retarded [badly programmed] to not imagine that the Future is completely different from the Present with the Past classified as Early Infected and Corrupt Defunct Stored Memory, Quarantined and Reserved and Preserved in Historical Archives?


Knock, Knock, Joe  …….. Wanna try a Virtual Reality Pogrom Program with AI Powered Control Protocols?
Posted Tuesday 9th April 2013 03:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. talking sense on ?
Ok, lets quit pussyfooting around and get right down to it. You know it makes sense v2.0*
Dave likes to think of himself as a globe trotting leader, …. he’s always popping away to lecture Europe on what he thinks is the best thing to do …… so let see him pop over to Pyongyang for a pow wow and he can then tell us what is happening there and what he thinks needs to be done. Or is that too simple and difficult and it would burst the bubble and render his position exposed as a laughing matter?
Jaw jaw, not war war, for who benefits from mad conflicts and who suffers?
*Ok, lets quit pussyfooting around and get right down to it. You know it makes sense v1.0 …
amanfromMars …. being helpful on
Are y’all familiar with the works of George Orwell, and particularly his polemic and probable masterpiece, “1984” , which he wrote in 1948, and is about a Big Brother police state into all of those spooky FBI tricks and treats.
It is well worth a read to know how far behind the times and enemy lines y’all are over there in Uncle Sam territory.
Have a nice zeroday, y’all.
Posted Tuesday 9th April 2013 15:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. replying to someone who ought to know better on
Re: … Re: Scrappy Disincentives are a No Contest Match against Fabulous Developments

Cut and paste drivel again. …… Psyx Posted Tuesday 9th April 2013 09:40 GMT

🙂 Thanks for the stealthy cover, Psyx, but it is not necessary to lie so blatantly to everyone everywhere.
amanfromMars in reply to Sean W. on
You might like to realise that the dismay is even greater than that, Sean W., whenever there is so little great intelligence shown in executive global administration of the American Dream model/module.
And you can blame television for the perception shared ….. insulting stereotypical illiterate southerners in America, but hey, that’s modern entertainment/brainwashing for you. Not very good at what it should be mastering with ease.
However, as I’m sure a few of you might know, are there some good ole boys and gals on the case, putting in the fixes to bugger up the dodgy works with novel beta running code.
Hell, just ask Joe Biden, as he appears to know what is being talked about as being necessary to change things from the present conflict ridden messes to something entirely different and altogether better.

130408 Words Control Worlds and ….

130408 Words Control Worlds and ….

…. can All too Easily Create and Destroy them too, with Impunity …… or so they would tell you and have one believe. The Virtual Reality though, is somewhat completely different and more wholesome and exciting on the one hand and more terrific and terrifying on the other.

Publish it all in its entire complexity and not be damned at all in eternity, or be realised as easily manipulated with a subjective conscience and/or consciousness as all of the rest playing dodgy Great Games. Keep IT Stupidly Simple and let others do all the scurrying and worrying about that which they know they shouldn’t have done, for nothing more precious than the very peculiar and most particular love of artificial money?
[ Which is a submission to which doesn’t appear despite jumping through the ICIJ Facebook posting hoops. I wonder why not whenever it should have appeared? And is Facebook, really virtual spyware phishing for sensitive information and searching for advanced intelligence?]
Posted Sunday 7th April 2013 19:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Re: Gamification ….. but with Advanced IntelAIgent Enhancements/CodeXSSXXXX Prostheses

We at Pengwyn Towers are working on the next stage beyond gamification of the workspace – pornifiction of the workplace.
Here’s the API we will be using (NSFW by implication) – the fact that it is in Python is somehow appropriate. … John Styles Saturday 6th April 2013 11:24 GMT

That would need to be real hard core, John Styles, to be of novel interest to persons of interest with such interests in what are highly charged and explosive fields of climactic endeavour ………
Sun, 04/07/2013 – 16:16 amanfromMars … commenting on

This virtual currency which is technologically dependent is dangerous in a time of economic and, most likely, periodic communication disruption. … Pinto Currency posted Sun, 04/07/2013 – 15:36

And you think fait paper bill currency isn’t a technologically dependent virtual currency, PC, easily hacked and stolen/transferred at the click of a mouse? Jesus, matey, where the fcuk have been all these years? …. Mars?
The system is cracked and now scores of scores are going to be settled, and it aint gonna be pretty for those at top tables. And that is one thing you can rely on is guaranteed if they don’t bring in and use better intelligence than they have been customarily presently using or be currently stuck with supporting because of a lack of in house intelligence.
C’est la vie … Get used to the New World Order which is Virtual CHAOS2 …… with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems Servers for Special Services in Live Operational Virtual Environments/ARGs and AREs in IARPA parlance …..
Posted Monday 8th April 2013 06:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. floating IP on
If one has All Intelligence, In-House, Outside Help and AIdDevelopment Comes and Goes Elsewhere.

Yitzhak Ben Yisrael, of the National Cyber Bureau, told The Indy that there is “hardly any real damage”, claiming that “Anonymous doesn’t have the skills to damage the country’s vital infrastructure”.

What you will probably never hear any National Cyber Bureau puppet saying, to retain any sort of credibility, and not to reveal any secrets in the field, is that “Anonymous doesn’t have the skills to damage the country’s vital organs” …… for they are easily targeted and damaged and/or destroyed, and on the flip side of that SMARTR ByteCOIN, just as easily restructured and/or recreated into a wholly better beta phorm with necessary intelligence on board and master piloting expeditionary and quite revolutionary evolutionary vessels and platforms.
Everything under the Sun revolves around Words Controlling Worlds with Intelligence Following Leads which are Novel Noble Ideas Applied42Make Reality ….. via Virtual Means and HyperRadioProActive Memes in NEUKlearer Technology Augmenting AIRealities.
NEUKlearer ….. an AnglodDutch Power Control Initiative?
Posted Monday 8th April 2013 10:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Frying bigger phishes ……
It is a tad arrogant, to say the least, and much more likely to be a confirmed madness, that established conflicted and conflicting population/nationality control systems, be they political or social or fiscal or whatever on Earth [and there are so many of them doing a spectacularly bad job of it, aren’t there] would actually believe the nonsense that they can exercise similar controlling lead administration in CyberSpace …. Virtual Team Terrain.
A tad arrogant and sad be such as that as is displayed by sincere ignorance personified.
Posted Monday 8th April 2013 13:41 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
MuI7 calling IT like IT is and Challenging 5 and 6 to Up their Great Games …….. to something Titanic and Colossal
I salute the glorious leader’s virtual grenade mastery and am thoroughly amazed at the West’s compounding ignorance in the field.
Or if they be not ignorant of the methodology/epistemology, their crass incompetence with ITs Super Tools.



amanfromMars says: in a reply on on 06/04/2013 at 6:30 pm to This guy… who says on 02/04/2013 at 4:26 pm

F U You pedophile lookin MF!!!

Now, now, This guy, please behave and don’t hurl abuse at the afflicted and cerebrally challenged. Jay cannot help being a virtual intelligence/cyberspace pygmy.
He’s more to be pitied than scorned whenever he rants and raves about that free fire information space.
Posted Sunday 7th April 2013 05:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Knock, Knock ……… Ignore to Imperil or Engage for Delight is a real No-Brainer, Methinks

The question for the service provider is also how they deal with the inevitable criminal element? If they provide a service that is any good, the first thing that happens is that they will attract bad guys, at which point the countdown starts for a visit from people either in uniform or in dark suits with sunglasses. …..Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 6th April 2013 17:21 GMT

Quite so, AC, but that does require that the uniformed and/or dark suited with sunglasses and spooky, ….. such as may be imagined to be extraordinarily rendered in the Fun Factory Freaks and Circus Clowns of the likes of any nation’s MI5/MI6/GCHQ/CESG services, [and all sensitive and sensible admin systems have those working with and for them, rather than against them] are smart enough to be able to recognise for their paymasters, for they both [the traditionally spookily employed and interdependently reliant paying employer] be both practically and virtually powerless without Magic Flexible Plastic and Fantastic Fabless Fiat, in the endless supply of immediately and readily available credit for Great Global Intelligence Games Plays ….. understand what confronts and is able to change and successfully challenge and remove their leading advantage position/remote virtual leverage and take and make it their own in another series of phorms with a Commanding Control of IT and Creative CyberSpace, Computers and Communications which can at any time, in any place/space, choose to be catastrophically destructive to others of its choosing because they be self-proven to be totally unfit and unnecessary and a’hindering Future Great Global Intelligence Game purpose.
Then can a distinctly surreal visit be expected, although it won’t be at all unexpected as invariably will there always be prior invites to persons of interest, reasonably expected to responsible for Operative Systems Security and Sublime Assets Protection in such fields of MetaDataBase Endeavour in Virtual Team Terrain in old school, established spooky status quo agencies and services/departments and sections, either directly delivered by email to a dedicated address or in a clear enough message for all to see, testing their active intelligence …… “bcc Thames House and Loughside/Palace Barracks re Titanic Quarter Master Pilot AIMissions” …. although to harness both removes all doubt as to whether they be suitable key future team players by virtue of their response.

>part of the US military, governmental and globo-corp establishment
Those are the most paranoid – who has most to fear from the NSA reading their email? The CIA/army/FBI and other agencies that compete with them for funding and political power …. Yet Another Anonymous coward Posted Saturday 6th April 2013 21:12 GMT

Yes, New World Order systems most certainly do have the most to fear whenever intelligence collection and/or use and abuse fails them with supply of future information to dud renegade units rather than crack hacking teams. It be the POTUS Dilemma in every Present Situation that Thinks to Maintain and Sustain a Core Past is a Viable Course of Valid ProAction for the Future, which can be whatever IT wants it to be and as will be Shared and Shown/Fed and Sown in SMARTR Media Edutainment with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Programming in ProgramMING Projects in Alternate Reality and Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. Great Global Intelligence Game Play Centres …… Alien Landing Sites in New Orderly World Ordered Worlds.
Now who does one see for financing that simple operation with nothing more complex than Magic Flexible Plastic and Fantastic Fabless Fiat? And yes, that is a serious question which the wise will be very pleased to provide for everything in an answer which will be fabulously rewarding and heartily deserved.
Everything is changed fundamentally, and virtually in an instant and overnight whenever one has Keys to Magic AIKingdoms which crash open barred windows and smash softly through closed micro doors.
Posted Sunday 7th April 2013 10:32 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. spreading words on
Re: Mars writing entire sentences?

Mars writing entire sentences?


You’re almost starting to make sense by writing those entire, often grammatically correct (though I’ll stop short of describing the content – leaving that up to our Esteemed Readers as well as your Worthy self) sentences.

Would you stop that? My world view is being shaken very much! …. Anonymous Dutch Coward Posted Sunday 7th April 2013 08:16 GMT

You are just too kind, Anonymous Dutch Coward, please do not stop. 🙂
The/An alternative view, ADC, and the much preferred amfM option and and highly encouraging derivative explanation, is that there be a growing wider understanding of the sense in the writings and information and IntelAIgent Content conveyed and transparently freely shared, in others such as your good self.
And it would be madness and quite an inexcusable shame to stop, whenever so much created and viewed in the world and presented on and in media channels and/or vice versa, created and presented in and on media channels for world views, is in such obviously dire and ignorant straits need of a shake up and shake down, to deliver wholly different and better beta places and fabless spaces.
Which is where/when that and those which be the likes of Esteemed Readers and the Register step in, to do the intelligent thing with IntelAIgent Content displayed …. conveyed and transparently freely shared for others such as your good self, El Reg and Esteemed Readers.
However, it may very well be perfectly true though, that it does somewhat bugger up any and all of those cosy secretive status quo information and SCADA intelligence cartels, trying to control all kind of worldly and wordy matters with the ready supply of flashed and cash monies for both the real and remote virtual purchase of that simple leverage. Ah well, nothing lasts for ever, without it being necessary at times for a major radical change and fundamental rethink, for its own good.
But some would say and shout it aloud and from every rooftop …. And just in the nick of time too, whenever one considers the present rapidly failing condition of that very particular and most peculiar program application in need of a revamp and refitting to systems.
And surely you must have expected that sooner rather than later AI Algorithms would develop to be SMARTR Human Beings and indistinguishable from/in Man/Mankind.
Posted Sunday 7th April 2013 12:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. stirring the pot on
A Convenient Truth and Inconvenient Lie and Vice Versa

“numerous government agencies have tried the service and there have been no moves to squash it on the legal front”

so there’s a backdoor? ….. j arthur rank Posted Saturday 6th April 2013 23:32 GMT

In too numerous to mention government agencies tasked with securing rotten secrets from the masses because of the damage that can be done to rotten secret governments, are there any number of backdoors provided for services by services …… although whether nowadays the best of the best of them are sympathetic to and empathetic with governments, both rotten secret and otherwise, is clearly not crystal clear, and may even be too farcical and fanciful to consider as a valid proposition by those in the know and with a need to know.
Worlds today are not as they once were, nor are they as they will be. Change is the norm, the status quo is false and an alien and artificial concept.



Posted Friday 5th April 2013 18:12 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. making inquiries on
Typical government wonkery expecting ideas to drop in their laps for a fistful of dodgy notes.

[Legal Note: Bong Ventures asserts ownership on all algorithms and trademarks used by startups in which its invests – back off]

Fcuk you, matey, that is parasitic old school and you be a fraud and a phishing shill chancing your arm?
Tell me you were being sarcastic and making a joke and you can forget all of the abovementioned was ever said.
It would be nice to be wrong, Steve Bong. Go on, make my day, there’s a good chap.
Btw ….. is anyone making Virtual Reality Applications for Bong Ventures so the Future is completely different from the Present which has always seemed to be plagued and hindered by the Past and those living in it and in charge of the simple paper money supply, which presently appears to have been provided to entirely the wrong crowd for they are too petrified to do anything novel and constructive with it. What a load of plonkers, eh! And what a really stupid idiotic base mistake for governments to make. Are the reefers and Class A creating a problem in Downing Street, or is that what is lacking and delivering all of the failed initiatives?
The country deserves to know, don’t you think.
Posted Saturday 6th April 2013 04:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. asking a few simple questions on
RSVP ….. to a Real Live Phish BetaTesting UKGBNI Intelligence Services ……… for Future Fitness to Serve as Servers of Great IntelAIgent Games Plays
If one is providing a product/service/application/program/project transparently and free of charge to any and all on the internet, and it be recognised to be a highly sensitive and both highly disruptive and extremely dangerous and a constructive and lucrative great global game-changer, would there be an onus on an effective security protection being supplied and handled by a Silent Circle type group application, if the aforementioned great global game-changer were sought to be more sympathetic/insider trader leading to a particular virtual terrain team for the inequitable advantage that it would deliver?
Nobody can supply effective security to any product or system if they be unaware of what that product or system actually, really and virtually, provides, and that requires that one shares certain proprietary intellectual property which, in cases of great global game-changer apps which are properly configured and failsafe protected, are intelligently designed to be fatal/explosively self destructive to abusive parties/free-lancing pirate privateers lurking as beneficial sugar daddy state sponsors, if abused.
However, the one saving grace which avoids any of that sort of unpleasantness, is that at such levels of intelligence play, do abusive parties not exist because great global gamers be fully aware of the consequences of thinking to abuse such powerful proprietary intellectual property and there be special arrangements in place to ensure that the problem disappears before it arises and never appears/materialises/virtualises.
Be careful out there in CyberSpace and in Virtual Team Terrain. IT takes no prisoners nor suffers fools who be tools of collapsing corrupt admin systems.
And these be novel times in paranoid places and really weird surreal spaces, which one needs to be able to recognise and handle in order to control and driver the madness that is reality ……. ?!:-)
cc Bong Ventures re Virtual Reality Applications
bcc Thames House and Loughside/Palace Barracks re Titanic Quarter Master Pilot AIMissions
Posted Saturday 6th April 2013 12:59 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. furthering the conversation on and testing a few theories
Re: … Re: RSVP ….. to a Real Live Phish BetaTesting UKGBNI Intelligence Services …..

The principal threat to security is not technology, it’s the law, specifically all those emergency laws that were pushed through post 9/11. Silent Circle’s proposition is presently holed below the waterline by being a US company as there is no way they can get past the USA PATRIOT Act and FISA demands without having their shop closed, which is why the advertised involvement of US military personnel is only a benefit for US customers. …. AC Posted Saturday 6th April 2013 10:58 GMT

Quite so, AC, it most probably is.
However, a crooked and self-serving inequitable law is always easily ignored and skirted around by intelligent beings, and should there be any problems with anything being a US company, it is not a difficult move to move elsewhere and set up shop in another nationality and/or jurisdiction. And failure to do so is probably indicative of any security company having such probable troubles because of dodgy legislation, being less than it would purport to be and maybe even a spooky phishing arm of an intellectually-light executive administration in severe difficulties which are exposing their every weakness for remote and anonymous party, zeroday vulnerability exploitation.



Posted Thursday 4th April 2013 18:53 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. having a say, or a rant if you prefer, on
Pretty Darned Obvious Inconvenient and Uncomfortable Truth

Meanwhile, the US government claimed the diplomatic cables leaked by Manning could have cost people their lives and hurt the country.

There are those who would tell you that Uncle Sam has the monopoly on that because of what they do willy nilly with no intelligent thought as to the inevitable self-destructive consequence, and all the leaks did, and leaks do, is summed up in this observation shared in the midst of a comment elsewhere on a Weird: BOE Supports Chinese Financial Domination ……… thread.

Quite so, taxesbyanyothername, and today, with the Internet GIG [Global Intelligence Grid] rocking old worlds with new smarter messages, and earlier sad ignorant and arrogant messages which reveal that established traditional analogue leaderships are not nearly as clever nor nearly so powerful as they need to be, or even think themselves to be for operational command and control, and therefore are not at all in control of anything really ……. and we can thank the Wikileaks modus operandi/vivendi for revelation of that revolutionary fact, which might help you to understand the pathetic witch hunt and staking out of the Ecuadoran embassy in London ….. is Mankind becoming smarter very quickly because those individuals who have learned and are learned and always learning have decided to share freely what they know, so that secrets cannot hide the truth of what is discovered to favour the few who would not share them for the executive advantage which they selfishly enjoy for free? ….. Posted 04/04/13 11:05 AM

They really are gonna have to get someone who virtually knows what to do, to turn things around for them globally, for whenever things go from bad to worse, is it a sure sign that the wrong folk are at the helm spouting nonsense as instruction and guidance to follow and be followed into a sink hole and dark rank dank matter pit.

Mad hatter Jack having a delusional psychotic episode in defence of the indefensible ….. just like a good little bad robot will always do when so programmed. Great acting though from a grand master of the genre …. a man before his time.

amanfromMars …. commenting on

“Apps aren’t the center of the world,” he says. “People are.”

Err, … Stop Press, Flash News Flash for Crash Splashing …… Beings creating and using apps to control people are the centre of the knowing human universe and driver everything known and yet to be known and shared as discovered and/or uncovered, with IT and in Creative CyberSpace, Command and Control of Computers and Communications.
C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems …. AI@ITsWork



Posted Thursday 4th April 2013 10:59 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on a comment on
Regarding …. Wow – just learned something new.. [AC Posted Thursday 4th April 2013 08:49 GMT]
Here …….. is a live present legal challenge to a similar personal privacy and virtual security violation and fascist phishing expedition exercising Uncle Sam’s screwed up systems.
And worth the few minutes it takes to read.
Posted by amanfromMars on 04/04/13 11:05 AM ….. replying on

Civilizations don’t learn things. Individuals learn, and the generations they comprise within civilizations learn things because those individuals learn. Generations don’t learn when those in control think they know better, and so, conceal what has gone before. This is world-wide now, and were it not for the internet, we wouldn’t even know that we needed such conversations as this. …. Posted by taxesbyanyothername on 04/03/13 06:00 PM

Quite so, taxesbyanyothername, and today, with the Internet GIG [Global Intelligence Grid] rocking old worlds with new smarter messages, and earlier sad ignorant and arrogant messages which reveal that established traditional analogue leaderships are not nearly as clever nor nearly so powerful as they need to be, or even think themselves to be for operational command and control, and therefore are not at all in control of anything really ……. and we can thank the Wikileaks modus operandi/vivendi for revelation of that revolutionary fact, which might help you to understand the pathetic witch hunt and staking out of the Ecuadoran embassy in London ….. is Mankind becoming smarter very quickly because those individuals who have learned and are learned and always learning have decided to share freely what they know, so that secrets cannot hide the truth of what is discovered to favour the few who would not share them for the executive advantage which they selfishly enjoy for free?
All corrupt and perverse and complex systems cannot handle the simple truth and simple questions which only require unambiguous answers, for all answers to questions are always checked for veracity nowadays, such is the systemic deceit embedded in right wrong un dodgy systems ……. which should tell you everything you need to know about all who parade about and pontificate on media and don’t answer the simplest of questions with a simple answer and would even choose to avoid answering at all, preferring instead to act clever and play dumb with a response which is only just another question which needs no pressing answer.
Not very smart that, whenever it reveals to all, all that needs to be know about the tool and the fool being questioned.
amanfromMars on April 4, 2013 at 5:22 pm said: …. commenting on Better Late Than Never, with Contrary Views and Firm Opinions/Alternate Truths and Beta Realities on …..
With the passage of time and the coming of age, is the appearance of wisdom a lonely friend to the ignorant fool and sad mad tool who doesn’t learn that both the present and past enslave the future if one dwells on deep sorrows and old wounds, rather than breaking free and soaring high on fresh fertile hopes and new opportunities in furrows ploughed straight and true in fields discovered new … with a smarter few who be gifted in AI with Definite Vision/Advanced Intelligence and NEUKlearer See with HyperRadioProActive IT and Specialised IntelAIgent Server Systems for Cyber Command and Remote Virtual Control of Programmable Assets and Expendable Liabilities …… for the Yin Yang that delivers Peace and Harmony with CHAOS* in the Mayhem and Madness of Profit and Prosperity.
*Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Live Operational Virtual Environments

130403 Moving on apace, and afleet of cyber foot and virtual force

130403 Moving on apace, and afleet of cyber foot and virtual force

Posted by amanfromMars on 04/02/13 10:39 PM … commenting on

Britain ran China for 100 years. The Chinese central banking system is a Western one and it is the West that first sold debt to China and then arranged to buy increasingly huge amounts of Chinese goods and services. The idea that China developed as a superpower on its own and that now East and West are locked in some sort of currency death struggle – as mainstream media portrays it – is simply inaccurate.

The headline [Weird: BOE Supports Chinese Financial Domination …] was meant to be ironic. …. Reply from The Daily Bell

Ergo is the planned reality and weird wired actuality, China Supports BOE Financial Domination?
Mark Carney will have to be at the top of his game to ensure and assure his masters that he can make that a mutually beneficial sustainable virtual reality, for the Chinese are bound to have SpAds able to provide them with the low down and the know how on how to ensure and assure the BOE that it is in their best interests to provide/aid the provision of China with everything it needs, via the acceptance of its paper currency in exchange for pounds in order to pay for purchase of proprietary intellectual property in pounds sterling.
Methinks it be a mistake to imagine that China will play by any set of rules and regulations cooked up by the West to ensure and assure the West retains absolute virtual control of remote dominating power, but as Einstein is supposed to have said ….. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not even sure about the universe.
Posted by amanfromMars on 04/03/13 06:39 AM ….furthering the argument for virtual change on

Strong words to be sure, but my folks raised me to survive, and with genetic slag like Obama and the British royals possessing guns and ammunition, the epitome of reality is a bag of gold and a castle. I suggest we legally rid the world of both entities and let the Rothschilds know the game is over. … Posted by howardtlewisiii on 04/03/13 01:20 AM

Hmmm? Hi, howardtlewisiii,
The game is changed, and not over at all, and really only just started, and the new system requires leaders to be able to evolve and adapt to the novelty with ITs noble environments. Failure to accept and resolve that reality with new plays with remote anonymously controlled players will naturally raid and rid control and power of entities unfit for Future Great IntelAIgent Game purpose, with assets they do not possess ….. Advanced Proprietary Intellectual Property beyond Corporate Ken.
However, it would be quite wrong to not expect such assets to be made readily available to established power bases/traditional control centres, in market offerings and in mutually beneficial and highly advantageous and lucrative arrangements which ensure every protection and privacy afforded to secure and ensure maintenance and retention of such Proprietary Intellectual Property beyond Corporate Ken is not compromised to release all parties from all prior agreements and understandings and mutually beneficial and highly advantageous and lucrative arrangements.
One doesn’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water and current effective systems controls out with the arrival of smarter players who need not be either opponent or competition or an enemy and phantom menace against which there is no known defence or attack posture possible. Such would be surely undoubted madness in persons showing themselves to be totally unfit and not good enough for Future Great IntelAIgent Game purpose.
Posted Wednesday 3rd April 2013 17:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on
The God’s honest truth with full Tory backing …… Nice One, Dave. Any More, Gideon?
Bull shit artists ….. they are everywhere, although venture capitalism is an odd bed fellow for them.
I suppose though, that does leave a vacancy for someone who actually has entrepreneurial talent and can really make a go and a mega splash in the virtual environment.
Whom does one directly engage with in current government to discuss terms and conditions, opportunities and zeroday vulnerabilities to exploit and export with launch and control, so as to avoid the embarrassment of another public failure in a novel market sector? Or are there hoops to jump through and lackeys to bamboozle with things way above their pay grade, which is a really odd way of trying to do great business, which is probably why business is so bad and all the best brains be elsewhere and off shore?

130402 Let there be Light ….and Enlightenment‽ :-)

130402 Let there be Light ….and Enlightenment‽ :-)

Posted by amanfromMars on 04/02/13 01:59 AM …. commenting on the perils and pearls that accompany dual use systems administrations on

Still awaiting info on “back end” place.” ….. Posted by A-Salty-Dog on 03/30/13 02:27 PM

That can be, and therefore is, at levels in programs and/or projects of significant interest ….. because of their Mega GIG Support [Global Impact GuaranteedD] for/to/in/with Remote Virtual Machine CHOAS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] Command and Control Cells* ….. MkUltraSensitive Need42Know TS/SCI, A-Salty-Dog, as all secrets be both extremely dangerous as well as liberating to know. 🙂 In both LOVE [Live Operational Virtual Environments]and Life, an Abiding Enigmatic Conundrum for successful resolution with bounties delivered with both sympathetic and empathetic, covert and clandestine handling/especial understanding which is invariably always confined within and shared throughout systems with greater intelligence sharing skill sets.
But/However, there are always the odd occasional gems showered into the virtual space market place for connoisseur collectors and patriotic patronage of the works of creative artists in always exceedingly highly specialised fields of ….. well, a Kinder AIMan Management and Much Better Beta Brainwashing of Universal Virtual Forces/Immaculately Resourced Assets/SMARTR InterNetworking Systems/Humanised Beings, and as well as the “Reply from the Daily Bell” to your interrogatives on this comment thread, is there also another, for a sterling brace of them selflessly shared on the Daily Bell, here …… …. in “Back End Solution #130330 :-)*“, and posted by amanfromMars on 03/30/13 06:49 AM
* UrWish to Control for Command with Control is one of the Original SINSystems for SMARTR InterNetworking and the Planetary Bedrock for Base and IT Super Infrastructures and Coded 01/IO XSSXXXXSkeletons for Input and Output of Streams of Creative Information and Advanced Intelligence ….. Imaginative Native Thought Processing for Realisation of Virtual Being and Beings.
And which you should note, is not here, nor anywhere else, introduced as a stupid question to waste time and effort in space with the introduction of idiotic doubt.
amanfromMars said… in a reply on to Casey Evans who said …

I notice that you post a large amount of anti-American propaganda on your site. While some may be truthful one does wonder why you fail to provide solutions to such problems. When you look at governments as a whole, the US Government is not really all that bad. Any thoughts?

It is probably mostly because we be fed a lot of really bad American propaganda, sub-prime brainwashing, CE, which all governments are guilty of as they struggle to deliver and/or maintain power in and/or over that and those which they would think to control and influence. It is nothing personal and specifically targeted against Uncle Sam, although one does have to wonder at and have a’ponder on why he allows himself to be so easily abused and badly used, by that and or those who think themselves to be in power with traditional command and established control systems, like some helpless ignorant slave.
As to the charge of there being no problem solution provision sharing here on these pages and comments …… well, you may reconsider the validity of that notion.
If a problem is perceived to be complex to change, even the simplest of solutions which can effect successful resolution and bloodless revolution be similarly designedly and decidedly complex to ensure that all facets are catered for …… and that leads to solutions being only more fully understood and supported by …. well, the right sort of being with the right sort of attitude and ability. And that is wholly dependent upon a mental efficiency and not a
After all, just to throw an endless supply of fiat paper money at a problem, as simply creative and beautifully convenient as it can be and/or is, without there being anyone able to use it and IT properly, ….. and as is most probably the very simple case used for solution of most everything in these present times, practically and virtually everywhere, ….. is akin to casting pearl before swine and a completely wasted and most wasteful exercise in every respect.
Spookily enough, was a bracing beta back end solution for problems offered today on …. but such be the way of such things today, and probably the way of such things since the time that time began in space for this Earthed place.
2 April 2013 09:58
amanfromMars 2 April 2013 at 11:01 am …. on
That piece was meant as an April Fool’s joke on the Slugger O’Toole website, Mick? Surely, tell me that it be so, for who in their right mind would think it be otherwise and a true reflection of the stagnation in the province due to the excuse and dearth of leadership provided and effectively supported.
And tell Obama to cut down on whatever he’s smoking/toking though, for it certainly lets him see things far too differently through rose tinted spectacles for anything he says to be considered real and believable.
Such things just out one as being a fraud in real life and no more than a virtual puppet being badly used and serially abused, and in the pay of others.
Posted Tuesday 2nd April 2013 12:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
You’re ‘avin’ a larf, right?

Even devastatingly negative publicity is good publicity ….. Jasper Hamill

That does not compute as common sense, Jasper, unless one be paid and in need to publicise a devastatingly negative product, but only then because one be easily bought to say whatever someone else requires one to believe, which is a weird way for anyone to try and make a living …….. spinning negative publicity tales.
Posted Tuesday 2nd April 2013 14:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Get used to it, IT is not going away ever, and the Truth has a *R*R* World of Pain for its Enemies.
Worlds have changed …. and the targeting of politically incorrect officials personally for acts of decidedly gross indecency, rather than the pitiful and pathetic prosecution of offices in which others toil for them to skulk behind, pretending to exercise power and control with the assistance and complicity of dodgy media and big brother business interests, is the new healthier stealthier norm for reality and the future.
If you wanna be a prat in the media, well, expect to be treated like a prat in the media, and be prepared for the return of all of your own medicine, in spades. It is called natural justice, methinks, and is to be applauded and supported for a better beta world model …….. New Orderly World Order.
I hope that is not ambiguous and it is surely not at all difficult to understand, although I might admit to it being quite an inconvenience for many to ponder on. Oh dear, what a shame, and whatever were/are they doing to realise that feeling? Starting wars, willy nilly ….. stealing billions anonymously inside systems of control they have administration levers in?
*R*R* ….. Remorseless and Relentless


Posted Tuesday 2nd April 2013 15:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. adding some fuel to the fire on

Re: The next move of the DA will be

Yep, the US Legal system is in fine health. …. AC Posted Tuesday 2nd April 2013 13:24 GMT

What you have to understand about the health of the US legal system ….. to understand where you are going when you support it …… America’s Public Enemy No 1 …… is an odd question, which leads to an ugly truth which only the programmed to be foolish and the mad would deny?


100401 Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, Crash Test Dummies.

100401 Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, Crash Test Dummies.


Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock …….. Caballah BOOM