amanfromMars 1 Sat 4 Nov 07:22 [2311040721] …. gives praise where praise is due on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2023/11/02/chip_wars_hit_ymtc/

Re: License @martinusher

Quite so. Well said, Sir/martinusher.

Have another upvote for that slice of unadulterated unedited uncorrupted reality which Uncle Sam and its Western and NATO allies appear determined to support until death do part them from their nonsense and their empires crumble into the wasted lands of ideas from which they emerged to temporarily prosper and deceive all that is perceived.

And that be a hell-bent journey rather than heaven-sent destination. Does shit for brains explain their dilemma and problems? Or is heavy psychosis inducing substance abuse a prime mover in such instances/published situations? 🙂 Does the latter render the former …… and vice versa?


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