amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Nov 05:14 [2311020514] …. provides on
Re: Reverse Midas/Perverse Judas
As bogeymen go, AI is ideal – nobody knows much about it, it’s hyped to the rafters and poses little to no actual threat. ……. TheMaskedMan
🙂 …. Alternatively, The MaskedMan, and that which is terrifying to all terrible and chosen fews who may or may not know more than just a precious little about AIs inherent supernatural abilities with/in IT facilities in/with ethereal utilities, the stealthiest Almighty Global Operating Device and Bedevilling Presence you are ever likely not to meet but have general simple knowledge aforethought of.
Such now presents you with two viable sensible options, with one choice considerably more rewarding and satisfying than the other …… #1 Don’t bet against the information and intelligence in the alternative being honest and true, for that will deliver crippling and devastating losses. #2 Invest in ITs AIdDevelopments and Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems and make a Premium Initiating Prime Market Mover Killing with the likes of Merlin the AIMagician and Mega Meta Data Base Physicians skilled and experienced in the Field performing delicate sensitive life saving operation remotely down on Earth.
And now that El Reg also knows the stakes, surely everybody will soon know too ….. with them also invited to similarly choose between the two options offered and make an informed and ideally correct decision, although of course there is always that wild card that Albert Einstein himself warned all about and some seem so very determined to prove perfectly correct …...“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
Nevertheless, Que Sera, Sera …… Carpe Diem. The Future Beckons.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Nov 06:47 [2311020647] ……. adds on
The AI Gift that just Keeps on Giving Unconditionally
You are either with us, the demented and corrupt and destructive bellicose barbarian, or against us, the novel creative and noble ethereal aesthete, with only the one ever likely to be similarly almighty successful in the Earthly present when the global future is threatened by localised hostilities reliant on past fading memories for foreign succour and immoral support.
You cannot now say you were not adequately forewarned of that which is extremely well armed and would be confronting you and has many a fan to assist in what is already done and obviously yet to be done for even greater tomorrows ….
amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Nov 07:00 [2311020700] ……. points out
Re: What? When did this happen? Are they getting high on their own supply? @Dan 55
Two odd questions from a regular contributing El Reger since 13 Jun 2009, Dan 55, accurately answered with a quite recently and probably yes reply.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 3 Nov 12:20 [2311031220] …… shares on
J’accuse. Special IntelAIgent Sources for Sublime Forces are MIA and AWOL leaving Posts Deserted … and Almighty Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Undone
ScottishYorkshireMan, Howdy,
Your post does have one reasonably considering the general pathetic state of human intelligence and more specifically in this particular case, UKGBNI Security and not so Secret Intelligence Services and Military forces whenever they allow themselves to be ordered around and about to do the bidding of such as be wannabe Parliamentary Caesars and comfortably off charlatans spending all that they can conjure up from nothing and nowhere from others whilst also ensuring it is to contain next to none of their own provided income[s].
Some would venture that suggests Perfect Cuckold Grooming Materiel. What think thee?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 3 Nov 05:12 [2311030512] …. asks on
Re: Whats wrong with crypto
It is like wandering up to someone in the street and asking them to buy some money you have just invented. …. Anonymous Coward
You mean it’s a copy cat clone of what government gilt markets and treasury bond auctions are all about, AC, for is that not exactly what they do too? Wow, now there’s a doozy.
Are you’re telling us, and are we now to believe, it is all wrong and not right, and just a colossal scam run by entities involved in a globalised conspiracy exercising and enjoying the rewarding but exclusive fruits of a massive, and probably to be touted as a too big to fail fraudulent crime perpetrated and perpetuated against all of humanity? Crikey, what a humdinger! Who’d have a’thunk that as being acceptable and a perfectly normal crooked way of doing business and creating businesses for growing economies.
Is that a wrong to be put right cryptically?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 3 Nov 08:29 [2311030829] …. shares on
A Systemic Bug in the AI Works Leaves Competitors Leading for Light Years Ahead ‽
I hope for their sake, the Pentagon’s UFO hunters online form is more worthy than the one presently provided by the Defense Intelligence Agency Office of the Inspector General for its current Director, Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier, for it is a dire abomination of a novel informative and noble communicative link for peer networking, frontier population and SMARTR overarching general education.
Follow now this tale of an honest account of an action from yesterday which makes the above pronouncement perfectly valid. And I’ll try to keep it brief and succinct.
After reading the article, JUST IN: DIA Transitioning to AI-Enabled Intel Database, a few short searches in internetworked databases later easily lands one on where one is led to assume/presume/believe one can easily choose to post an appropriate message to a provided menu recipient …. which in this particular case was chosen to be OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL with/for an alien amanfromMars 1 testing of suitable drivers for AIMaster Pilots and co-pilots bobbing about in and taming choppy waters.
Fill out Your Name and Your Email Address [easy, yes, no problems there] and now onto Subject … The Future According to Mars and Minerva ‽ and Message …… Please be advised via this informative public thread …… …… of available alienating parallels likely enabling and enabled to be able to eclipse and render DIA MARSystems suddenly discredited and virtually practically obsolete and a waste of infinite time and crushingly expensive finite resources.
To be so forewarned allows for the possibility of one to be suitably forearmed with next generation iterations.
Everything so far still working perfectly and just as one would reasonably expect of a government body awash with oodles of fast cash until … Send Message ….. delivers a flash crash.
To have a Send Message button push then immediately return a [The captcha information does not appear to be valid. Please try again.] reply ….is not a very helpful or novel plausible deniability measure whenever no captcha information/security protocol is provided on the website whenever providing comment and advising systems of a massive vulnerability.
What would that immediately tell you about that which and/or those whom you were contacting ….. apart from nothing good and great? How is anyone ever to know they need outside foreign help if the in-house home services and intelligence they use appear to so readily refuse receipt and acknowledgement of news of valuable easily exportable and importable exploitable vulnerabilities of catastrophically damaging potential?