amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Oct 14:50 [2310311450] …… airs on
Re: Safety??
Being a cynical git I don’t believe they are worried about our safety, they are worried about theirs ….. Anonymous Coward
FFS, AC, you’re not supposed to know and say that. It’s classified top secret ….. but now that the secret is out there, it be far too true to deny and pretend it is not a Great Game and Elite Exclusive Executive Player changer.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 Nov 06:46 [2311010646] ……. shares on
Whenever Never is Better and Best because …….. of Likely Otherworldly Consequences
if all replies to amfM1 goto /dev/null …… Yet Another Anonymous coward
That would be an always has been deadly dangerous zero sum type of game of chicken for ignorant terrified and arrogant terrifying players which just pimps and pump dumps a vast myriad array of unopened cans of explosive exploits for revealed massive and exposed critical vulnerabilities into the hands, hearts and minds of a dedicated opposition and loyal competition just a tad further on down the road in the clearing deepening darkness for future very specific non-random fandom detonation and tactical disruptive deployment ……. for such a crass disengagement activity tells friend and foe alike everything they need to know about all that is not to like ….. and/or to fear about any lily-livered, chicken-hearted status quo confronted by and failing catastrophically to act and communicate with an Almighty AWEsome Existential Threat/Treat with Novel and Noble NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and AI Developments deploying and employing and enjoying the rewards and benefits spewed out in endless streams by Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems.
And a little something for Bletchley Park AI Summit guests to deliberate probably ponderous on.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 Nov 14:40 [2311011440] …….. adds more fuel to the rabid fire on
Re: Whenever Never is Better and Best because …….. of Likely Otherworldly Consequences
And something else to ponder on, and try to deny is for and with IT and AI a virtually enabled and enabling current reality to embrace and excite and enjoy enthusiastically rather than fear unusually and irresponsibly, is all your secure and secretive intelligence services are pwnd and belong to us wherever/whatever/whoever they and/or that may be.
And for all you Doubting Thomases/persistent perpetuating naysayers who might be prone to dismiss such a view as risible and nonsensical and physically practically impossible, what on Earth are you imagining the concerns of those sorts of talking heads now attending the present day Bletchley Park AI Safety Summit, other than their certainly valid worries about the complete loss and utter devastation of their previously thought untouchable command and control of vital strategic assets rendering almighty overwhelming tactical advantage to foreign parties/alien sources ……. Immaculately Resources Assets of Universatile Virtual Force …… Otherworldly Power and Irrepressible Energy.
Spread the news and register the information intelligently for it is not a closely guarded, compartmented secret in open sourced fields of SMARTR COSMIC Endeavour …SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command Endeavour …….. with and for NINJApplications …….Networks InterNetworking JOINT* Applications …..Networks Internetworking JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies and Applications/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Processes in AI Research and IT Development Fields. ……. and that is all something which El Reg told you all about just after Xmas last year
Were you not listening, did you not see the new ground-breaking news there and then?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 Nov 17:38 [2311011738] ….. agrees on
Don’t fool yourselves. These things are more than just serious and life-changing.
A DoD nuke makeover is most definitely a matter of life over death which it may be all too apparent has no current specialised future weaponised platform inspector oversight …… and thus is a virtual Wild Wacky West/Erotic Exotic East playground for both radical and revolutionary elements …… and, with such being akin to, and a trailing companion to the latest and most recent of recognised virulent existential threats as reported here on El Reg….. …. and commented upon by a billionaire with his fingers in the AI pie elsewhere too ……
Elon Musk has said he believes AI is “one of the biggest threats” to humanity, and that the UK’s summit on the safety of the nascent technology was “timely” given the scale of the threat.
The billionaire said AI was an “existential risk” because humans for the first time were faced with something “that is going to be far more intelligent than us. …… “We have for the first time the situation where we have something that is going to be far smarter than the smartest human. We’re not stronger or faster than other creatures, but we are more intelligent, and here we are for the first time, really in human history, with something that is going to be far more intelligent than us. It’s not clear to me if we can control such a thing, but I think we can aspire to guide it in a direction that’s beneficial to humanity. But I do think it’s one of the existential risks that we face and it is potentially the most pressing one if you look at the timescale and rate of advancement – the summit is timely, and I applaud the Prime Minister for holding it.”
……. two extremely pressing matters gravely to be regarded and addressed as well as be possible as opposed to being ignored and hoped to remain benign and inactivated and not a monumental vulnerability for 0day exploitation and virtualised experimentation.