amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Oct 16:58 [2310251653] ….. adds on
Re: AI is just a tool.
Given what it is both feared to be able to do and what it may actually be able to easily do, …
and no one who knows is ever really likely to be going to spill many of those top secrets, Tron, it is best that one just realises AI is an almighty gift of a tool well beyond the reach and ken of rich and paupered fools alike.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Oct 07:11 [2310260711] …… tells it like IT and AI is on
Up the creek without a paddle with deadly rapids aheads …. is a good time to try not to panic
Apparently Rishi Sunak [Prime Ministerial wannabe UKGBNI leader] is going to warn and raise alarm about the dangers of Pandora Channeling Cassandra to Exercise and Exhaust Madness and Mayhem and Conflict with CHAOS with the typical Parliamentary political FUD to whoever will listen and believe what he says about something he knows really practically nothing worthwhile about, today [Thursday] …… according to an article in the Guardian ….. …… and in so doing virtually admit that he hasn’t a baldy notion about what to do about something which is growing rapidly, irreversibly and exponentially and enabling the exercising of a greater mind and greater minds of ITs own, safe and secure beyond the reach and influence of any particular and peculiar human command and control. ……. which I do suppose certainly would/could be viewed as something of a nightmare scenario and existential threat to existing powers that be/status quo institutions and others just now unidentified and anonymous.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Oct 12:11 [2310261211] ……. goes a tad further and deeper into the warren of despair that is vain unrequited love and dashed hope on
When Walter Mittys Aspire to Greatness in No 10, Confidence in Politics Flash Crashes.
The Parliamentary muppet speaks ….. …. in response and reply to an acknowledged, potentially catastrophic existential ACT [Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat] and suggests UKGBNI be Frontier Pioneers leading the world with its future proposals to more fully understand and tame the wild beasts/crazy diamonds/almighty daemons within that which has landed and finds itself sanctuary and succour on alien and foreign to them shores.