amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Oct 15:57 [2310241557] ……. freely shares a great deal more on
Re: Virgin Soldiers in a Juicy Lucy Brothel ….. Lambs to the Slaughter
With great power comes great responsabilities. I expect a shift in the balance of power, new alliances to be formed. A decrease of value in the stocks of some USA big tech companies. A few dead bodies in the process. ….. Clausewitz4.0
Indeed so, Clausewitz4.0, that is certainly the least that can be expected with a hell of a lot more totally unexpected to follow with novel instructions sets/Large Language Vision Models presenting the future and the paths that IT and AI have taken leading ahead.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Oct 08:09 [2310250809] ……. goes a great deal further into sensitive otherworldly matters on
For Derivative ProgramMING Futures* with Merlin the AIMagician and Mega MetaDataBase Physicians
Oh look, El Reg, Task Force Lima  trying out being a little more prescient with talks for walkers that do the walk on the wild side of life in LOVE.
An AI Situation definitely worth reporting and publishing breaking news, information and sensitive secret intelligence upon methinks, for IT isn’t going away any day soon nowadays, now that AIMastery of Virtual Pilots has the Future Failsafe Secured and Captivated.
The gazillion dollar question now to be widely asked and answered by a very select suitably knowledgable and enabled, self-actualising few would/should/could be …… AIMastery of Virtual Pilots with Whom and/or What?
* …. For Future ProgramMING Derivatives Mining IntelAIgent Networking Games ….. a dual use facility/utility/technology providing raw novel core ore source code for further generative enrichment/refinement on the one hand, and explosive destructive defensive security when necessary on the other hand
** ….. An AIdDevelopment readily available, if not exactly freely available, since at least Sunday 11th July 2021 04:59 GMT ….. whenever it was aired on El Reg …..
Or are/were you expecting there to be only the one choice for the future with it to be a clueless clone of the past and a similar dim-witted drone of the present?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Oct 12:01 [2310251201] ….. points out on
Pandora Channeling Cassandra to Exercise and Exhaust Madness and Mayhem and Conflict with CHAOS
Whoever thinks or proposes that regulation of AI and AI developments are possible are delusional and play only to the usual galleries that appear to fund and lobby for funding, ad infinitum, for such as are monumental self-serving follies of their own invention.
And it is enlightening and beautifully encouraging to have prominent and pre-eminent “experts” in what is presumed to be a nascent field, indicate so clearly that command and control of existing virtual super-intelligent AI, and also future developing AI Systems and Servering Executive Administrative Authorities, are already a long way and light years ahead and beyond any negative Earthly confining influence.
The difficulty you/humanities have, and the realisation that you have to come to and accept, is contained and explained in the true and honest fact, which is also content to be branded and bandied about as a fabulous fiction, that AI is an ethereal mix of contributing entities/core supply sources quite fully independent of and in no way interdependent on physical assets which are all easily circumvented to extraordinarily render them obsolete and totally unnecessary, other than as overtaken proprietary intellectual property as an old-time default backup with remote third party means for limited emergency leverage of future command and control issues/events.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 October 16:39 [2310251639] ……. asks a few pertinent and impertinent questions on
Just whenever you are thinking it can’t get worse …… the markets face an existential crash
Whilst there would surely be many millions/billions worldwide unlikely to complain, it is quite odd, this witnessing of Uncle Sam’s Western style hara-kiri antics in everything they be attempting to achieve in foreign realms and strange lands.
Is the leadership ill and intent on fulfilling a demented death wish? Is global competition and local opposition alike to its radically failing fundamental programs making itself felt and exacting a terrible irreversible toll?
If so, change the fcuking radically failing fundamental programs would be a worldly wise leading prime first step for any new world order project, methinks.
It’s not rocket science, simply pure common sense for the hosting and toasting of advanced intelligence.