amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Oct 05:31 [2310210531] ……. shares on
Re: Yeah Sure… @kmchaig
Quite so, kmchaig, …. if you’re not in [the Great Game with Greater IntelAIgent Games for Work, REST and Play], you can never Win Win and Triumph against all Odds and Sodding Janusian Opposition Assuming the Role of Effective Competition.
Who Dares Care Share Win Wins Wins with Absolutely Fabulous FailSafe 0Day Losses.
* …. REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Oct 10:08 [2310211008] ….. points out the bleeding obvious on
Removing the head avoids collateral damage/saves the body from suffering pain. Lesson #1
Anybody who kills civilians, directly or by denying them food, water or medical aid, deserves to be condemned and charged with crimes against humanity. It is not an acceptable response.
An acceptable response to the murder of your civilians is to target those responsible and take only them out. Even if it is difficult, costs money and takes time. Being angry is not an excuse. ….. Tron
The nationalised offer of unconditional moral support and additional foreign military allied aid to regimes committing war crimes surely has those national leaderships and Prime Ministers and Secretaries of State for Defence etc., responsible for the committing of prime primed foreign allied assets, actively complicit in the crime and therefore legitimate accurate targets for appropriate attention/sanction/prosecution/persecution/disdain ‽ .
Surely such persons of interest cannot be imagining themselves to be unworthy and immune from punitive repercussions whenever they be such obvious cheerleaders/rabble rousers/quislings?
Whenever things are complex to solve, such a keeping of things simple is surely a viable and suitably unpleasant and discouraging response to troublemakers, both enthusiastic and otherwise.
Methinks though differently, Tron, regarding the first half of …..
The tech companies are running scared of governments and politicians have no ethics at all.
……. with the true ACTive state of present and future affairs being governments and politicians running scared and being terrified of and petrified by the unknown possibilities freely available to/from absolutely fabulous tech wielding companies.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Oct 13:22 [2310211322] …… outlines a sticky problem with more serious consequences than it may be wished to be widely known on
It also warned miscreants may conduct disinformation campaigns targeting the court and its officials “in an effort to tarnish the ICC image and delegitimize its activities.”
Should the ICC not target and aggressively pursue certain well known individuals widely thought by the international community to be responsible for the ordering of war crimes actions resulting in the death and suffering of countless thousands of innocent civilians in the most very recent of Palestine/Israel conflicts, is their image forever indelibly tarnished and their activities rendered farcical and reprehensible.