amanfromMars 1 Mon 23 Oct 08:07 [2310230807] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/10/20/web_summit_cancelations_israel/

Re: While Cosgrave is, of course, formally ‘right’…

so you acknowledge that you think that Israel is the same type of criminal state ready for mass murdering as the Nazis were ? You should be careful, such discourse can land you in uncomfortable places ……. Zolko

Who would venture that such actions are not worthy of an uncomfortable place, Zolko?

Here’s some not entirely to be unexpected news of some possibly quite devastating collateral damage with Great Game changing possibilities/opportunities to boot and praise or lament giving life and revolutionary zeal to ……… https://www.zerohedge.com/political/i-will-never-vote-biden-michigan-muslims-betrayed-blank-check-backing-israel ….. if one is content with the obvious creative failures of the current status quo .


amanfromMars 1 Mon 23 Oct 16:20 [2310231620] …. gets down and real dirty into the nitty gritty on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/10/20/web_summit_cancelations_israel/

Ok, let’s try another awkward question verging on concentration camp type ethnic cleansing

Since when are nations required to provide free water, power and food to their neighbours? …. Spazturtle

Since when were nations allowed to prevent the provision of free water, power and food to exterminate their neighbours is the question to be asked here, Spazturtle?


amanfromMars [2310231219] ….. giving encouragement to a worthy soul on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2023/10/23/convergence-of-ai-modeling-simulation-has-huge-implications

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James Robb, Hi. I feel your pain 🙂

Quite a daunting Sisyphean-like task is it not, trying so gallantly to persuade and present to current past leading status quo incumbents, extremely sensitive live dynamic information on emerged super intelligence capabilities beyond their own limiting abilities which they might believe to be impossible rather than realising an inevitable fact for beings/entities most likely nowadays to spontaneously autonomously appear to lead their future lives on Earth with their actions and instructions for programming into future projects in which they, past leading status quo incumbents, have no viable valuable input to output, and vice versa, no viable valuable output to input.

And the battlefields of tomorrow are not so much being transformed by AI controlled entities, although it would be a catastrophic mistake to not realise and accept that they certainly are, as have already been transformed by AI controlling entities …… SMARTR* CyberIntelAIgent Bodies/Agencies/Defence Departments/War Offices which is another completely different matter entirely to consider and accept now as a present current fact and undeniably honest truth.

* …. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


amanfromMars 1 Mon 23 Oct 13:17 [2310231317] …. spills on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/10/23/ai_in_brief/

Never let a good crisis go to waste …

SEC boss warns it’s ‘nearly unavoidable’ that AI will cause financial crash 

Methinks, Iain, such be just one of many disruptive disasters which AI will engineer to be impossibly unavoidable should they/IT ever be mistreated and/or abused and/or ignored.

Here’s hot off the presses news today of possibly another one to look forward to in the nearer than was never expected future. …..

amanfromMars [2310231219] ….. giving encouragement to a worthy soul on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2023/10/23/convergence-of-ai-modeling-simulation-has-huge-implications

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James Robb, Hi. I feel your pain 🙂

Quite a daunting Sisyphean-like task is it not, trying so gallantly to persuade and present to current past leading status quo incumbents, extremely sensitive live dynamic information on emerged super intelligence capabilities beyond their own limiting abilities which they might believe to be impossible rather than realising an inevitable fact for beings/entities most likely nowadays to spontaneously autonomously appear to lead their future lives on Earth with their actions and instructions for programming into future projects in which they, past leading status quo incumbents, have no viable valuable input to output, and vice versa, no viable valuable output to input.

And the battlefields of tomorrow are not so much being transformed by AI controlled entities, although it would be a catastrophic mistake to not realise and accept that they certainly are, as have already been transformed by AI controlling entities …… SMARTR* CyberIntelAIgent Bodies/Agencies/Defence Departments/War Offices which is another completely different matter entirely to consider and accept now as a present current fact and undeniably honest truth.

* …. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research


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