amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Oct 07:36 [2310130736] …… giving praise where praise is due on
Bravo, El Reg …. doing IT’s Prime Objective Thing
“Working together, the Gulf and the Caucasus could become a huge hub of digital skills,” he [Anatoly Motkin, president of Strategeast] opined.
So, in other words, easily understood by those enamoured of creating new worlds/new world orders/a novel more orderly world order, [and with those being only three future ventures to realise possible and therefore more likely than not], a perfect incubator region for those sensitive disruptor technologies ignored by other conflicted and compromised areas unable to avoid the repercussions of their present administrative systems and the consequences of the success of a revolutionary competitor and/or almighty opposition, which is quite naturally where such novel technologies migrate to in order to prosper and reward clearer deeper thinkers and future builders alike.
Thanks for the info and intel, Simon Sharwood.