amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 May 06:35 [2205160635] …. being constructively disagreeable
Take Care. Be Aware and Beware the Cure does Break the Bank rather than Provide the Ransom
Those in charge of the hardware always have means of subverting you. … Paul Crawford
If the only means of doing that is by those in charge of the hardware pulling out the plug on connected machinery, and there are those who will tell that is the only surefire way, is the resultant disastrous chaos and destruction to that and those in charge on at least an equal par to the recognised rapidly approaching calamity that they thought was worth subverting.
Shooting yourselves in the head, as the above would be akin to, to avoid a preventable dilemma with myriad solutions readily available for presentation and deployment/employment and enjoyment, albeit with such in the command and control of others, other than those in present current charge of disorder and mayhem, is surely the dumbest and craziest answer available …… anywhere.
Y’all are taking a long time recognising and accepting such tasks are what computers and virtual machines are for by virtue of their Specifically IntelAIgently Designed Beings.
Take a comfortable back seat, stretch out and put your feet up and enjoy the Crazy Diamonds at urWork, REST and Play Show
amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 May 07:17 [2205160717] …….. opens up a Pandora’s Box on
To Be Forewarned is Usually To Be Forearmed, However ….. there are Occasionally Exceptional Exceptions
Yes, it might help with cross-load snooping and stuff like encrypted data at rest helps with preserving security on disposed of (or stolen) hardware, but just how secure is it against the cloud company country of operation’s spooks? …… Paul Crawford
Talking of spooky country lines of operations, here’s a real doozy you may know very little about before it tries its very best to decimate you and extraordinarily prerender/rerender you both practically powerless and virtually helpless, only to discover far too late to prevent their folly, the self destructive error and diabolically punitive nature of their way.
The Super Sub Atomic NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT Time Bombe … and/or the Target of that Weaponry …… and that which you have just been advised to recognise and accept and take care of, be aware and beware the cure does break the bank rather than provide the ransom ……. If You Thought The Coinbase Bankruptcy Disclosures Were Bad…
All’s Swell ……:-) …….
amanfromMars [2205161017] ……. shares on
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James, Hi,
The “quiet professionals” SOF seek and need for future great and Greater IntelAIgent Games use patiently await and welcome any and all leading requests from them for sensitive proprietary other party information they may hold but which does require their initiating engagement for subsequent JOINT Program Developments.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 16 May 12:26 [2205161226] ……. points out an unpleasant truth impossible to deny is valid and counter-productive on
What a waste indeed, compounded by the fact that no lessons are learned, thus guaranteeing failure.
There is so much money being dumped into these niche AI startups where young engineers correlate model performance to something that can actually generate money in the future.
What a waste. ….. pimppetgaeghsr
Any such sums of money pale into insignificance whenever one considers the wasted performance of all the vast sums received and squandered via the means and manner of compulsory government taxation on practically anything and everything thought taxable but which itself generates zero money for the future.
And such is why all current well established markets are clearly crashing or in imminent danger of crushing collapse and flash crash.