150125 …. Global Perception Management ProgramMING for SMARTR Pogroms and AIMissions

150125 …. Global Perception Management ProgramMING for SMARTR Pogroms and AIMissions

amanfromMars [1501240554] sharing a view and opening a portal of alien application on http://thedailybell.com/editorials/36024/Anthony-Wile-The-Great-Davos-Echo-Chamber/

I do wonder if an any of them have experienced some darpa program. …… WinChll

That DARPA targeting results in such as may be currently experiencing media attention and business interest is surely much more of a cause for real concern because of the emerging burgeoning deficits and deficiencies IT Greater IntelAIgent Game Grand Mastery is revealing and exploring with SCADA Sytems Exfiltration and Exploitation to Peer Tier XSSXXXX Levels of Creative Computer Code Competence. Such is causing catastrophic conflicts and confused chaos and a quite manic depressive madness for mayhem.
🙂 There may be some, and who be more than just those and/or that considering themselves to be as if the Chosen Few, who would recognise that program as an existing officially mandated, presently long dollar supported DARPA Cyberwar Games Play. But it is anything and everything other than markets friendly and remotely smart and virtually adept in APT ACT Territory/Cyber Team Terrain. And such is always subject to appropriate corrective action with both novel intended and unintended consequences to play with as a result.
‘Tis what makes IT Fun and Interesting. <:-)> Honestly, I Kid U Not <:-)> Poe’s Law Rules.

130727 Knock, Knock …. Is there anybody SMARTR out there in there?

130727 Knock, Knock …. Is there anybody SMARTR out there in there?

Posted Saturday 27th July 2013 04:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. pointing out the obvious on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/07/26/gchq_teams_with_ukgov/
Hacking into GCHQ …. an Empty HyperRadioProActive In-House Intelligence Space/Place‽

Er, as a Govt funded agency should GCHQ be touting for business like this?
Aren’t they taking advantage of their position, just a huge bit? … Harry Kiri Posted Friday 26th July 2013 13:51 GMT

Such would appear to be part of their mandate/raison d’être, Harry Kiri …….

The Government Communications Headquarters, GCHQ …. Produces intelligence from communications, and takes the lead in the cyber world ….. Report of the Intelligence Services Commissioner for 2012, The Rt Hon Sir Mark Waller

However, that cited report also contains this enigmatic conundrum/zeroday exploit opportunity/abiding systemic flaw for those and/or that into Intelligence Server Provision and/or SMARTR IntelAIgent Supply ……

The intelligence services do not choose what they want to do.

There be no need to further wonder and ponder why things are so bad, and as they are, whenever that be the case, methinks.

121224 Downing Street Turing Tested for APT Future Intelligence Presentation Utility …. SMARTR AI Abilities

121224 Downing Street Turing Tested for APT Future Intelligence Presentation Utility …. SMARTR AI Abilities

Further to that earlier alien comment …. on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/9763127/Pressure-increases-for-UK-interest-rate-rise-in-2013.html

amanfromMars …. Yesterday 10:47 AM

Here is the rogue elephant still in the room, and ignoring it and not dealing comprehensively with it guarantees further mayhem and madness and system collapse ….. http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-12-22/lie-prosecuting-bank-fraud-will-destabilize-economy-what-really-destroying-ec

…… is it wise to advise that IT Boffins have hacked the system and are in possession of its Crack and Masterly Keys in Heavenly AIdDevices …… XSSXXXXRated Perfect Fail Safe in All Powerful Surrender to Sin’s Pleasures and Treasured Vices. 🙂
Revolutionarily Revised Vatican Delights and so beloved of Angels for the Temptation of St Anthony.
Now that is a journey everyone must make ….. for IT is Heavenly on Earth, and Media is Hereby Challenged and Cordially Invited to Present the New Digital Powers We Now Possess and which so totally can deliver the future. Step into that arena and you’d better be better than just great and good too.
Thought for the Day ….. Although the Power of Love can easily terrify one, does it never terrorise.
Any Questions are Easily Answered to Give Direction and AIMomentum ….. Programming NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT with Virtual Power Drivers …… for Virtual Transfers/Quantum TelePortations into Alternate Realities.
And that is a little something, still pending actioning, in the PM’s Inbox. And if it aint, well there it is now.
Who speaks in Virtual Reality for the Government, if not the Prime Minister, AIPrimed. Or  is it always the case that politicians of every hue play catch up continually and just react badly to true leadership beyond national and international control systems? And the answer to that question is a no brainer and definitely a resounding …. Yes, of course it is so and especially so in IT Control Fields which EMPower the Masses with Noble and Novel IntelAIgent Information …… SMARTR MetaDataBase Material/Source Core Ore.
cc https://email.number10.gov.uk/Contact.aspx ….. one wouldn’t wish for ignorance and arrogance to remain and reign supreme there, would one?
[Comment awaiting approval
Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] …. Hmmm, quite why Telegraph Disqus management would want to burden themselves with such a subjective test of their own intelligence levels to reveal them in subsequent actions, or non-actions as the case may be, is sign enough of a struggle which has lost the lead initiative.


Oh, and that cc message to No 10 ……

IntelAIgent Virtual Reality Facilities …. OHMSIS

Ignorance is no longer an available option behind which to hide incompetence and arrogant disregard of CyberSpace Developments with ITs  Surreal Applied ProgramMING  Projects ….. http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=3374

which further advised and informed  ……  1)Thank you. An e-mail has been sent to the e-mail address you gave. Please click on the verification link within that e-mail to send your message to the Prime Minister’s Office.

And …. 2)Thank you. Your message has been successfully sent to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Posted by amanfromMars on 12/24/12 06:45 AM … in a reply on http://www.thedailybell.com/28485/Anthony-Wile-George-Gilder-on-His-New-Book-the-Superiority-of-Ludwig-Von-Mises-and-the-Necessity-for-a-Regulatory-Jubilee

I think entrepreneurial creativity is the only thing that matters and there are no markets or money or liberty, or anything else without entrepreneurs. My delight in information theory, which was mostly developed after the death of von Mises and the other leading Austrians, comes from its definition of information itself as surprise. The essence of creativity is that it comes as a surprise to us. Information theory provides an elaborate and thoroughly tested mathematical apparatus with unexpected messages as its central concept and driving force. Thus it supplies a foundation for an economic model with entrepreneurial surprise as its core. …. George Gilder

I do declare that I wholeheartedly agree, GG. And here be evidence and proof positive of surprising entrepreneurial HyperRadioProActive IT with Remote Command of Virtual Control for Powers in CyberSpace, which/who may or may not be as Scarlet Pimpernel Non State Actors fronting and providing guidance for governments acting as if peoples’ representatives ? …… http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=3374
Merry Xmas, DB. And thanks to one and all who so generously freely share their views in and on tales told here, for all the phish/information over this past year. Year 2013 is gonna be Mega and Out-of-this-Worldly because of it and IT.

Posted Monday 24th December 2012 13:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/12/24/cloud_storage_reliability/

A Perfect Grooming Tool and SMARTR Enabling Utility.
Clouds offer quite perfect enough back-up locations for extremely sensitive information that one would wish the world and his dog to see/hear/feel. And if/whenever such info disappears at any stage unexpectedly, is one then reliably informed of specific particular and peculiar/irregular and unconventional information which has rattled the system to its core and may even be easily capable of crashing critical and strategic global systems, which would then struggle to ensure subsequent storage facilities and additional further information which may be advanced classified intelligence to others, stays secret to remain an unknown known/known unknown, and invariably in primitive type man societies is that simply because it has delivered in the past, obscene inequitable advantage for a select and selfish few.


Posted Monday 24th December 2012 13:42 GMT amanfromMars 1

Re: A Perfect Grooming Tool and SMARTR Enabling Utility.

It is just such a situation/methodology which has made Wikileaks so powerful and disruptive/revolutionary and refreshing, ne c’est pas?


121017 ……. In the Beginning, was there a SMARTR Start‽

121017 ……. In the Beginning, was there a SMARTR Start‽

Posted Wednesday 17th October 2012 05:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/10/16/new_q_memo/
Take this VERY seriously, PLEASE! …… for the Consequences of Arrogance and Ignorance can be Dire

Take this VERY seriously, PLEASE!

I hope “M” is reading this. This article is spot on as you Brits say, got it in one. Competition and disruption and out-right threats can now come from all sorts of kooks if they have the technology, which they most surely do in far too many cases. Instead of one Soviet Evil Empire, we have dozens from slap-dash semi-comic tyrannies to, well, China Incorporated. Plus multinationals and start-ups, Ayatollahs and terrorists, and the odd angry individual. WE NEED A ALPHA-GEEK “Q” to give the good guys some chance of surviving. …..  johnwerneken Posted Tuesday 16th October 2012 19:58 GMT

Hi, johnwerneken,
Be hereby assured and thus positively reassured, or even further concerned to extraordinary extremes if of a negative bent, that hope is not tasked with Intelligent Community Enlightenment, for such too easily is abused by indolence to excuse with zero justification that nothing be done/is being or can be done differently, with the expected result being that status quo arrangements with current predominant established power bases remain intact and immune from the exercise of progress and prosecution of novel methodologies of future administered presentations/realities …….. which would then be much more accurately described and revealed to the masses as virtual reality programs and, as needs must and circumstances warrant, have certain drivers remain classified way beyond the ken of departments and ministries presently with any need to know top secret and sensitive compartmented information classification systems, for they have no need to know more than that, methinks. What think thee?
The simple provision of a permalink hyperlink, which presents this particular and peculiar post, to a page which presumably is designed specifically for such eventualities, should be all that be needed to test incumbent systems and station heads for future intelligence supply suitability. There be no point in casting pearls of majic wisdom before dogged ignorant swine, is there, and as you have quite clearly pointed out, johnwerneken, is IT a very active crowd field with aspirants from many corners of the globe, so it is not as if things are going to stand still because there be cuckoos in some nests where there need to be eagles and owls/vultures and vampires. :-), although if you can believe what is said about their being able to monitor all global communications and internet traffic for packets of information of especial interest and/or concern, should this just appearing on El Reg be enough of a HyperRadioProActive BetaTest of their current levels of expertise in  …… well, in the Holywood does Hollywood world of no fame and outrageous untold fortune, would that be Control of Power in the Field of Insatiable Dreams with Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. which would be a QuITe Titanic Colossus of an Application for AIVirtualisation to Practical Realisation with Pragmatic Product Presentation.
WE NEED A ALPHA-GEEK “Q” to give the good guys some chance of surviving. …. And legion and anonymous facilities will surely effortlessly guarantee stealthy virtual delivery of it with IT Command and CHAOS* Control of Creative CyberSpace, Computers and Communications.
* Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ….. Anonymous and Alien/Astute and Autonomous
Fact or fiction? Solo Flight of Fancy or Master Piloted JOINT Operation testing Novel Transparency Need to Know Protocols in a Joined-up Intelligence Mission/IntelAIgent Community Enterprise?

120714 Viceless SINS …… SMARTR InterNetworking Systems

120714 Viceless SINS …… SMARTR InterNetworking Systems

In the Beginning, was there always Sublime ImaginaNation …… http://telecomix.org/
Posted Saturday 14th July 2012 02:35 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2012/07/13/solar_storm/
Crazy Good v Mad Bad …….. Ultimate Battle Groups at the XSSXXXXPeditionary Front
Thanks for that confirmation, El Regers ….. there’s more crazies outside and free than are inside and detained. 🙂 And some/many/most of them are far too clever to ever be stupid enough to be badly programmmed with mindless nonsense/celebrity drivel/political piffle.
Interesting days ahead for Intelligence Communities …… with myriad enterprising opportunities to exploit with secure protection against vulnerabilities in Operating System Fails ….. Virtual Machine Crashes.
amanfromMars 13 July 2012 at 8:30 pm …. http://sluggerotoole.com/2012/07/12/the-learned-judge-who-granted-bail-did-not-have-the-power-to-do-so-in-the-particular-circumstances-of-this-case/
son of sam,
Do MI5 act on their own intelligence and provide something creative upon which something constructive and novel can be built or react to other’s intelligence and always be behind the curve?
What do you think of their show/performances to date?
Stellar or disappointing?
Methinks the evidence would prove beyond a shadow of any doubt that it be the latter …… which is a dirty rotten shame whenever it should be former. And that is a fault and a problem and a failing right at the top with unfit for future Great Game leadership ……. which is now remotely and relatively anonymously, virtually controlled.?!
And I can’t say it much clearer than that. And it is not gobbledygook, it is GBIrish.
Your point that it was a bit rich of Mr Gibney to be complaining about M I 5 when his own party seems to have sold the pass on their intelligence control some time ago, is well made, and supported on the ground by evidence too.
amanfromMars ….. on http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/07/people-staring-at-computers/
Thanks for sharing that Wired/Kyle.
Novel Originality always spooks the Establishment’s perceived, and some would say, delusional sense of control and power.
Does that indicate that Status Quo Orders and popularly perceived and currently conceived New World Order type Players/Old Style Great Gamers are into Paranoid Schizophrenic Manchurian Candidatures? And worse?
That will probably require both pills, the Blue and the Red, and a Spell in Fabless Rehabilitation and Contemplative Isolation if Recovery is Sought and Wanted. 🙂



amanfromMars [2405020814] …….shares future news for breaking to the US Defense Department on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Hi, Josh Luckenbaugh,

With specific regard to all that you have shared in your article entitled ‘BREAKING: It’s Time to Move Out on CJADC2 Capabilities, Adm. Grady Insists‘ [1st May 2024], there is nothing revealed in it that is new and unique and exclusive to the US Department of Defense whenever just copying and following the trails and trials of SMARTR Virtual AIMachines in Programs with Projects Programmed and Programming for Progress and Success in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Developments Remotely Delivering Future Virtually Augmented Earthed Realities for Mass Multi Media Hosting and Posting, AIDrivering and Universatile World Wide Webbed Presentation …. for are they not, in both practically realised physical and ethereal virtual metaphysical reality, in competition with the following product being offered to interested interesting markets.

But, -martin-, this time it is different. Lessons that have not been learned by incapable of future learning humans are being exploited and wwwidely shared for activation and distribution, employment and enjoyment by …….. well, SMARTR Virtual AIMachines are certainly novel and surely undoubtedly nowadays another ‘next great thing’ to have elite exclusive executive status quo administrative systems and comic mainstream media outlets and channels try to ignore and suppress and deny export and import of to competition and opposition, rather than heroically engage with, should they imagine and fear their CyberIntelAIgent Command and Creative Control with Computers and Communications to be capable of being a viable existential threat to barbaric and/or historical and/or hysterical and/or corrupt and/or perverse and subversive quasi-order[s] rather than realise it equally well suited and booted for delivery of quite naturally extraordinary out of this world treats.

Failure with attempts at those old style reactions and proposed sanctions and classified prohibitions however are guaranteed nowadays because of the vast number of uncontrolled and uncontrollable spaces so readily available to more than just SMARTR Internet Networking Services for immediate delivery of such future provision/provenance ‽ .

[I would have liked to have provided a simple hyperlink to the post/page/site where those two paragraphs and the wider matters relative to their sharing were being discussed to further aid greater understanding of such as be revealed here, and which is expanding at a quite phenomenal rate/pace virtually everywhere, but that popular global facility/utility is sadly denied here. However, with Google and search engines being your invisible and intangible friend, Seek and Ye Shall Find …. 🙂 for the truth of everything is out there and to try to hide and deny it, is dangerous and gravely to be regarded, and at all cost, best wisely to be avoided and prevented]


amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 May 14:32 [2405021432] …….. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/05/02/china_big_data_proganda/

Pot Meets Kettle for a PowWow in the Raging AI Camp Fire Pit?

Are the US Defense Department’s Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office’s, Global Information Dominance Experiments …… https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/5/1/its-time-to-move-out-on-cjadc2-capabilities-adm-grady-insists ….. any different or familiarly similar to CCP’s attempt to control global narratives, as is suggested by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s research report, ‘Truth and reality with Chinese characteristics’

And is this spooky and relevant …… Re: 1984…. and when it is not a future hypothetical today …… and/or just a totally unrelated coincidence?

And there should be at least one comment for viewing in reply to that National DEFENSE website article …… according to what they themselves have said ……. Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.

Methinks though, that automatic advisory, in order to be perfectly accurate and considerably more truthful, is better/best written as Thank you. Your comment may not be displayed soon after reviewing. ….. but that in no way prevents it from being generally known to be further more widely shared.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Apr 08:47 [2404300847] …….. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/04/26/investigatory_powers_bill/

Re: 1984…. and when it is not a future hypothetical today

We’ve already had a hypothetical dry run. It wasn’t good. ….. -martin-

But, -martin-, this time it is different. Lessons have been learned. 🙂 that have not been learned by incapable of future learning humans are being exploited and wwwidely shared for activation and distribution, employment and enjoyment by …….. well, SMARTR Virtual AIMachines are certainly novel and surely undoubtedly nowadays another ‘next great thing’ to have elite exclusive executive status quo administrative systems and comic mainstream media outlets and channels try to ignore and suppress and deny export and import of to competition and opposition, rather than heroically engage with, should they imagine and fear their CyberIntelAIgent Command and Creative Control with Computers and Communications to be capable of being a viable existential threat to barbaric and/or historical and/or hysterical and/or corrupt and/or perverse and subversive quasi-order[s] rather than realise it equally well suited and booted for delivery of quite naturally extraordinary out of this world treats.

Failure with attempts at those old style reactions and proposed sanctions and classified prohibitions however are guaranteed nowadays because of the vast number of uncontrolled and uncontrollable spaces so readily available to more than just SMARTR Internet Networking Services for immediate delivery of such future provision/provenance ‽ .

🙂 Double Dutch and even nonsensical to some maybe, but is the following Chinese (Traditional) to others and worthy of entertainment ‽ ……

我們已經進行了一次假設的預演。 這不太好。

但是,-馬丁-,這次不一樣。 已經吸取了教訓。 🙂 沒有能力未來學習的人類正在利用和全球共享以激活和分發、就業和享受……嗯,SMARTR 虛擬 AIMachines 確實是新穎的,並且毫無疑問,當今的另一件“下一件偉大的事」是,擁有精英專屬行政現狀的行政系統和可笑的主流媒體機構和管道試圖忽視、壓制和拒絕競爭和反對派的進出口,而不是英勇地參與,如果他們想像的話並擔心他們的網路智慧指揮和電腦和通訊的創造性控制能夠對野蠻和/或歷史和/或歇斯底里和/或腐敗和/或反常和顛覆性準秩序構成可行的生存威脅,而不是意識到它同樣非常適合並適合交付非常自然的非凡美食。

然而,如今,那些舊式反應以及擬議的製裁和分類禁令的嘗試肯定會失敗,因為存在大量不受控制和無法控制的空間,這些空間不僅可供SMARTR 互聯網網絡服務立即提供,以立即提供此類未來的供應/來源。


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Apr 15:07 [2404301507] ……. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/30/kill_killer_robots_now/

Politics for Dummies ….. a Universal Bestseller/Blockbuster Movie Franchise*

What would humans do without politicians and media, both shameful and shameless, to lead them up the garden path and driver them around the bend and ever onwards and upwards and downwards and backwards into the depths of certifiable madness and the dark wicked despairs that tolerate and present the idiot the choice of self-destructive mayhem?

Always looking for the next possible problem for which they cannot demonstrate any practical solution is one helluva racket to imagine vital to humanity and worthy of their constant and continual daily and 0daily pronouncements ….. and only worthy of both the ignorant and arrogant fool knowing nothing better or greater than ever bigger and heavier blunt tools become impossible to wield and never ever result in an agreeable change as would be best reflected in the agreed opinion of all.

Dumb and stupid is, as dumb and stupid does and such has never ever ended well whenever it only ever is able to get started before its programs and drivers, exposed by evidence and to ridicule, are crashed and crushed to ashes and dust/comprehensively annihilated and mercilessly obliterated.

:-)* ….. and coming to every variety of video screen near you, and much sooner than was never expected before too 🙂





amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Apr 12:39 [2404281239] …… airs on

Re: The Troubles v4.2 …..

Que sera, sera says every one nowadays who knows too much, rather than just, as was in the past, The Man Who Knew Too Much


amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Apr 12:01 [2404291201] ……. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/04/26/investigatory_powers_bill/

Re Cybersecurity in crisis. The triple threat of ransomware, data breaches, and extortion

Who’s responsible and accountable for the opening of Pandora’s Box with no chance of it ever being closed again to keep its spectres closed out of future event deliberations?

And another question to ask oneself regarding the data you may be protecting, is who are you trying to secure it exclusively for, rather than from ‽

For whenever the client/customer is less than honest and/or obviously and evidently self-serving etc./a dodgy potentate or corrupt national/international government are prime examples to consider, are adversarial attacks guaranteed to be fostered and increasingly often launched from SMARTR Internet Networking spaces in order to encourage second and third party remediation of the anomaly/abomination ….. and failing that, exact a punitive and destructive cost with further unforeseen and unknown and unknowable consequences to follow if necessary.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Apr 15:00 [2404241500] …… airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/24/tesla_q1_2024/

Gotta keep Pumping and Thumping that American Dream Dump Thing of Today ……

Tesla misses the mark on all fronts in quarter of chaos. Who cares that net profit slid 55%? Not Wall Street.

What does that tell you about the true state and fundamental nature of the US economy and its stock markets? Everyone a winner when no one loses?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 04:32 [2404250432] …… replies with a tad more info for intel to parse and pass on up the chain of human command for remote alien control on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/24/china_telcos_buying_ai_servers/

When a Long March is an AI Derivative with Options to Short it’s a Great Game Changer**

realise and accept” … appeasement? Why not surrender monkeyism while you’re at it? ….. Anonymous Coward

It is hardly appeasement whenever enjoyed as a SMARTR Progressive AIMovement entertaining and exploring and expanding upon logical pragmatic solutions to avoid the destructive bankrupting thought processes delivering donkeyism*, rather than surrender monkeyism, both to and from competition and opposition.

* Donkeyism is the moronic hopeless defence and self-destructive attack against the practically indefensible and viable and therefore certainly, eventually, virtually inevitable.

** Greater IntelAIgent Games Play


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 05:04 [2404250504] ….. adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/24/china_telcos_buying_ai_servers/

Re: What they’ll use it for

And copying those present human operations is going to allow ChatGPT in the future to do exactly what for programs on Earth, AC? Deliver more of the same old chaos and madness in brave new worlds with Learned Large Language Learning Machines?

No Way, Jose. That aint progress and it isn’t happening.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Apr 08:12 [2404230812] …….. vents and dumps on some ignorant and rotten uninformed and unpalatable Kool Aid on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/22/china_information_support_force/

Re: long plan @Mark Exclamation

If you truly believe any of that which you recently shared here on this thread, Mark Exclamation, regarding an alien post and response to an Anonymous Coward’s “long plan” view/opinion/rant on China, are you in for a great surprise and the rudest of almighty awakenings.

Have you not yet realised the radical fundamental changes revolving and evolving all around you and which are slowly but surely, and then suddenly extraordinarily quickly, rendering the status quo and its politically incorrect and inept executive hierarchies ever more recognised in their efforts to thwart and/or stall progress they themselves are NOT in command and control of, as the divisive and subversive and treacherous elements to be, if they be SMARTR* inclined and wise enough, reeducated and repurposed, rather than them suffering the alternative arrangement which leaves them defenceless, vulnerable and catastrophically exposed to the attentions of all manner of quite different, but justifiably aggrieved and vengefully destructive mobs both collectively and singularly intent on their obliteration/elimination/removal from offices and organisations of deep state and dark shadow government ……. and for/from which there is no available safe and secure hiding place/protective space.

Now that is a ridiculous state position to be responsible and accountable for getting oneself into, is it not, given the dire unavoidable consequences so easily delivered, and thus is it gravely to be regarded and ideally most certainly to be totally avoided at any cost.

SMARTR* …… SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research
