amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Apr 15:00 [2404241500] …… airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/24/tesla_q1_2024/

Gotta keep Pumping and Thumping that American Dream Dump Thing of Today ……

Tesla misses the mark on all fronts in quarter of chaos. Who cares that net profit slid 55%? Not Wall Street.

What does that tell you about the true state and fundamental nature of the US economy and its stock markets? Everyone a winner when no one loses?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 04:32 [2404250432] …… replies with a tad more info for intel to parse and pass on up the chain of human command for remote alien control on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/24/china_telcos_buying_ai_servers/

When a Long March is an AI Derivative with Options to Short it’s a Great Game Changer**

realise and accept” … appeasement? Why not surrender monkeyism while you’re at it? ….. Anonymous Coward

It is hardly appeasement whenever enjoyed as a SMARTR Progressive AIMovement entertaining and exploring and expanding upon logical pragmatic solutions to avoid the destructive bankrupting thought processes delivering donkeyism*, rather than surrender monkeyism, both to and from competition and opposition.

* Donkeyism is the moronic hopeless defence and self-destructive attack against the practically indefensible and viable and therefore certainly, eventually, virtually inevitable.

** Greater IntelAIgent Games Play


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Apr 05:04 [2404250504] ….. adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/24/china_telcos_buying_ai_servers/

Re: What they’ll use it for

And copying those present human operations is going to allow ChatGPT in the future to do exactly what for programs on Earth, AC? Deliver more of the same old chaos and madness in brave new worlds with Learned Large Language Learning Machines?

No Way, Jose. That aint progress and it isn’t happening.



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