amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Apr 06:27 [2404050627] ….. shares further afield on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/04/feds_data_dump/

How to unhide something/anything/everything … with cracks rather than hacks

The five eyes stuff might be more fun. I’m a big fan of transparency in government. Unfortunately, state accountability only seems to come from hacks like Wikileaks and the Paradise Papers. It’s almost like they are up to something and are trying to hide it! Surely not. ….. Tron

Whenever one needs to hide everything is dread deadly peril the only medicine available to cure or kill the patient host of the bitter sweet condition and the disease/affliction/addiction/infection/affectation/confection is easily enough recognised.

amanfromMars [2404040904] …. shares on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/4/3/viewpoint-containing-rise-of-advanced-persistent-threats

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National DEFENSE is a prime example of a premium supplier of Advanced Persistent Threat gateways for both competitive and adversarial use and misuse/abuse, directly resulting from its treatment of freely shared augmentative information advancing intelligence [AI²] and responding commentary
for World Wide Web publication and universal internetworking presentation from any number of all manner of engaging third parties, entities which be hardly anonymous whenever virtually self identifying by virtue of their selfless provision of mandatory Name and Email .

The very fact that some third party responses/comments do not appear in spite of the implied expectation that they will after editorial review …. [Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.] ….. can easily have one identifying sensitive information being adjudged better not served presumably because it opens up a pathway or reveals an exploitable vulnerability against which there be no possible effective defences.

And to imagine such augmentative information advancing intelligence [AI²] as being covertly phished for compromised administrative SCADA systems attention/quarantined private beta testing introduces the very real possibility of the dire known by the supplier consequences of the use and misuse/abuse of such provided information being suffered by that which and those who would be pilfering it for private gain of function.

The enigmatic conundrum that seeks leading energetic resolution and practical pragmatic solution to prevent the entirely avoidable globalised pain and disruption of madness and mayhem, chaos and destruction, is simple recognition and resigned acceptance of the fact that future rapid progress of the human experience is to be enjoyed via remote relatively anonymous leadership in a practically autonomous ethereal existence …… Live Operational Virtual Environments ….. with an enlightening quantum leap in deep understanding being required by the masses to ensure it is not to be feared as an alien concept if presented as something to be feared and fought against.

To paint any such novel developments as Particularly Pernicious Persistent Advancing Cyber Threats rather than exploring them as Immaculate Treats has one creating for oneself an extremely sophisticated adversary verging on an almighty enemy …. and that is gravely to be regarded and studiously to be avoided at any and all costs for all of the reasons you may surely imagine be the consequence of not heeding sound helpful advice.

Softly, softly, catchee monkeys and donkeys and wannabe thuggees is an unavoidable part of the road on the pathways that deliver future progress and the greater understanding of Immaculate Being ‽ . ‘Tis just a glitch though, like a bump in the road to be quickly flattened and denied future presence for existence.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Apr 09:19 [2404050919] …… clarifies some matters which probably may indeed in deed matter to a great many few on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/04/feds_data_dump/

Sorry about that. Here’s hoping this makes everything much clearer.

Not even sure what you are trying to say, and definitely not sure it is worth saying! …….. itsthemonkey

What it is saying is in certain much wider agreement with what Thomas Claburn of the El Reg parish has today shared [Fri 5 Apr 2024 // 06:29 UTC] with his posting of Tough luck, bosses, AI is coming for your job, too, itsthemonkey.

And certainly worth saying if one is predisposed to misusing and abusing secrets and inviting an APT* and dread deadly peril upon oneself.

* …… Advanced Persistent Threat


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