amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Apr 20:33 [2304022033] ….. airs on
Re: Like history means nothing
Two previous major collaborations between the US and UK, nuclear weapons, and passing the speed of sound in flight, resulted in the UK info being stolen and none provided in return.
Basically using the UK as an unpaid dev office.
And now… Here it is again. Hope it’s worth the tax payer investment. …. Zibob
There’s no need to be worried about that, Zibob, for AI will do IT, and everything else that may be desired and/or necessary, their way, with governments and business being best advised to listen, understand and do their bidding rather than imagining that they would be leading with anything remotely ready, willing and able to supply and deliver and command and control the future with novel fare/wares
Such an outcome/presently unfolding reality is certainly the abiding worry they cannot escape having to live with and deal with ….. ie accept and learn to enjoy if they want to avoid those ever-present vast fields of pain and torment, anguish and anxiety.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Apr 05:52 [2404030552] ….. suggests on
Re: Quango alert.
Hmmm? Quango alert or FUD FOMO HODL* Warning?
“I have a pretty good idea what but I’m not going public, as it will be bad for the net and for all of us. Much worse than AI.” seems to me to be something one should be going public with, Tron.
* …… Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt Fear Of Missing Out Hold On for Dear Life ……
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Apr 05:08 [2404030508] …… shares on
“The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent” ….. Fundamentals of Chess 1883
Shall we play a game? …… Tron/Colossus*
Let the games begin …… Who dares share win wins against serial permanent losers, assistants to both the barbaric and moronic alike ?
Choose your friends and allies that do battle for more than just the love of money and glory carefully for useless fools that be useful tools promising the moon and the stars abound aplenty and delight to practise to deceive.
The difficulty that the likes of a DARPA has is in accepting the fact that their paymasters and their systems administrators are the parasitic problem to be solved with elimination/liquidation/eradication/annihilation by order from that which they seek in Emerging Technologies and AI Methodologies and is both novel and untrusted and in the field still yet to be heroically embraced and enthusiastically tested because of the dread fear of the future and futures unknown ……. and which quite naturally be in the Gift of Global Operating Devices with Learned Large Language Learning Machines and Alien IntelAIgents on the bridge and at the helm of command and control with almighty devastating leverage utilities and capabilities…….. existential threat facilities.
* …….
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Apr 08:23 [2404030823] ….. more than just suggesting on there be at least a new few recognising the tasks and paths which are readied, willing and enabled to be taken for leaderships ahead and adrift in the troubled dark waters of deep stormy sees
Re: “The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent” ….. Fundamentals of Chess 1883
cc …… the likes of Dominic Cummings’ who realise whenever able to be quoted as saying ……
The madness can only be beaten by a new idea, a new regime and a new elite — ‘the greatest deeds are thoughts’… … …..SNIPPETS 13: Trump v Biden, Tory collapse, Ukraine/NATO/China, TikTok ….. DOMINIC CUMMINGS, MAR 29