amanfromMars 1 Tue 6 Feb 05:39 [2402060539] ….. asks on
Re: His Majesty drops a right clanger … if giving Royal Assent to a fascist type policy proposal?
Here’s a pertinent question to answer to scupper any possible future nonsense and malevolent skullduggery before some officious tosser in a failed office of state full of failed officious officers of state asks it ……. Is The Register an MSM outlet?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 6 Feb 06:04 [2402060604] …… agrees on
Re: Needs better phrasing @Anonymous Coward
… but any decisions about the functionality, resilience and security sit with the CIO or product owner. Perhaps those people need to own the failings. ….. Anonymous Coward
Quite so, AC. Well said, Sir and/or Madam or it.
[Well nowadays, who knows for certain whom or what you are talking to ….. whenever one can be so easily cloaked in the moniker of a he or a she or a them or an it ….. and with some able to be mistaken for all, and then something else altogether quite different and disconcerting/exciting too.]
amanfromMars 1 Tue 6 Feb 07:03 [2402060703] …….. points out what should be bleeding obvious on
Whenever the honest brutal truth be told to markets about unicorns and Ponzis …..
Vapourware practices are a dodgy product with a crazy shelf-life/indeterminate third party attraction lifespan.