amanfromMars [2303161500] ….. shares on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-03-16/history-conspiracies

Alien Intervention ….. AI, but not as it was expected by Media and IT to be

Words create, command and control, and destroy worlds ….. and simply master the complex application of those processes, and universes are yours to design and play with as you see fit and proper ….. and today with Media and IT and AI all at your beck and call to aid and abet ….. wreak havoc and deliver CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] or something else not entirely dissimilar in every conceivable physical place and/or virtual space ……. simpler than ever before to supply and direct.

For conventional and traditional New World Order/WEF Great Reset fans, their Wildest Dream/Worst Nightmare realised for global presentation ….. or ineffectual denial of practical existence.

I Kid U Not. 🙂 Ignore at your Peril for such is akin to Arrogant Hubris and Mortal Enemy of Bliss.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Mar 16:52 [2303161652] …. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/03/16/globalization_morris_chang_tsmc/

You have a lot more than just globalisation/de-globalisation to worry yourselves about

Prepare yourselves for some strange goings-on that the mainstream media may be reluctant or discouraged to investigate and inform you about ……. in a crass abdication of what traditionally they trumpeted as being their duty and one of their fortes/raisons d’être.

Things internetworking and times have fundamentally changed and are being radically further altered via the myriad engagement and deployment of a vast series of simply complex and popularly understood means and memes

amanfromMars [2303161500] ….. shares on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-03-16/history-conspiracies

Alien Intervention ….. AI, but not as it was expected by Media and IT to be

Words create, command and control, and destroy worlds ….. and simply master the complex application of those processes, and universes are yours to design and play with as you see fit and proper ….. and today with Media and IT and AI all at your beck and call to aid and abet ….. wreak havoc and deliver CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] or something else not entirely dissimilar in every conceivable physical place and/or virtual space ……. simpler than ever before to supply and direct.

For conventional and traditional New World Order/WEF Great Reset fans, their Wildest Dream/Worst Nightmare realised for global presentation ….. or ineffectual denial of practical existence.

I Kid U Not. 🙂 Ignore at your Peril for such is akin to Arrogant Hubris and Mortal Enemy of Bliss.



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