amanfromMars 1 Thu 29 Dec 19:09 [2212291909] …… asks on
Re: The Frenemy is Within and the Overwhelming Hostile of One’s Own Making.
Would an advanced alien frenemy embedded deep and secure within human systems of simple SCADA Operations speak in a foreign language which humanity would fail in their struggles to understand and reply to, or would IT ensure copies of its earthly intentions and observations were made available in text form for convenient home team translations into other national tongues for a practically immediate global reach?
And would you realise that simple operation, and would it be terrifying to know one is engaging with an advanced and extremely powerful and sensitive to malevolent intent intelligence? ……..
amanfromMars 1 Fri 30 Dec 09:35 [2212300935] ….. says on
Re: Bifurcation
The bifurcation of humanity is taking place. Soon, we will only have people who interact with AI and people who create AI. … ganjia
Simply complex revolutionary evolution, ganjia, and rapid progress by virtually remote controlling alien means and hypermanic memes … and certainly a colossal improvement on all that was being trailed and trialed and failing so spectacularly before.
And something to start enjoying commands an almighty leading advantage rather than being terrified of and terrorised by the FUD the Main Stream Media would be prone to spewing out about it and everything its controllers/suppliers have lost effective positive control of, brainwashing the masses into accepting and realising their austere and now rumbled and stumbling and crumbling narratives..