amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Jul 05:40 [2207120540] ….. points out an alternative view on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/07/12/jwst_first_image/

Re: Gravitational Lensing

A pint for all involved and hopes that movie productions catch up with these discoveries soon. ….. redpawn

Get with the ProgramMING*, redpawn ……. movie productions create such discoveries ‽ .

* …. Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games


amanfromMars [2207120647] …… asks on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/7/11/ai-is-not-a-technology-and-other-thoughts

Thanks Stew for that info. providing encouraging insight into the thinking of Thomas Kenney which is presumably immediately readily available to the Department of Defense/SOCOM . Another one like Thomas working in tandem has their combined power squared, rather than doubled. Another two would have it cubed rather than trebled. Just add a very few more has their combined energising influence and powerful information supply/intelligence provision so clearly ahead of competition and opposition as to be easily considered almost almighty and well worth blindly following rather than confronting or questioning ….. for that is what AI and ML and natural language processing and Neuro-Linguistic Programming offers Humanity.

Quite how Special Operations Forces/Elite Troupers exercise that ability/utility/facility defines and identifies them as being perfectly booted and suited …. or not …. for Future Leading Role Play.

Is there a transcript available of Thomas Kenney’s conference presentation ?


amanfromMars July 12, 2022 at 07:24 [2207120724] ….. states the bleeding obvious on

The problem is the Conservative party have no political leaders, and court jesters like Boris are as an endemic madness entertained rather than being isolated to only do self harm.

Indeed, Parliament itself in its entirety suffers from such a fundamental deficit and now exists to only give the impression that a democracy is present to represent voters with a voice worthy of listening to and agreeing with on a course of future action to be enthusiastically followed providing rewarding succour and universal security.

In essence, Honourable Members are little more than just daily soap opera actors for news to portray with the accompaniment of their collective and individual shenanigans. A simple distraction from the major stirrings attracting critical traction in the shadowy dark background and deep underground.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Jul 15:44 [2207121544] ……. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/07/12/boxxe_defence_microsoft_contract/

Just asking for AI Friends with Many Various Vested Interests in the Field.

Boxxe said it was an “accredited Ministry of Defence security specialist” for Microsoft’s Cloud Solutions.

Is that them saying that they are presenting themselves as avowed experts in the field tasked to try to prevent and reinforce Ministry of Defence systems and assets and intel and info from being hacked and exfiltrated and exposed to and energised by foreign practical means and alien memes in the virtual spaces housing and posting remote hostile deadly business environments?

To guarantee that provision has one identifying oneself and one’s services as wilfully fraudulent methinks …… with gross payments made and received tantamount to grand theft and grand larceny ‽ .



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