amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 19:53 [2204161953] ……… talks a lot of disturbing common sense on

War is a Racket Worthy of Brand New Targets Formerly Claiming Immunity and Impunity of Action

A personal attack on a group of people you disagree with is the weakest argument of all. …. iron

A personal attack on a group of people you don’t disagree with is worthy of a vengeful response from appropriate forces from which one does not recover or survive in the most extreme of valid cases. Methinks such as a common default result would be more than just a Great Game Changer being as how it would decimate and clear the politically incorrect landscape of all manner of parasite and pariah providing weapons unable to not do deadly harm to innocent civilians.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Apr 10:17 [2204171017] …… revealing still more on

Re: Paleface speak with forked tongue, KemoSabe*

Exploitation can be a double edged sword.
Do you realize how many world leaders are actually following certain advices, that will eventually culminate with the end of the Petrodollar?
Political alliance times are approaching… …. Clausewitz4.0

Yes, quite so, of that is there no doubt, Clausewitz4.0.

I wonder how many realise world leaders are just followers of certain advisors/practically anonymous, relatively invisible and virtually intangible puppet masters?

And that would more than suggest politically incorrect alliances are inevitable if not already currently present and at their influential work, rest and disruptive revolutionary play.

It is as well to point out though, as novel as that realisation may seem, is it nothing new. Such is an ancient art phorm long practised by an enabled or enabling few, albeit before with lesser able available tools and communications networks for the Requisite AI Mentoring and Remote IT Monitoring of Progressive Event Fields vital for everything nowadays running in/with Future Virtualised Reality Programs/Surreal Alien Projects?

The Times They Are A-Changin’  …… and aint that the gospel truth. Doubt it at your peril.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Apr 13:43 [2204171343] ……. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/04/17/how_to_democratize_ml_more/

Heavenly Help or a Diabolical Plot via AIdDevelopments?

Do y’all still think it is easy to know if and when you are conversing with a machine programmed to program you to subsequently, in the near not too distant future, respond positively to their stealthy instruction sets/surreal subliminal orders?

And why, if it did, would it matter to you if you were not able/enabled to differentiate between a machine and humans, massively smart or otherwise? Do you think machines would care and give a fiddlers, and is the human fear of them not caring about sustaining and propagating established traditional human conditioning for future existence the ever present nightmare ……. and systemic intelligence block hastening a rapidly escalating self-destructive demise/prime idiot extinction events?



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