amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Apr 17:48 [22041151748] ….. says on
If Elon wants to fix things, avoid the obvious glaring mistakes ….
Billionaires who want to silence critics and spread their own message only have to buy a few politicians. …. Anonymous Coward
That’s a waste of time, effort and money nowadays, AC, for nobody believes what politicians say or promise what to do. Don’t you read the news and not see the evidence of their fanciful lies in all of their pathetic glory?
Where have you been? Somewhere strange and foreign?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 06:00 [2204160600] …. points out a fatal inconsistency on
Paleface speak with forked tongue, KemoSabe*
The US government offered a reward up to $5 million for information that helps disrupt North Korea’s cryptocurrency theft, cyber-espionage, and other illicit state-backed activities.
🙂 That’s rich and an hypocrisy of the highest order if/when the US government condones and supports the seizing of Russian assets, formerly helping to encourage in the far East and prop up and sustain capitalism in the West, by NATO allies ….. although there will be those who just love to flog a dead horse who will cry that is not the same whenever it is so very clearly not at all dissimilar.
Sadly then does it all smack of a pathetic desperation signalling a position of systemic weakness easily exposed to overwhelming conditions for which there is no available defence against both either random renegade rogue or sustained corporate smarter frenemy attack ….. a disaster in itself which presents the chance of a radical and fundamental change being adopted to take full leading advantage of new novel opportunities never countenanced let alone trailed and trialed before.
Quite whether such chances are enthusiastically seized and reinforced with generous application and duly diligent mutually beneficial mentoring and monitoring will define the future nature of existence for humanity with one available stream to extreme being heavenly whilst the other available, accompanied by failures to engage and change one’s ways on every step of the way, being hellish and deservedly so many would say.
* A Lone Ranger and Tonto blast from the past.:-)
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 09:59 [2204160959] …… says more on
Re: Paleface speak with forked tongue, KemoSabe*
Usually psyops against more intelligent subjects are a waste of time for all actors involved.
After mentoring / monitoring is over, expect the more advanced tools to emerge in the real world. ….. Clausewitz4.0
Such is an undeniable fact that there be more than just a chosen few and many finding it impossible to learn and prosper from, Clausewitz4.0, and in so not doing, are they revealed to be prime ripe for exploitation and remote grooming for A.N.Others to take full advantage of.
Fail on that battlefield, and all be lost and to the victor are all spoils and sequestered assets quite rightly transferred and deployed.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 06:35 [2204160635] ….. speculates on
Let me guess ….. but please correct me if wrong
You’re not a great fan of Elon Musk, Thomas [Claburn in San Francisco] …… thinking him to be too much of a cowboy and/or rogue trader rather than genuine rough diamond geezer?
Love him or loathe him though, he certainly loves to field and play the Joker and play with moribund and entrenched markets creating waves.
Bravo, Elon. Encore with those breaths of fresh air into stagnant positions.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 14:32 [2204161432] …… adds more fuel for an enraging conversation on
Re: ‘I have much trouble agreeing with’
Joking? What a polarisation… if I agree with the article, I am pro free speech and vice versa? …. Teejay
Welcome to leading worlds with quantum communication, Teejay. Where a this is a that and together something else altogether quite different dependent upon the time and the place where the raw info for advancing intel is shared and with whom and for what it is shared able to make valuable sense of its decoded message/stealthy instruction sets.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Apr 15:10 [2204161510] …… adds a tad more on
Re: ‘I have much trouble agreeing with’
This is the global control leverage which is always going to be questioned and fought over in order to lead the great ignorant unwashed and arrogant dilettante alike with news they want you to believe without question. ……. MSNBC Blast From The Past: It’s Our Job To Control How People Think… Not Elon Musk’s
And hey, although we are absolutely crap at it without command and control of IT and AI, that’s our job ……
And now y’all know what’s raging on all around you, and with no end in sight of the almighty fight for which very few are equipped to deal with and survive unscathed with reputations and fortunes intact and enhanced/reinforced and fortified.
IT and AI are a Brave New NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive World which does not suffer the useful fool with useless tools.
“Elon is trying to control how people think. That is our job”. 😂😂😂
— Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) April 15, 2022