amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Mar 19:22 [2203081922] ……. suggests on
Just Hope for the Best when it’s all you can do if things are getting worse
Quite so. For some, who may be many, is it certainly a hellish problem to beware and made aware of. However, to others with all necessary smarts though, a whole host of heaven sent opportunities to exploit and expand upon.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Mar 16:00 [2203091600] ……. posts out a ubiquitous dilemma on
A Universal Opportunity for Unilateral Expansion
An article in the [US] National Defense Industrial Association magazine …… ….. highlights the same sort of problems which be valid causes and sources of real concern for there is scant, if any at all, effective risk mitigation, ergo is there a catastrophic vulnerability present for exercise and unhindered development/0day exploitation.
amanfromMars [2203090918] …….. shares on
Quite so, Chris. For some, who may be many, is it certainly a hellish problem to beware and made aware of. However, to others with all necessary smarts though, a whole host of heaven sent opportunities to exploit and expand upon.
The simplest of answers then is obvious ……. engage with the few who may be necessarily smarter than normal and would profess to known what needs to be done and can do it for anyone and/or for everyone …. and do it all with or without their help too with command and control of future narrative paths and fields of operation/systems deployment and self actualisation.
It is as well to realise though that all things are likely to be very different and liable to constant improvement change with universal implications impacting upon the true nature of global virtual realities produced and presented by media as an existence to live in/populate and prosper or perish in.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Mar 17:32 [2203091732] …… asks on
Re: Many Senior Civil Servants are not permitted to read newspapers, watch TV or listen to the radio
It is thus no wonder that they cannot take proper command of any new technology. … Chris Coles
It is most fortunate then, Chris C, that much new technology can take proper command of them with novel virtual controls at the behest of A.N.Others both beyond their physical reach and intellectual ken.
Quite why anyone sane would want to behave as if a hermit and generally unknown in a magical kingdom, is something many a shrink would just love to wax lyrical about ….. 🙂 and charge plenty for the pleasure of trying to help what to many would be a very strange mind.
Imagine the disadvantages there be in not knowing of the worlds being administered to where booze and narcotics and hallucinogens and the wanton sexual excesses of the flesh are a default pleasure and/or curse, for such Brethren are surely not known to those mighty masses.
PS …… I have assumed what you have told us there, Chris C, is true and not some fanciful misleading tale. Such has become something of a perverse industry which many who really should know better are now totally addicted to and wholly reliant upon to survive and not be torn to shreds by justifiable angry crowd.
PPS ….. Not permitted by whom and/or what and for what reasons are questions worthy of being answered to find out who or what on Earth thinks such a situation appropriate today and in worlds tomorrow.