amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Dec 07:02 [2112150702] …… shares almighty disturbing news on
For SMARTR* Future Media Operational Control and Remote Universal State Command
Telecommand is not usually encrypted, but it is normally authenticated. …. Paul Crawford
Is normal telecommand usually controlled via an original authorisation and/or is there a facility/capacity/ability/utility/vulnerability that allows, as in IT and AI cannot stop and prevent, a Novel SMARTR Able Bodied Alien Systems Takeovers with IntelAIgently Designed Entity Makeovers novel unauthenticated instruction and genuine alien code injection for distant off planetary missions presenting future explanatory programming for exploring in Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Projects ‽ .
Or do you wish to ignore such timely friendly interventions regarding the rewilding and reinvention of life on Earth, preferring instead to create a hostile environment, both physically realised and virtually imagined, full of the promise of international incidents and unfortunate accidents/preventable missteps ?
SMARTR* …. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research
cc in the Wild Wacky West…..Elon Musk and Rebecca c/o NDIA’s Emerging Technologies Institute. ….
cc in the Exotic Esoteric East ….. Winnie the Pooh and Fancy Bear types.
amanfromMars [2112150936] …….. shares a problematical view more widely on
Another all too possible valid concern regarding F-35 was recently shared in a comment aired in reply to an article, “Commander Says Information Security Restrictions Hampering F-35 Partnerships with Allies” penned for National Defense Magazine dot org by Meredith Roaten [12/13/2021]
That report, Meredith, paints the F-35 program, from the perspective of non native US buyers, as akin to a Trojan horse project to try capture unwelcome compliance and a begrudged obedience in future support of a foreign party agenda if one wants all the bells and whistles/special extras that the platform is pimped as being able to provide for a field advantage against both the live competition and deadly opposition .
Quite how that perception/reality can be satisfactorily resolved to the mutual benefit of all rather than to the unfair advantage of a select few, and to not be self-defeating and counter-productive, is a real doozy of an enigmatic current dilemma.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Dec 15:09 [2112151509] …… being disagreeable on
Re: Using “AI” to amke guesses
If there’s nothing in the logs after an event, there is absolutely no benefit in imagining something that might perhaps fill the slot; it tells you exactly nothing. …. Neil Barnes
Surely one cannot be serious and actually believe any or even all of that, Neil?
Such would virtually tell anyone with an earnest honest interest practically everything needed to be known and not done with regard to the event.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Dec 16:08 [2112151608] …… says out loud on
Long Runs the Fox from the Hounds of Hell, but with Nowhere Safe and Secure to Hide is Capture Guaranteed Either a Bloodbath and/or a Bloodletting
Pyramid schemes do work, for a while, as long as people keep buying into the scheme – pouring new money in, inflating the fund, and so tempting new investors.
Amen to that scam truth ….. they work for a while, and some work exceedingly well too, but eventually inevitably they always fail and spectacularly explode and implode to wipe out trapped collateral and suckered investors alike.
And what other than a pyramid scheme and global scam does one see whenever one ponders on the present plight of the Federal Reserve and the fiat US dollar ……. which worked for a while while foreign folk were buying up Gilts marketed in Treasury auctions, but everything quickly collapses and turns to just so much dust whenever empowering interest and foreign capital wanes and disappears and one is then forced to buy one’s own poisoned chalice product to try to remain a leading player.
And some here think Bitcoin is a fad and bad and totally rad. They be completely blinded and blindsided by that paper dollar mote in their eye, methinks.
Uncle Sam and the SWIFT Fractional Reserve Banking System say …. Been there, done that, got the crappy T shirt, now desperately trying to avoid national bankruptcy and violent global payback ‽ .