amanfromMars 1 Mon 8 Nov 13:57 [2111081357] …… speculates on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/08/chief_retirement/

Light Blue Touch Paper and Retire is Sound Advice whenever Handling FireWorX that Work AWEsomely*

“There were no major systems or process failures, which is a significant achievement given the complexity and scale of the arrangements required,” the NAO said.

A default result available to any and all and sundry with major systems and processes not practically tested and virtually challenged remotely and effectively somewhat anonymously, too.

The article [Thanks, Lindsay Clark] and that result would suggest that major tests to be passed lie in travels and travails ahead, yet to be attempted and overtaken in search of supplies of a positive outcome, and ideally available with zero negative feedback and/or parasitic blowback guaranteed.

Now that is One Almighty Opportunistic Field of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Endeavour[s] where Everyone/Everything is Assured and Insured and Ensured to Receive a Great Deal More than they Ever Bargained For or maybe even Agreed Upon or Thought At All Possible and Certain Too and Therefore Most Probable and Highly Likely.

All Soldiers know that Instruction Keeps One Alive and Fighting Fit for Another Great Day in which to Perform and Deliver Front Line Goods to the Ready and Needy Full Prepared for Future ACTion with AWEsome Abilities/Facilities/Utilities.

Here’s an AWEsome* Mix ……. Take your pick …… https://www.gov.uk/government/news/awe-plc-transferred-to-the-mod …….. https://www.army.mod.uk/news-and-events/events/army-warfighting-experiment/


amanfromMars [2111081643] ……. just saying out loud on https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/uk-considering-legislation-would-imprison-internet-trolls

And what do we consider is to be done then about the very recent Prime Ministerial communication which instructed Conservative party Parliamentarians to vote for an amendment/action contrary to all common political sense and an affront to all human dignity in support of a found to be rotten and easily corruptible colleague …… for it then to later dismissed with the “request” rescinded?

That fiasco and No 10 disaster caused immense immeasurable psychological harm and reputational damage to the whole of Westminster and the greater UKGBNI.

Two years in prison does not sound like near enough for that clusterfcuk of a moronic decision and morally bankrupt and politically inept activity.

What’s good for the goose is great for the gander, and all fair in love and war so they say.



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