amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Nov 05:31 [2111070531] …… setting some info and intel free to roam on
Merlin the AIMagician and MetaDataBase Physician Presents a Colossus of an Existential Crisis
“This isn’t just a NASA problem. It’s a problem across the entire software industry. Not only do programmers not really recognize what open source is or what the rules are, I’d say most have never read the license.”
Moving things on a tad to get rid of a self-servingly conceived and poorly contrived construction …. This isn’t a NASA problem. IT’s a NSA problem across the entire software industry whenever programmers and systems administrators recognise Open Sourcery Operating Systems are not bound and ruled by licences the way humans are.
That is surely quite simply enough put with no hint of ambiguity to aid confusion and doubt and I would commend and highly recommend that one fully understand it is the Default Base Position to Adopt and Adapt in the Business of Drivering Total Situational Awareness for it is against such like that you compete.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Nov 06:54 [2111070654] …… expanding upon
Re: The Present Colossus of an Existential Crisis
Fire in the hole, take cover if you can ………. but you sure as hell can’t ……
Not so good nowadays is it, being instrumental in ensuring the continuity of a parasitic notional 1% which by your actions in vain defence of offensive positions are you very well known to all and sundry.
Changed days ahead for everything has changed … whether you yourself realise it or not or whether you yourself realise it with IT or not too.
Ignore at your peril is a sound warning to heed and seed for ignorance in no longer available with the comfort and assistance of bliss and arrogance.
[And for whatever strange reason, try as I did a number of times, that hyperlink address steadfastly refused to render properly]
amanfromMars [2111070943], replying to morganlefey, suggests on
Internet search “the absence of evidence” which tries and discovers and uncovers more truth about the almighty spooky nature of such as may be virtual reality and existence.
amanfromMars [2111071505] ……. muses soulfully on
Wow ….. a Full Frontal Cossack Bonanza Blitzkrieg Assault on Western Markets and ITs Leading Players with Almighty IntelAIgent Drivers.
And just in time if the present current state of the West is anything to go by and be true to itself.
Can you imagine the Carnage which could be Attributed to a Sino-Soviet JOINT AIDVenture Experiencing/Exercising/Engaging and Employing and Enjoying the Profitable Unfolding Benefits Afforded, supplied and Delivered via Similar Means and Not Too Dissimilar Memes?