amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Nov 19:16 [2111041916] …… advising of developments on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/04/google_joint_warfighting_cloud_capability/

Registered Competition for Google to Mine and Mind/AIMentor and Monitor ……….. or Try to Avoid Upsetting or Engaging?

Crikey, …. there is a Veritable Embarrassment of Untold Novel Riches for Sharing in this following Virtual Confrontation/Surreal Entanglement.

amanfromMars [2111041549] …… asks for more raw intelligence information on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/feds-arrest-primary-steele-dossier-source-durham-investigation-heats

saying he had been tasked to gather “raw intelligence”

Please more fully explain the exact nature of such gatherings. Are they live observations or still virtual inventions born and borne personally and privately of malice or benefit/progress or stagnation and perverse corrupt petrification aiding and abetting the furthering and fathering of constant terrorisation‽ .

Such a clarification will be more than just universally helpful and most illuminating/almightily enlightening, for it is not possible to lead anywhere farther/deeper/higher without acknowledging and accepting the answers supplied, for of course there can be many, with some more or less priceless beyond common worth, such be the AWEsome Effect with Invaluable Offerings from Novel Free State Suppliers ……. Core Ore Source Providers ……. Supply Drivering Enriched MetaDataBase Product Mining and Refining for/with/to a Redefined Output/Outlet/Input Socket …….. COSMIC Store. 

To some tamed and proclaiming for many, is Nirvana there one of its Celestially Named Products.

I Kid U Not 🙂

You have to admit that does sort of have the JEDI Product somewhat overshadowed and worthy only of redundant activities safeguarding its superseded programs/raison d’être. 


amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Nov 19:41 [2111041941] ….. adding on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/04/google_joint_warfighting_cloud_capability/

Re: Registered Competition for Google to Mine and Mind/AIMentor and Monitor …..

And all of that is comparative and supportive of this mirror program/project too ……. https://www.rt.com/usa/539314-google-pentagon-contract-cloud/


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 05:21 [2111050521] …… boldly going on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/04/google_joint_warfighting_cloud_capability/

Re: It’s a $hame really…

…… but for Puny and Paltry Humans and Wannabe Caesars alike, all Part and Parcel of the Richest of Tapestries and Greatest of the Great Games with IT and AI and Mass Multi Media Moguls able and/or enabled to Lead Future Productive and Destructive Direction via the Scripted Presentation of Planned Former Events Employing and Engaging in Operational Missions with Information and Intelligence Gleaned/Scraped/Stolen from Compromised Sublime Internetional Network Communication Carriers and Suppliers ……. and Core Source Ore Miners …… and Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Proprietary Intellectual Property Providers.

Fortunately though does the $hame not Prevent nor Hinder and Disrupt nor Disturb Full Hard Cored to XSSXXXX Alien Interventions into such Matters of Universal Significance and Global Disinformation Interest.

And now y’all know what to fully expect. Capiche, Amigos/Amigas/Ladies and Gentlemen/Man and the Dog on the Street?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 12:00 [2111051200] ……. asks a few leading questions of forces and sources on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/04/google_joint_warfighting_cloud_capability/

Re: It could be worse!

That post headline should surely have been framed as a question, Pete 2, unless of course, you particularly wanted to imply Google values are more evil than those of the Pentagon and Departments of Defense, which are nearly always cloaked in the appearance of being offensive and invasive ….. and that renders the exclamatory statement still somewhat of a stretch too far for many to imagine it being worse rather than better.

Do you think Google [any effective objective browser and search engine manufacturer] realise they wield more pervasive and subversive powerful than the Pentagon?

Would they find that problematical or most encouraging and extremely rewarding and exciting ….. such Google Power and Energy?


amanfromMars [2111050731] ….. sharing greatly disturbing news on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2021-11-04/shocker-experts-were-wrong-again

Here is a SMARTR Bright Light for Illumination of Enlightenment at the deep and dark and dank ends of that tunnel, Simon …..

amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 05:21 [2111050521] …… boldly going on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/04/google_joint_warfighting_cloud_capability/

Re: It’s a $hame really…

…… but for Puny and Paltry Humans and Wannabe Caesars alike, all Part and Parcel of the Richest of Tapestries and Greatest of the Great Games with IT and AI and Mass Multi Media Moguls able and/or enabled to Lead Future Productive and Destructive Direction via the Scripted Presentation of Planned Former Events Employing and Engaging in Operational Missions with Information and Intelligence Gleaned/Scraped/Stolen from Compromised Sublime Internetional Network Communication Carriers and Suppliers ……. and Core Source Ore Miners …… and Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Proprietary Intellectual Property Providers.

Fortunately though does the $hame not Prevent nor Hinder and Disrupt nor Disturb Full Hard Cored to XSSXXXX Alien Interventions into such Matters of Universal Significance and Global Disinformation Interest.

And now y’all know what to fully expect. Capiche, Amigos/Amigas/Ladies and Gentlemen/Man and the Dog on the Street?

What would you like to do about any/all of that? Can anything stop its insinuation and progress towards takeovers with makeovers of corrupt and perverse and subversive systems?


amanfromMars [2111050743] ……. airing some breaking news wider afield on https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/shocker-the-experts-were-wrong-again/

The Much Bigger Picture Show …..

amanfromMars [2111050731] ….. sharing greatly disturbing news on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2021-11-04/shocker-experts-were-wrong-again

Here is a SMARTR Bright Light for Illumination of Enlightenment at the deep and dark and dank ends of that tunnel, Simon …..

amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 05:21 [2111050521] …… boldly going on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/04/google_joint_warfighting_cloud_capability/

Re: It’s a $hame really…

…… but for Puny and Paltry Humans and Wannabe Caesars alike, all Part and Parcel of the Richest of Tapestries and Greatest of the Great Games with IT and AI and Mass Multi Media Moguls able and/or enabled to Lead Future Productive and Destructive Direction via the Scripted Presentation of Planned Former Events Employing and Engaging in Operational Missions with Information and Intelligence Gleaned/Scraped/Stolen from Compromised Sublime Internetional Network Communication Carriers and Suppliers ……. and Core Source Ore Miners …… and Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Proprietary Intellectual Property Providers.

Fortunately though does the $hame not Prevent nor Hinder and Disrupt nor Disturb Full Hard Cored to XSSXXXX Alien Interventions into such Matters of Universal Significance and Global Disinformation Interest.

And now y’all know what to fully expect. Capiche, Amigos/Amigas/Ladies and Gentlemen/Man and the Dog on the Street?

What would you like to do about any/all of that? Can anything stop its insinuation and progress towards takeovers with makeovers of corrupt and perverse and subversive systems?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Nov 08:32 [2111050832] …… offers an answer on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/03/us_sanctions_spyware/

Re: Unknown capabilities

Some actors have unknown capabilities
How do you put sanctions on unknown capabilities? …. Clausewitz 4.0

I suppose in the same way that sanctions are put on unknown actors, Clausewitz 4.0.


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