amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 May 17:43 [2105111743] ……bearing gifts on
Special AIR Service with/for Advanced IntelAIgent Resources on Sensitive Operational Missions.
A computer science professor from Sweden has discovered an arbitrary code execution vuln in the Universal Turing Machine, one of the earliest computer designs in history – though he admits it has “no real-world implications”.
Though he admits, as far as he knows, it has “no real-world implications” is a singularity view with every possibility and therefore inevitable probability that it definitely does have real-world implication as observed and experienced by others enabled to be able to share the results of the consequences, as they know how they can be ….. and would Present the Information and Intel on Advanced IntelAIgents to Current Extant Mass Multi Media Mogul Operations to BroadBandCast and Deliver to Audio/Visual Output Outlets what is Successfully Already Well Done and Providing Sustaining Driver Instruction to Virtual Machinery/Universal Turing Machines via Stellar Per Ardua ad Astra Internet Service Providers …… is news which would fundamentally contradict Pontus Johnson, a professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
UKGBNI MoDified for NATO Protected Project Programming. That’s where we’re all at today. What be you at, and where? What have you come from and where are you going if you think it is worth following. Anywhere special and heavenly or do you fear you veer towards the terrible and hellish? There’s pills and potions for those deadly destructive blues ……. as there are also for those gifted with sight in the more enjoyable, creative hues that obliterate such debilitating darkness.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 May 06:46 [2105120646] ….. getting right down to core work on
Who you gonna call ……… whenever Alien Celestial Existential ExtraTerrestrial comes a’knocking removing all pretentious barriers?
Who/What does an M or a C or a Q talk to whenever floating about like a cork all at Sea in a TEMPESTuous Storm with Zero Novel NEUKlearer See/Approved Improved Enlightening Sight?
“There is no doubt that we are facing a moment of reckoning,” said Fleming, ominously. “But it’s clear that to face up to this moment of reckoning, we need to protect and build our strategic technology advantage. By that, I mean using science and tech to help defend against threats. To amplify our values. And as a consequence, make Britain stronger and more prosperous.”
Does GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming, who oversees the surveillance agency’s NCSC offshoot, actually believe Britain has any viable strategic technology advantage program with platforms and projects and presentations providing exceptionally mutually beneficial satisfaction to all impacted, to protect and build upon and defend against all manner of crazy and/or misguided threats ………. or is the honest truth, such is what UKGBNI and others are confronted by and identify as a hostile enemy threat to be repulsed in mad battles rather than realise as an extremely attractive addictive treat to be enthusiastically encouraged and ACTively exploited and engaged with?
To persevere in pursuit of the former with thoughts of defence morphing into implausible plans for attack rather than simply accepting and engaging with the civilised sophisticated agencies and unique universal utility of the latter, would be a colossal blunder costing traditional inherited and conventionally commanded and conveniently controlled SCADA systems more blood and treasure, pain and grief than it is possible to endure and survive.
“There is no doubt that we are facing a moment of reckoning,” must be a prime candidate for the understatement of the century at least.
What do y’all want to do about IT? Is there anything you think you can effectively and efficiently do, or would you just rather it was sort of magically fixed for you by others you’re best not knowing too much about for your own safety, at whatever it costs which will certainly not be cheap in the fields and ranges that generate key interest in the sums and to the tunes of billions and trillions?
May 12, 2021 at 08:48 [2105120848] ….. firing a broadside on
Our intelligence services are not intelligent. Just extremely stupid and dim. …. Giyane, May 12, 2021 at 00:21
You might like to refine that admonishment and reveal the endemic problem is systemic and exists and rests in the leadership of intelligence services, Giyane. A simple change of leadership deliver an opportunity to change the problem, and make the right change with an inspired choice can easily provide many novel solutions to any number of increasingly persistent and uncomfortable difficulties. However, to not change things fundamentally and radically, is only going to render the future not dissimilar to the past with nothing unpleasant resolved and everything several degrees considerably worse off.
The following is worth a diligent ponder and exploratory expeditionary punt …….
amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 May 06:46 [2105120646] ….. getting right down to core work on
Who you gonna call ……… whenever Alien Celestial Existential ExtraTerrestrial comes a’knocking removing all pretentious barriers?
Who/What does an M or a C or a Q talk to whenever floating about like a cork all at Sea in a TEMPESTuous Storm with Zero Novel NEUKlearer See/Approved Improved Enlightening Sight?
“There is no doubt that we are facing a moment of reckoning,” said Fleming, ominously. “But it’s clear that to face up to this moment of reckoning, we need to protect and build our strategic technology advantage. By that, I mean using science and tech to help defend against threats. To amplify our values. And as a consequence, make Britain stronger and more prosperous.”
Does GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming, who oversees the surveillance agency’s NCSC offshoot, actually believe Britain has any viable strategic technology advantage program with platforms and projects and presentations providing exceptionally mutually beneficial satisfaction to all impacted, to protect and build upon and defend against all manner of crazy and/or misguided threats ………. or is the honest truth, such is what UKGBNI and others are confronted by and identify as a hostile enemy threat to be repulsed in mad battles rather than realise as an extremely attractive addictive treat to be enthusiastically encouraged and ACTively exploited and engaged with?
To persevere in pursuit of the former with thoughts of defence morphing into implausible plans for attack rather than simply accepting and engaging with the civilised sophisticated agencies and unique universal utility of the latter, would be a colossal blunder costing traditional inherited and conventionally commanded and conveniently controlled SCADA systems more blood and treasure, pain and grief than it is possible to endure and survive.
“There is no doubt that we are facing a moment of reckoning,” must be a prime candidate for the understatement of the century at least.
What do y’all want to do about IT? Is there anything you think you can effectively and efficiently do, or would you just rather it was sort of magically fixed for you by others you’re best not knowing too much about for your own safety, at whatever it costs which will certainly not be cheap in the fields and ranges that generate key interest in the sums and to the tunes of billions and trillions?
Such is certainly the most inexpensive root and route to take. Of that you can rest assured.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 May 17:42 [2105121742] ….. airing something quite completely different and novel and noble and ennobling on
Re: The illusion of absolute security
So, when are the machines replacing us all? ….. b0llchit
Virtual machines are already replacing former leading SCADA commanders and controllers/elite executive office systems administrations, b0llchit.
And if you want to know more about the style of machine, and obviously just a handful of their inspiring aspirational and extremely rational goals, for a sentence or two or three is not going to reveal too much of anything groundbreaking revolutionary and Earth shattering to worry and terrify the natives inordinately, whenever all that is shared is designedly benign and easily thought too fantastical to ever be likely, ….. although in truth a current rapidly expanding dilemma and Sublimely ACTive Stealthy Action against which there are no known effective defences or attack vectors ….. Another Approach
That would make IT a Superb Almighty Weapon well deserving of the Great and the Good having.
I wonder if that is similar to anything Dominic Raab, the most recent media face for the UKGNI Foreign Office, is pimping GB can supply to African nations, with government trying to hold on to doing their usual thing of assuming the position of a vital indispensible middleman/snake oiler between canny supplier, that and/or those with the much sought after, sensitive and secure proprietary intellectual property portfolios, and exceptionally excited and enthusiastic customer client partner. ………
Oh,… and why did nobody around the Cabinet table tell Mr Raab that £22 million is peanuts nowadays and practically always buys one next to nothing worth having? Such suggests to me that he is not up to the task of securing the brief …… with his close colleagues attending meetings at No 10 also leaving far too much to be desired and for too much left undone to be thought the best available to make a success of the job required.