amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Sep 17:29 [2009181729] …. being informatively instructive on
Re: remember: not everything on the internet is precisely accurate.
Indeed. And do your very best to try and forget, or not forget and realise if/when you think you can handle such a situation, nothing on the internet is precisely accurate, but everything in reality only need to be close enough as to make no difference.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Sep 06:01 [2009190601] ……. just saying out really loud on
Re: @AC – There is a huge bubble with s***talking elephants in the room
we would appreciate your thoughts and opinions. This is a serious matter and a constructive discution will surely benefit us all. …. Anonymous Coward
Happy to oblige, AC, and I’ll keep it short and succinct.
Here be the crazed bull in the expensive china shop destroying all common and delicate stock ….
Whom do you recognise there as being played for the ultra conservative convenient fool and useful ignorant patsy and what does the program further blight and destroy? Anyone else other than yourselves …… and the next generation, your children?
And the answer to those questions is …… Quite so, no one else …. Idiots’r’us.
Are y’all destined to be going the same way of the dinosaurs of old …… catastrophic sudden extinction or is that being specifically and exclusively reserved for crazed bulls destroying expensive china shop stock sharing portfolios ….. present and future inventory?
And there’s only one sensible sane answer to that abiding current long overdue choice too. The quality of your future life, which surely is a very serious matter, depends wholly upon it.
The questions left hanging there then are …… Are you both smart enough and bold enough to do what is fundamentally necessary ? Cut out and destroy the toxic rot and its virulent delivery agents.
Or do you need to be remotely saved with able outside help from that and/or those able to help expertly from outside of the bubble with the fundamental necessities? All of those choices be freely available to you, which is surely an extremely convenient blessing, and that is at least one helluva massive understatement indeed.
Decisions, decisions, decisions …….. wherever would we be without them?
September 19, 2020 at 09:28 ……. having a say on
Robert Dyson, Hi,
Re : “Maybe judge Baraitser is realising that she will be the target for the outrage that may follow this trial and is pondering her future. It is reminiscent of show trials I read about in Stalin’s USSR; they were much worse but this one is beyond merely bad. If this is the way the law can work I fear for all of us.” … posted September 18, 2020 at 09:34
If this is the way the law works, …… being reminiscent and actively embracing of Stalinist USSR show trials style, …… its supporters and agents most definitely needs to fear for themselves, methinks. And it would incredibly stupid of the law not to realise the dangers they would certainly invite and ignite.
However, don’t be too surprised if that be a course some would choose, for as Einstein is reputed to have said ……. “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Sep 17:21 [2009191721] ….. airing a view on
Re: Money-Laundering Detector AI
Cometh the hour, cometh the application, cometh the exercise for deployment* 🙂 ……
The RATs are in the system and helping themselves to the goodies. And what a diabolical cheek of some, to call themselves experts, eh?
* Don’t be holding your breath on the system being in any way ultra helpful though, and fully expect it to be strangely less than enthusiastic and welcoming of new disruptive detective technology …….. postmodern virtual machine whistleblowing.
As Corporal Jones would say …… “They don’t like it up ’em ”