amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Mar 17:55 [1903211755] ….. being decisive and/or divisive on
The Epic Enigmatic Apple Conundrum. Which Paths to Pioneer and Forge/Source and Supply? …… New Blue Bloods Needed
amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Mar 10:50 [1903221050] …. being disagreeable on
Re: Populism …. an Initiative requiring Integrity
The UK parliamentary system is “representative democracy”. An MP is not a delegate who must vote with the majority opinion of their constituents. Instead they are supposed to use reasoned judgement of the facts of the issue to arrive at a sensible solution. …. AC
Crikey, AC, there are so many things wrong and conflicting in those three sentences. And they certainly don’t agree with what an MP seeking election would be pimping and pontificating/pumping and dumping on the electorate with the toxic complicity of idiotic media machinery/propaganda mechanics.
And absent true facts, they are just as convenient impotent puppets to the holders of secrets.