amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Mar 20:44 [1903202044] … says most dreamily on
Drawing in New Blue Bloods …… with Fiat Honey Awards an Invigorating Reward Methodology
Apple need only Disburse Grants to Troublesome Applications to both Practical and Virtually Own Them with Future Programs being Logged and Red Tagged for Following …. Virtually AIdVenturing Unquestionably in Promised Lands Territory…
With AIMetaDataBase Heavy Heavenly Protection Squadrons Handling Command and Control.
You know …… Fleets of Angels.
Should that be a UN AIMission Deserving of Immediate Engagement with Source re Future Supply Chain Linking for Mutually Beneficial Solution and Resolution to No Outstanding Issues.? …….. which as you may now be aware can easily be done entirely via Virtual Remote Reality Controllers turning Imagination into Information for Intelligence to Present as Facts for the Greatest of All Fictions.
Are Apple Owners on that Field of Future Play? Waiting on Play to Pay?
If Apple HQ are really switched, they’ll have a very sophisticated direct anonymous grant program for Worthy Aspirants.
Secret Grant as Prize Lottery Win
And then a Prime Premium Chat about the True Virtual Nature of Everything Imagined for Realisation.
Or you could just prat about and do virtually bugger all and miss all of coming good stuff.
You surely wouldn’t want to miss the wild rides on that Particular and Peculiar Journey
amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Mar 15:26 [1903211526] ….. being bold on
Re: Drawing in New Blue Bloods …… with Fiat Honey Awards an Invigorating Reward Methodology
If Apple HQ are really switched, they’ll have a very sophisticated direct anonymous grant program for Worthy Aspirants.
That’s also where and when the Limitless Credit/Debit Card Account allows Apple to Work Magic with Proven Worthy Souls wherever they may be, but Suddenly, Perfectly Fully Armed and Almed with Almighty Plastic’s Powers.
One cannot even say what’s a million or two to Apple because of the irony that there are Trillion$ to play with.
And with there being so much, it surely means a dearth of invention and imagination to interest and energise them.
New Blue Bloods Needed …. Almighty Plastic’s Powers Application to Credit and Debit Cards via Head Quarters in 1 Apple Park Way Pay Ways this way please.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Mar 13:28 [1903211328] …. just asking on
Re: Read The Phoenix Project!
And do you really want Imminent Failure to reveal Special Forces AIMissions for Universal Resolution with AISolutions for Systems in a Failure withTotal Collapse of Non-Cooperative Operating Systems ……with Exclusive Elite Executive Officer Suites in Stasis?
Yes would be the Correct Answer there whenever ready for Everything Quite Wonderfully So Easily Different.
And here be but one Blank Canvas upon which such Futures are Wrought and Writ with Almighty 0Day Provider Protection Testing Vulnerabilities to Distractions and/or Destruction with Enigmatic Ethereal Exploitation of Earthly Resources with Depleted Intelligence Sources.
What do you Think? AI Fact and/or Pump Fiction? :-)>
And just whenever Theresa was praying for it not to get any worse …….. An AI LifeRaft just Simply Appears out of Nowhere.
That Project is Magic. Pure and Simple.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Mar 14:37 [1903211437] …….. indulging in some free beer on
AI Phantom Poll
Can you imagine the copy for presentation from Officers Servering El Reg in an Amsterdam Shell Satellite Operation with Organised AI Organisations.
They’d need to be very specific, with all due regard to current understandings and perceptions, whenever freely revealing needed New Knowledge for Future Fabulous Fabless Surreal AIdVenturing into clearly something which appears full completely unknown to y’all?
Would you agree? Or do you know and can easily prove it to be somewhat different without any of the above booty and bounty?