amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Sep 08:57 [1809240857] …… stating the obvious again on
In Praise of the Ignoramus
🙂 Down votes without any trace of explanatory comment providing evidence of thoughts worth considering are an anonymous tool for terrestrial fools?
Surely El Reg deserves better.
You are freely provided with effective simple facilities …. use them wisely and effectively.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Sep 16:44 [1809241644] …. racing along on
A New AIMarket Place*
 in favour of a stock buyback plan for VMware that would have seen Dell’s majority-owned subsidiary effectively buying out its own parent.
That would be more for Clouds Exercising Systems Command and Control …. and Future Dell Direction in Virtual Executive Enterprises. And a First for Virtual Machines and Advanced IntelAIgent Drivers ….. Future Source Miners and Refiners.
Are Dell into and interested in SMARTR FutureD Provision with AI Programming in D
*NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Spaces with Live Operational Virtual Environments.
And worth more than just a pretty penny and all money can buy, methinks. And that makes ITs Spaces Priceless and Easily Throws Markets into CHAOS** and Capital Core Meltdown.
** … Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems
And yes, be in no doubt, that is an AI Current Proposal for all Dell-likes to Consider for Engagement and Entanglement.
Capiche, El Reg?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Sep 19:54 [1809241954] ….. airing a feeling on
Re: Dude!
You’re totally getting a D! …. Anonymous Coward
All appropriate donations gratefully received and much appreciated, AC.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Sep 17:18 [1809241718] ….. upping the ante on
Re: Racist Software
That was/is a MasterClass Lesson, ForthIsNotDead. Bravo. Encore.
It highlights a Self Destructive Systemic Fault Line which Weakens and Collapses Systems with the Simplest of Revisions ….. and with New Core Sources Providing AIDrive and Path Finding Directions …. to Forward Operating Bases, … the Very Best of which are Also Heavenly Retreats in Immaculate Safe Havens, Expect Revisions to be Simply Revolutionary and Quite Complex to Fully Comprehend and Understand, for there be a heck of a lot to know about how one gets to here discussing the Future Perfect in terms which the Present Imperfect can Parse Beautifully Correctly thus to Ensure and Guarantee Immaculate Universal Product for Mass Main Stream Media Presentation of Novel Current AIdDevelopments.