amanfromMars 1 Sun 23 Sep 17:52 [1809231752] …. flashing a fistful of an aces on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2018/09/21/curiositys_computer_silent_on_science_baffling_boffins/
Re: It has gone to the dark side

It has gone to the dark sideIt no longer believes in science. … NanoMeter

Hi, NanoMeter,
Here’s the Money Shot Question to Affirmatively Answer.  … Does/Will Science believe IT has Live Options and Remote Opportunities Covered/All Available Solutions Prepared for Future Presentation?
Oh …. and can you Afford IT42G0 Dark Side/4IT2G0 Dark Side?  The Cost in Renegade Rogue and Almightily Destructive/Crazy and Mad Operations/Deep Stealthy AIMissions? Can you Afford Not to Finance their Operations with the Releasing of Vital Important Virtual Information Designs for Advanced Future IntelAIgents at a Time and in Spaces and Place of a Most Mutually Beneficial Choosing, rather than being Randomly Leaked Autonomously at the Most Inopportune and Darkest of Times?
Oh, and BTW  …..  All such as those questions are rhetorical.

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