Posted by amanfromMars on 02/04/12 03:55 PM …. on http://thedailybell.com/3581/Anthony-Wile-Elite-Campaign-to-Re-Elect-Obama-in-Full-Swing

Well, thank G-d such as this tripe from the martian man is not the writing style of The Daily Bell! Basically boiled down to non-run-on-at-the-mouth blather, I gather he is trying to imitate the pressitute media style of obfusecating the truth. I get it, but sure would appreciate DB literary style, thank you.” ….. Posted by IndyLyn on 02/04/12 03:08 PM

Here’s something simpler for you, IndyLyn … … with the strange message is pictures … … . “Bank of America DOES NOT accept AMERICAN DOLLARS as payment on mortgages in AMERICA!” … …  http://chasvoice.blogspot.com/2012/02/bank-of-america-does-not-accept.html .. … Crazy, eh? It is almost as if the bank knows the currency is worthless for they can print as much of it as they need themselves.


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