amanfromMars [1508191714] ….. sharing here and on http://thedailybell.com/news-analysis/36484/Trump-Proves-Money-Matters/, the reality that systems are unable to avoid and prevent expanding and exploiting inherent vulnerabilities based on the presumed power of money in all of its guises

The bigger danger for both parties is that Trump reminds people how little their votes really mean. This can only add to the widespread frustration that is beginning to boil over. Trump is accelerating a process that was already underway. We may not like the consequences. ….. Philippe Gastonne

Surely the much bigger worry and unfolding opportunity, Philippe, is that they, rather than we, will not like the consequences and thus they think to terrorise with media and with all sorts of news which seeks to show chaos everywhere else but in their neck of the woods. It isn’t working though any more, and now they are desperately seeking safe harbour in a world with worlds which present nowhere to hide and no immunity and protection from increasingly better informed and super active mobs/bots/clones/drones, both real and virtualised.

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