Posted Monday 27th January 2014 06:14 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2014/01/22/reading_this_headline_you_and_947m_million_others/
Well Done, El Reg .. and all is bound to get better as intelligence visits and has a vested interest

 So what if the mainstream ignores us. Makes El Reg a very well read underground pub. Congrats and pint to the staff and readership. For the mainstream media… they get squat. …. Mark 85 Posted Wednesday 22nd January 2014 18:52 GMT

Please be assured and/or terrified to know, Mark 85, that the mainstream in stealthy intelligence servering fields are not ignoring El Reg.
And the evidence be the quiet visits of a certain type of concerned and discombobulated agency to systems admins sharing wares and beta testing programs and protocols suspected of really revolutionary capacity and facility with the global IT diaspora choosing to wander around and wonder at the news and views on El Reg displays.
And one does get a better class of mole/troll/commentard on El Reg by virtue of all of that.
Nothing is ever as it seems whenever reality is easily virtualised and extraordinarily rendered in MkUltraHiDefinition to that and/or those with a ….. well, Real Need to Virtually Know is all that one probably needs to know. And in IT worlds is that the default case always even more so.

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