Graham C 07.11.2013 07:03 …. pondering a muse on and asking a valid question of Mother Russia
The very fact that the chiefs [altho’ they may be just convenient stand-ins for others who be pulling their strings] agree to appear in the media show, is surely a clear indication of their lack of intelligence and the lack of intelligence in UK security services.
Although that is hardly anything really intelligent security services in the East have not already realised, and that probably some considerable time ago.
The question then to ask is …… Why are they not taking/making full advantage of their advantage and not collapsing what would be corrupt ponzi systems of administration?
Posted Thursday 7th November 2013 10:35 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. having a punt on
Re: Gartner? Really?
Reality isn’t about proofed credibility for established honesties, it is has morphed and been somewhat converted and perverted in the process with the undoubted help of IT and Media and ignorant unquestioning human acceptance, into …. well, sponsored incredulities.
But with secretive and ancient wisdom and greater shared knowledge exposure, do those tainted realities fade and disappear in order that other orders with other beta sponsored incredulities take their place, in what is in essence and actuality, intelligent virtual space.
Eventually and inevitably though will IT be cracked and hacked by those leading the race in such space places, and the two separate and disparate fields will find themselves to be at one and of one great and good mind to be mined.
Posted Thursday 7th November 2013 11:21 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
To keep the markets alive, one needs fantasy and mugs and black swan* songs/crazy tweets:-)
And what is Twitter going to selling that is attractive enough to make a profit …… which is money for nothing, isn’t it? Or is just selling itself to phantom markets just all that fiat capitalism and ponzi mercantilism needs not to have to deal with current marching anarchy and presently building mayhem, markets panic and systems collapse?
And remember to never forget that to try and hide and deny the truth, makes one a universal pariah and prime enemy target of every state ….. which be a really stupid move to make or to have earlier made.
* ….. The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. ….. Taleb mathematically defines the black swan problem as “stemming from the use of degenerate metaprobability”🙂
Degenerate metaprobability ….. nice one, Taleb 🙂
Is Twitter stock market listing a Novel Application in Vapourware Management for Futures Quant Programming and Mass Investor Manipulation/Flash Crash Fleecing?